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Whats up with all the shootings


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First was the college, then it was the two officers and now another high school? Guezz, so much for not demonizing firearms owners. But the bigger question is this:


Why is this trend not declining and in fact getting far and far worse? Pretty soon, everyone will be demonized for even looking at each other at the rate we are going.


Im just trying to get some insight to this, since to me, it makes no sence at all.

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More people = more crazies = more shootings.


The simple fact is this nation is raising a generation of  dangerously demented individuals who feel no sense of responsibility, remorse or concern for others.

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Scary and sad. I'm looking into bulletproof backpacks for the kids. Sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee

Its a shame that you have to do that. No one should have to buy those for their kids.

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There are finally too damn many of us and we're all either crazy or so heavily invested in social media that we are one insult away from a seriously dangerous melt down.

Sorry I'm feeling very Malthusian this evening.

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Data shows that though they rose from the 60's, mass shootings are indeed significantly less common currently than in 80s or 90s.


What has changed is the extent of instant universal news coverage, and of course that powerhouse news organizations have gone far beyond reporting to political activism.


But seems little doubt that as Garufa opines, the society has been conducive to spawning more individual crazies ... read Desmond Morris' The Human Zoo (sequel to The Naked Ape), wherein he equates modern society with a zoo, and consequently the neurotic/psychotic behaviors of both animals and humans living in completely unnatural circumstances. And he saw that back in 1969, and we've come "far" since then.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out at least some of these have been government sponsored in one form or another. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but in the last few years, I've seen a lot of things I wouldn't have previously believed. I put nothing past politicians trying frantically to advance an agenda, and to also get themselves out of the temporary news cycle.

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I think a lot of it is because the news medias almost makes shooter/Shooters celebrities by the way they sensationalize them regardless of whether it is a major event or a random shooting or a drive by where someone is killed it is not just local news any more. They all seem to make a national broadcast. If the news medias would begin down playing them a little and not making celebrities out of them it might have a slowing effect. They are almost to blame because they cannot wait for the next one to happen so they can see who can cover it the quickest and get the story out first and they have in many instances not had all the correct news so they make it up as they go and recant it later as a mistake.........................jmho   As far as The President and new gun laws and gun registrations. What about the over 800,000 to 1 million guns already out there? Many of them in the hands of felons or gang members already. Are the felons and gang members going to just walk in and voluntarily register their firearms? You bet they are not, but yet that is what he expects all of the law biding citizens to do. The man is living in a Fantasy World. He must think Washington DC is Disney World. Now I guess he knows why a man can get elected to the Office of the President looking young and ready but comes out looking old gray haired and worn out. I would not take that job if they gave it to me at age 25 and paid me 5 times what they are paying right now.........................jmho 

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I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out at least some of these have been government sponsored in one form or another. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but in the last few years, I've seen a lot of things I wouldn't have previously believed. I put nothing past politicians trying frantically to advance an agenda, and to also get themselves out of the temporary news cycle.

I would like this 10 times if it would let me................. :up: :up: :up: :up:

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Ignorant Media Machine... They give instant infamy and in the way they treat the image of the criminals, they create a twisted "comradery" between the ones past, the ones present, and the ones future -- the lonely, isolated, disturbed find someone to whom they can relate... and emulate, and compete against.


Until National media start voluntarily burying the identities of these ill/crazy/demented humans, then it will continue just like this... maybe even more.


There is some hope:


Edited by Peace
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