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Everything posted by DJTC45

  1. My two out of the "box" Wilson CQBE's have never taken a dump. I've got 18,000 rnds. down one and have only had to replace the springs, the second has 12,000 rnds through it and both have ran flawlessly since I had them ordered and built(not out of the box) I've had two ED BROWNS both of those ran without a problem, also had a NightHawk GRP that once it hit 15,000rnds the ejector tip broke off but it kept running, several LES BAERS now they all had some little problems but mainly they were Magazine related. I carry both Wilson's. I've had $3000+ guns and $300 dollar 1911's all of them have functioned except for one and that one was a Kimber I couldn't get that thing to run at all so I sold that one, but I have owned two more Kimbers that ran fine. It doesn't matter what brand or how much you spend you just have to make sure they run.
  2. DJTC45

    S&W M&P

    Your welcome enjoy it, let me know how you like it. The offer still stands when ever you want to try out some of my 1911's when I get back home from work.
  3. Not really worried about it. Explain to me how gifting or giving a firearm to someone, is any different from me going to a gun show and buying one from and individual who I don't know if they traveled from out of state, the only time that I've been asked or I ask for ID, is if I sell or buy here on TGO. So I guess all the guns I inherited when my father passed away, and he was a resident of PA and I moved here to TN. and established this state as my residence that I violated the law? I'm not saying what took place with the OP who started this thread was right or wrong, I just have a hard time believing that what I done was technically illegal, but that's just me.
  4. I guess I've broken the law a few times, I've bought some guns in the past and gave a couple of them to my brother-in-law who lives in PA. I really never thought about having him take them to his FFL, oh well I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
  5. Kydex is faster to draw from for me than leather, I guess like all leather it needs to be broken in but still retain the gun, were Kydex is usually pre molded to already fit, but also remember don't be a cheapskate when buying either make sure they are of good quality. I've got a J&M Kydex Holster think it ran $60 and I also have a Raven OWB that was $70, both hold the guns nice and tight but are easy to draw from, now my leather ones cost me a lot more, I have and Andrews HY-Bird that is full Shark Hide OWB, Milt Sparks 55bn OWB, and a couple of others. A good Gun Belt is also needed and make sure it fits the loops snugly I prefer a 1.5" width belt when carrying either IWB(inside the waistband) or OWB. I tend to stay away from Paddle Holsters unless they have a good retention to stay put when drawing your gun( it's funny but I've seen and had it happen to me when practicing with a cheap one the whole thing comes out) do some searches and find out what works best for you.
  6. I suppose so but that's the only type of handgun that I do and will carry. I do enjoy shooting them but I bought them for me to carry and use as a defensive tool.
  7. I've got 5 1911's, two Wilson Combat CQBE's .45cal, Les Baer TRS .45cal, Springfield GI .45cal. and a new Colt in .38 super. I carry both of the Wilsons all the time I just rotate them out, One has 15,000-18,000rnds. ran through it, the other around 10,000, as far as wear goes I could care less you can always have them refinished if you want and I replace the parts that show wear but so far I've only changed out the recoil springs and main springs in them when needed or recommended . I switch off form Kydex Holsters, to Leather Holsters, the Kydex will cause more "wear" on the finish. Both of those guns cost me $3200 to have them built. The Les Baer I have only two mags shot through it since I bought it just to check for function. The SA, and Colt I just recently bought and have yet to shoot them. So I guess to answer your question yeah I'm fine carrying them and I'm not really worried about wear, remember they can all be refinished. Hope this answers your question, enjoy your 1911 and carry it they look better with a little wear marks on them anyway.
  8. I learned the hard way a few years back right after sandyhook. I couldn't find anything in stock anywhere. I now have 48lb of powder and 110,000 primers and well over 100,000 pieces of brass all for my .45acp I won't get caught off guard again. I usually wait till I have enough saved up before I place an order just so I can save on the hazmat fee.
  9. This is what is on my MCX 300blk. I believe they use the SBS Braces, not sure if this is what your looking for but it's close.
  10. Received the knife today, and I have to say you and 1911alltheway out did yourselves on this one, It's ten times better looking than the pictures could show, the stag handle is amazing and feels great in the hand, the sheath is just unbelievable the camin alligator skin accents just set off the sheath. Thanks' again guys. I'll post some pics of all the blades you made me this weekend.
  11. I would like to know what or how they determine short barreled rifle ammo, and some handgun ammo is used in rifle's. I'm glad I reload, I've never bought ammo from them but it's sad day's ahead.
  12. Grand Torino thanks again, I'm gonna have to get a display stand for this one. You and 1911alltheway really did a great job on this project, I'm sure glad you decided to make this one.
  13. I can't wait to get my hands on this one thank's for doing this build for me Grand Torino.
  14. Andrews Leather is tops, I have a full Shark Hide Hybrid style for a full size 1911. That's a good looking rig you have, should last a lifetime or two.
  15. He is a very good knife maker, I only have three, two of them I had him build for me the other I go out of the classifieds. I need another Bowie Style Knife, I still would like him to consider making me that ( "SASQUATCH" ) style but we'll have to see. Here are the two I had him build for me.
  16. Well I guess I won't go through the hassle to get one now, I'll just wait and see what happens next.
  17. Man you really have a rare one there, only a few 100 were ever made with a 10"Bbl. You need to put that one in the safe. From your pictures it looks to be in really good condition, the cylinder only has faint turn lines on it, is that the original box you have?
  18. My correction, I just seen were your Ruger was made in 1960. The 357 Maximum was developed by Remington and Strum&Ruger in 1982 according to a book I have.
  19. This is chambered in the 357 Maximum correct not 357 Magnum.
  20. That's a great find right there, I've only seen a few of those and they weren't for sale. I'm still looking for a 10"Bbl. 44 to replace one I had from awhile back. Enjoy your Ruger and welcome to TN.


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