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Everything posted by btq96r

  1. I learned how to use a sling for stability at some point in the Army (I can't remember if I managed to pick up the lesson in basic), but it was never stressed as any kind of fundamental like keeping my elbows on the ground while shooting prone or how to keep a sight picture the same every time like touching the tip of my nose to the charging handle.   Slings becoming a "cool guy" factor entered into things before long.  I was guilty of it myself, scumming to the three-point tacti-cool and putting it on my M4 during my 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 Iraq deployments.  They looked high-speed while snagging on my mag pouches, but I never felt like I could use it for stability.  On my last deployment in 2007-2008 and now on my personal AR, I only attach a two point from the buttstock to a mounted sling adapter on the side of a rail or the underside attachment point with some 550 cord to offset it to the side.  Sometimes it's quick adjust length, sometimes not, but it's really all you need.   They also issues those Grip Pod's Army-wide now (not sure about the Marine Corps, but I'd wager they use them as well).  Before I got out, there were only a handful in rotation, and of course, the supply folks managed to get some so they could put their M4's on a bipod in the chow hall.  But now, every troop in pretty much every combat brigade I worked with as a contractor in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan had one on the bottom rail of their M4's and some M249's.  Using a sling for stability isn't much of a concern when you can press a button and have a good enough bipod pop out for use.
  2. I posted this on another forum...it applies to this discussion so I'll just pop it here as well.       Also, as bad as ISIS/ISIL is, I'm not opposed to having them around to keep Iran occupied.  The biggest strategic effect of us invading and overthrowing Saddam in '03 was that Iran no longer had a major nation on their border they had to account for in decisions.  Israel is too far away and only effective in their own backyard to be any legit counterbalance to Iran and the other Arab states don't practice any type of direct confrontation -a side effect of us doing the heavy lifting on their behalf for too long.  It's time we let them have a problem to deal with again.   I remember hearing about the Yezidi on top of Sinjar mountain from a friend who interacted with them in '03 on missions.  He likened them to the Amish, just wanting to be left alone to run their own lives and not bother anybody else.  What they have and will go through sucks, but life is often cruel in that part of the world. I would support most humanitarian efforts, but would need to look at the whole picture to see what we could or should do for them militarily.  Their location in Iraq leaves them at the mercy of whoever is in control of it since they don't have anywhere near the numbers or resources to defend any territory like the Kurds do.
  3. I'm just starting to learn the basics of Android OS security after having a Nexus 7 for a year, but I'm slowly getting spun-up on it since I will have to ditch my current BlackBerry for an Android mobile phone at some point.  This is the kind of article people should read if they are worried about apps and the permissions they need. http://www.julianevansblog.com/2014/06/how-to-use-android-privacy-guard-on-cyanogenmod-11.html   iOS users are probably out of luck.  I don't own or use iAnythingâ„¢.
  4. Only hit the upper thigh...I didn't know Darwin gave warning shots.
  5.   That's the biggest threat to Bitcoin, IMO.  If/when they decide to clamp down on Bitcoin, they will say it's due to terrorists using them or something, but really, it will be because no central bank has control over Bitcoin as a regulating authority. 
  6. Call me a doubter, but I have trouble believing the story went down exactly as described, if at all. 
  7. It's Facebook's business to know your business.  How do you think they can keep a site that big running for free?  They sell information taken from users for advertising purposes.  Do some searching and see just how in depth Facebook goes at storing and analyzing information, it's amazing.  Ditto for Google.
  8. Bill Maher made fun of it in his "New Rules" segment on Friday.  Ironically, that's helped sales.   New Rule:  The illustrator of this children's book, My Parents Open Carry - has to tell me what the dad in this picture - Freddie Mercury, apparently -is doing with his hand. Also, if mom and dad are both safe because they're packing, why are they using their daughter as a human shield?
  9.   I've rented all my life.  I've never been anywhere in the U.S. for longer than a year and a half my adult life.  I was coming and going a lot on deployments, then doing contract work overseas, now I'm a college student and who knows where I'll be after I finish.  I never had a good situation to buy a house, so renting works for me perfectly.   It's also refreshing to not be tied to a property financially.  I had the option to rent a place, or just buy a small apartment/townhouse outright when I moved here.  I chose to rent, so I can not be locked into an area and also to have that money on hand for if/when there is an emergency or it's time to go.  I wouldn't have that flexibility with a mortgage or having paid cash for a place and decimated my savings.     When I have some certainty I'll be in an area for a good bit, I'll buy.  But until then, renting is the way to go for flexibility.         For small stuff like the leaky faucet, I'll handle it.  But big items that have a hefty price tag or are in areas I'm not damn sure I can handle, like a water heater or any electrical work, I make the landlord take care of it.  I don't want to be liable for anything and I know enough to know what I don't know about home repair and upkeep.  If they take care of it and screw up, I won't get a bill, but if I try it and screw up, that's coming out of my pocket.   There is also the principle about them earn the overhead costs they build into my rent.  If I'm paying for the on-call services of the landlord's repairman, I'm going to use him when needs arise.
  10. Growing up, I wasn't exactly the best behaved young lad.  I'm living proof that kids do stupid things.   During the summer, when people would drive with the window down, I would hide behind a mailbox at the end of our street ready to ambush people with a super-soaker as they hit the stop sign.  One person, got pissed off enough at me to put his car in park at the stop sign, and get out.  I ran and he give chase.  I cut through peoples backyards and up the small hill in the middle of our block to hide in the wood line, climbing fences as fast as only a preteen can to get away.  I was done with my super-soaker ambushes after that.       In what world would that be a proportionate response?  I can't think of a more useful event for anti-gun types to propagandize than what you lay out above.  We just got vehicle carry approved without a permit, let's not cock it up the first year in.   This would be the headline if that happened; Gun-Owner Shoots Kids In Response to a Prank   No good would come from it.
  11.   It could have been real.  Most of my direct mailings from the 2nd Amendment Foundation come with some stupid "ballot" asking if I support their actions in court to protect 2nd Amendment freedoms.  I would have thought my lifetime membership would answer that, but I guess not.   Two bucks says you hadn't flustered her scripted lines, there would have been a hard ask to pitch in some money.
  12. You should also need the trust certification documents that certify your trust IAW state law.  It looks like an extra notarized section separate from your actual trust.  Not sure if you included them when you said you submitted your trust.   I submitted on 10 July, and I'll post a rundown of how my process went as well as soon as I get the stamp.
  13.   Two of these should do you then; http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=CP3SvMrL-r8CFSMV7AodbBUA6A&Item=N82E16820159020&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Desktop+Memory-_-N82E16820159020&ef_id=U@AAFgAAAdyh3RQl:20140804215014:s   Your upgrade cannot come fast enough.
  14.   ECC/non-ECC isn't a big deal for home use.   Are you sure you don't have DDR2 chips in there now?  That's what the specs from HP are saying.   You should have two more slots for RAM to go in, I'd recommend buying and popping in two more of these if you do indeed have DDR2- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=Cj0KEQjw3vyeBRDt673h5ZTYrdQBEiQAzhkf8p-qZCY-YyhNrPFLz3AbLRVQad3kOK2JTw5jZWxBIrEaAtg58P8HAQ&Item=N82E16820134045&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Desktop+Memory-_-N82E16820134045&ef_id=U9-5@gAAAKCI7L0V:20140804212410:s   The system you have now actually limits what you can do to upgrade it.  You'll notice light years of difference when you make your upgrade.
  15.   I'm with you, his death isn't reason for me to cheer.  I won't mourn his loss, but I won't celebrate it.  That's bad taste at the least to me.     No new laws will come from his passing. His death as a rallying cry for new legislation will be nominal at best.  Democrats are already in an uphill battle to keep the Senate.  If they take up an assault weapons ban or any other gun control measure now, every Democrat in a contested race would have to line up against it, or it would almost guarantee a Republican Senate.   At best, the usual entrenched anti-gun folks would put up legislation in the Senate.  It may or may not get a committee vote, and Harry Reid probably won't let it come to the floor before the lame duck session.  Even at that stage, it has a 90% chance of dying, but if it somehow passes the Senate, the House won't touch it before the legislative session is up and it would need to be reintroduced in 2015.  Where it would still be a non-starter in the House.
  16.   You forwarded (or in this case posted) it with no commentary, as a stand alone work, so that can make people assume you agree with it.  Silence equals consent.    If you didn't agree with all of his points, you could have pointed out disagreements and counterpoints before or after it without any edits.    This is the danger with chain emails and the like. The echo chamber effect and the ease of using the forward, like or share button have stopped people from looking at the whole body of work and asking themselves, "do I agree with the sentiment and tone of all this?"    Conservatives have plenty of actual issues to disagree on the President with.  I'll respect those disagreements even as I argue against some of them.  But when anybody tries to disguise in racist jabs that are little better than dog whistles, I'm going to call BS every time.     No kidding.  My cousin and I were texting about those adult responsibilities and problems we have now and I fondly reminisced, "Remember when all we needed to pay for ourselves, were the beer and liquor we weren't supposed to be drinking?"
  17.   1)  Comparison shopping won't be hard.  I upgraded from 4GB to 16 GB and used amazon.com out of convenience.  The prices differences aren't as big as you might think if you stick to computer equipment vendors- newegg, tigerdirect, ect...  Don't even think about buying off the rack at Best Buy or any other big stores that love it when people don't know what they are looking at.  If you need help deciding if somewhere is a fair price, PM me and I'll tell you if I'd buy it.   It also depends on if your current 2GB is 2x 1GB sticks, or one stick with one slot open and you only need another stick, or you have one slot only and need a 4GB stick.     2)  tnguy is right.  The OS makes more of a difference than anything.  So, give us the specs and we can help more.  On that note...   I've been done with 32-bit systems for a while now.  They are too limiting for me since anything over 4GB of RAM isn't usable.  Going forward, I'd advise anybody to spend the extra bit for a 64-bit OS.  You'll be able to get a longer life out of your system from it.
  18. Much better now. Still have to trim a bit more and get the mower down in the ditch, but I'm happy with the weekends work. :D Pardon my ad hoc panoramic cropping skills. Batman, sorry for making your thread about my backyard.
  19.   Using not so subtle racist language like that is about the fastest way to get ignored and ridiculed in my book.  It tends to show the authors true colors.   The poor white Christian males will be just fine. White trash can put a pit bull in the backyard just as easily as any other race can.  But hey, why not assoicate it with the political assention of minorities to keep people outraged. :rolleyes:  
  20.   An Aimpoint PRO at 20% off can be a great deal.  Those are solid optics.   The rest of the tax free weekend I blew off.  Even a 9.75% discount isn't worth being out in public when shoppers descend en-masse like they do on these weekends.
  21. No change for me, but I'm getting the 25 Mbps I'm paying for.  I don't use Comcast equipment, but my own stuff is rated up to 175 Mbps, so if they widened the bandwidth for everybody, I should have seen it.       http://www.speedtest.net if you want to use one not embedded into a Comcast website...outside source and all.
  22.   I thought the system was down from on or about April 4th and didn't come back up until 24 June.  How were you able to e-file a Form 1 during that time?
  23.   According to this trend graph, yeah, e-file is much quicker.  It might not be purely scientific, but I think the sample side and randomness of it is good enough.  I tend to ignore the lightning fast e-file approvals, those are probably user input errors.   http://www.nfatracker.com/TrendGraph.aspx
  24.   Form 1 has been back up on e-file for a little over a month now.  Aside from being offline on Wednesdays from 6am-6pm EST for maintenance, it seems to be working within acceptable parameters.   I used it three weeks ago to submit an SBR application.  All I had to do besides fill out the form online was upload my trust documents.  A simple .pdf at 3MB uploaded with no issues.  My payment was processed the next day and I had a control number on my application the day after that.  Now I'm just waiting for approval or corrections.
  25.   Option 4, let a lawyer keep a higher than normal percentage of any settlement costs as payment.  That might make a few want to take the case.


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