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Everything posted by crossfire

  1. I for one don't like playing "What if" But I think Runco got it right.
  2. I must be in the right place, if I want to run with the wrong crowd. :pleased:
  3. This topic should be "not available" it's over a year and a half old.
  4. I new it would turn to this, I just can't believe it took this long.
  5. That didn't come cheap, very nice work, who made it?
  6. Been there, done that. You get put on a list and that list goes to the people that do the calling and mailing. Good luck getting off and staying off that list. When you call the NRA the poor gal that answers the phone gets all the flack, but she can flag your account and hopefully the calls will stop. Until your account gets added back to the list. :)
  7. This :up:. I would travel with the plug in. :2cents:    
  8. Why no plug? If you plan on using trap shooting as a reason for the shotgun why would you even think about removing the plug?
  9. Damn, and I thought The Peoples Republic of Illinois was bad. I'm just glad I have no reason to go to that part of the country.   We had a saying when I lived in South Florida, "Happiness is a French Canadian heading north with a New Yorker under each arm".
  10. If this link is true, he's lucky they served him at all. Again, something stinks about this story.
  11. Not a place I would eat at even if they allowed guns. It doesn't say if they had a gun buster sign or not. If there was no sign on the door, he did the right thing and left. If that was a personal sidearm he had while in uniform he may get some flack from his CO.
  12.  FN America is also on that contract.
  13. Just Uncle Sam propping up another failed company with your tax dollars. How can this not be political, someone is going to get fat off of this. :2cents:
  14. That's what happens when you play not to loose, instead of playing to win. :2cents:
  15. That is some great looking artwork. Someone sure has their act together.
  16. Glad you made it back home, that left shoulder is not a good place to be. Not too many real Biker Brothers out there any more. To many 'Yuppie" types and "Wanabee's" riding now a days. Sorry to hear about your bad luck yesterday, but I would of traded places. I was at the hospital being cut on, sure do miss being in the wind. The good news is everything came out OK and I should heal up in a few days. Just remember "a black tee shirt and $20k don't make some one a Biker".


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