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Crown Vic gang

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 What about a hybrid car group? Get them a clubhouse out in east nasty have them all lined out front like motorcycles. That would be hilarious. I could care less what vehicle anybody drives if it works for them great but I don't understand is buying these used ragged police cars putting wheels worth more than the car on them. Then there are the groups of crown vics and impalas that get them covered in logos. They are spending big bucks on all sorts of crap in them. One guy had like a 40" flatscreen installed in his trunk lid so he could open it and watch movies if he was parked.

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My first car was a 93 Marquis. But aside from the "gangs" have you guys seen the donks?  Everything from sponge bob to sesame street.  I want to die of laughter every time I see one. And then I get depressed when I run the numbers in my head of how much all that shit cost.  And watching one of them keep on driving with a flat tire, its just icing on the cake.

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Oh come on, you've obviously never experienced the greatness that is the 300 SRT. Now that is a car worth owning. lol

no thank you, I have seen people try to make their 300 look as nice and fancy as a Bentley and it's sad

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no thank you, I have seen people try to make their 300 look as nice and fancy as a Bentley and it's sad

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Ok...likes aside. speaking of the stock 300; I do find the SRT 300 to have a certain appeal to it. Nice lines, moderately comfortably and functional interior, with kick-ass performance; which is what really appeals to me.


Plus it is a really great sleeper car, very little in the way of exterior badging or trim to make it readily discernable from the standard 300.

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