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Everything posted by Omega

  1. The problem is, you may not know what kind of unrest you are getting into. During the LA Riots, some were pulled from their vehicles and assaulted. If you know a riot is going on and you have a loved one in the midst (non involved) you may have to forcibly extract them if this type of riot is going on. Of course if you have no business in the area then turn around or go around. In MO, it seems that it was in nighttime that all the violence happened so anyone with business in the area had plenty of time to leave before then. If you are caught in the mallei because of error in judgment (they wont hurt me) or were part of the festivities then you are part of the problem to begin with.
  2. I would totally expect incoming rounds, and it would not be the first time. Even if it were a 1 on 1 situation, if the situation warranted me pulling my gun then I expect the worst. I just hope my training and luck continues to be better than my opponents.
  3. Me, I'd load my AR pistol in 300blk with an ammo can full of loaded mags. My glock 23 would be my backup. The 10.5 barrel is great in confined spaces and perfectly legal to carry locked and loaded.
  4. I am with Sam1, apple has never impressed me. Their macs were always way too expensive and proprietary, I had to wait forever to install software available on pc. I got an iPhone when a&tt was about to get rid of unlimited data plans but rooted it almost immediately due to proprietary apps. I upgraded to a Samsung galaxy s3 phone and galaxy 10" tablet, which play great together, and haven't looked back since.
  5. Yup, not U.S code. They sure make gun owners feel welcome to their state, I think I would rethink my travel plans if I had anything to visit there for.
  6. Sure hope so, I would hate to have these guys slip through if they are guilty.
  7. Definitely, since he is actually staying there at least overnight not straight through but the first part says INTO. There are links there to the actual U.S Code though. http://www.state.nj.us/njsp/about/fire_ag2.html
  8. I would check here: http://www.state.nj.us/njsp/about/fire_trans.html
  9. Well shoot, any prosecutor would absolutely be able to argue that I had a "kit" in my truck if I was ever accused of any type of crime being theft, murder or kidnapping. I currently carry zip ties (small to large), tape, a tarp, hack saw, knives, and even a set of bolt cutters along with other suspicious tools in my truck.
  10. +1, I think there is something wrong with that picture. A presume she did not know the perps and would of resisted them so it would of not looked like it may of been her boyfriend. I would also like to know more about the supposed video, do they actually have it? I know they will not, and should not tip their hand yet but it will be interesting to find out how many people saw the video before someone reported it.
  11. The closest one, then the next closest until the pursuit stops.   I am a proponent that you should not run away unless you are sure they are much slower. Running just makes it more difficult to get a good bead on a pursuer and may lead you to trip and drop your weapon.
  12. yup, good use for those pesky zinc wheel weights.
  13. Yea, I've heard that but never seen any sign of them or heard of anyone say they dropped one. They also used to be shotgun, BP only so range was an issue if you did see one. I bought a magazine fed rifled SG when I hunted FTCKY, now it just sits here collecting dust.
  14. The problem is, some say leave me alone I dont need your services then things like this happen and people are all up in arms because nobody helped. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/04/firefighters-watch-as-hom_n_750272.html Though I don't think this guy was an anarchist or isolationist the situation fits this situation.
  15. Try casting your own; its not that difficult. http://www.webcomsknkwrks.com/castbook.htm
  16. I agree about them not being mutually inclusive; but has there been any white kids running around doing things like this lately? Whether attacking other white kids or black ones? I don't recall any, but of course it depends on the news coverage to broadcast the incidents for me to be aware of them. And sorry, but it does baffle me as to why the reaction to this particular incident bothers you so much; is it because of the black/white mix or is it the disparaging comments about Memphis?
  17. yea, looking forward to it myself. I like Bass-Pro in Nashville but seldom do I find any good prices and the tax kills any I do find; so it may offer a good compromise.
  18. I think you have to remember something when you look at outsiders looking at Memphis the way they do. You, being black, have a different experience in Memphis than say a white man living in the same community. I grew up in a predominately Hispanic community where I fit right in so crime though prevalent never quite affected me or my family (much). If I ever found myself in a non-Hispanic area I was smart enough to know how I was perceived and didn't take offence if I was followed in a store by security. By default I was profiled due to the fact that it was mostly Hispanics doing the crimes, I didn't then nor do I now take offence when I get a second glance when in those areas. But my experience was probably very different than some of my friends that had to watch their backs constantly when in my hood; it is what it is. Edit: Apparently I was mistaken of your race; which just baffles the heck out of me on your stance now. I am going to re-read this thread to see if I missed an even more glaring fact which led me to this conclusion.
  19. Welcome to the site and my neck of the woods. There are a few LGS around here and a rather large one out in KY, called Whittaker Guns though I don't see a 6.5 Creedmoor in their inventory.
  20. Looks good to me, I'll test it with this post and see if it adds a "follow" entry to mine. Edit: yes, it added it to mine. You may want to try and change it to another setting, say "offline" save it, then change it back and see if it hasn't just been a corrupt setting in your profile.
  21. I think the problem stems from the fact that anytime its a white on black incident the news and race baiters are all over it, but when its the other way around not a peep from those that make such a big deal over even the smallest incident. Personally, I could care less what the color of the assailant was, they would get the same treatment from me even if it sparked a backlash because it happened to be someone of a different race than I. I am in a particularly precarious situation because if I would happen to be assaulted by a black I am considered white, if I get assaulted by a white I am considered a minority so I'll just let the jury figure it out.
  22. Somewhere in the settings some forums have a setting where anything you reply to automatically gets "followed", it may of been reset or separated during an update or something; look in your profile settings. Edit: Yes, look under "my settings" then "Notification Options", there you can set that to either way you want.
  23. Did you use the "Follow this thread" button; Or just reply? If just reply it wont show up under the "content I follow", it will show up under "my content".


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