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Sumner County Tessessee?????


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Did anyone else hear on the radio this morning that a bunch of folks representing Sumner approved a Property Tax increase of 23% for 2015. My son-in-law called and woke me up this morning to tell me he just heard it on the radio because I live in Sumner County. He said it was some kind of closed back door deal and no one in the county knew anything about it. Just wondering if anyone else heard it?

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Did anyone else hear on the radio this morning that a bunch of folks representing Sumner approved a Property Tax increase of 23% for 2015. My son-in-law called and woke me up this morning to tell me he just heard it on the radio because I live in Sumner County. He said it was some kind of closed back door deal and no one in the county knew anything about it. Just wondering if anyone else heard it?


Happened early last month. 



People love to rail against the federal government, but local government still has the ability to make changes that can be felt just as deeply.  I'd bet those will be the most pissed can't name the county executive or their district commissioner off the top of their head.

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There's nothing a politician, even a low-rung one at the local level, hates worse than being bound by purse strings. If it's any consolation to anyone in Sumner County, I'm sure the money will stay local, like some commissioner's brother-in-law's construction company or the like. Yet there's still a silver lining: Sumner county is still among the lowest property tax rates in middle TN.
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The money went up to pay for the hank Thompson archive bldng most likely.never thought I would see a county commissioner push to approve construction of a building named after himself at a cost of almost 10 times what anybody else would pay to have the same building constructed it makes me want to throw up.One would figure after the FBI arrested vandercook, the elected douchebags would straighten up. No such luck. The whole county commission is lame or tainted w the exception of 1 maybe 2 commissioners. Totally disgusting. For those who have to endure their bs,I'll keep u in my prayers cause nothing else works except for handcuffs on those pieces of excrement. Edited by Dustbuster
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Actually any tax that you have to pay on something you already own is theft. But in the government's eyes, they view it as a necessary step to promote the future of the county/city etc...


If you refuse to pay, then the Gov't can take your house/property and sell it. That my friends is theft in itself. I think them voting behind closed doors on this matter is wrong.


Maybe once the next election rolls around that proponent of tax increases will be voted out, but i doubt it. Most people won't remember what he did.

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A friend of mine and I were talking one day and the topic came up about his home and his mortgage. He made the comment that he finally paid it off and the house was his debt free. I said to him no it's yours and the county tax commission's. he said NO!!! it's mine. I told him if he failed to pay his taxes for about three years it will become property of the county and state and if he didn't believe me just don't pay your taxes and you will find out. He went home and got on his computer and read it for himself. Next time I saw him he was pissed because he said I was right. He was not mad at me but mad at the systems of Government. I use to own a home. In fact I had purchased a couple new homes over the years. I then enlightened him on the fact that as his home went up in value, if he sold the house the profits he made above the sale price of the house would also be taxed. He said that he wished he had never bought a house now but continued to rent. I told him not to feel bad about owning his home. It is was always has been the American Dream to own your own little house with a white picket fence, a dog and 1or two children. He has got that dream so just be happy, pay your taxes and enjoy life as life is to short to worry about petty things..................jmho

Edited by bersaguy
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All true - still -
Owning beats renting in most cases since you get to write off the interest and property taxes, thus lowering your effective cost. And most importantly, you use leverage to buy the home, which, even if the home does not appreciate one dollar still results in your mortgage being your "rent" less the discounts i just mentioned.

So you are able to "lock in" your rent at a fixed price which never will increase (assuming fixed rate loan). Given inflation and a moderate increase in housing valuation, odds are you get to live in your home for the "cost" of your interest and property taxes plus improvements/repairs.

And if you rent you pay all those things plus the amortized value of the asset plus profit to the landlord, and your rent ia generally only locked in for a year at a time.
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All true - still -
Owning beats renting in most cases since you get to write off the interest and property taxes, thus lowering your effective cost. And most importantly, you use leverage to buy the home, which, even if the home does not appreciate one dollar still results in your mortgage being your "rent" less the discounts i just mentioned.

So you are able to "lock in" your rent at a fixed price which never will increase (assuming fixed rate loan). Given inflation and a moderate increase in housing valuation, odds are you get to live in your home for the "cost" of your interest and property taxes plus improvements/repairs.

And if you rent you pay all those things plus the amortized value of the asset plus profit to the landlord, and your rent ia generally only locked in for a year at a time.

I don't earn enough interest to write anything off.
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