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Everything posted by crossfire

  1. About time. When I shot trap, mid 1970's thru mid 1990's we just had a spotter stand behind the shooter, they can see where the shot and wad are going. You should pattern your trap or skeet shotgun just like you pattern your turkey gun. Most everyone reloaded at that time,  Winchester AA was the brand of choice 71/2 or 8 shot. I lived forty miles west of Chicago and we got our shooting supplies from a little dump just across the Wisconsin state line, called Gander Mountain. How things have changed :cheers:
  2.   Yep, play stupid games, win stupid prizes, :2cents:
  3. What about a meet n greet for the Chattanooga area?
  4. For those of you that were to young to remember Archie Bunker and the cast of All In The Family. This is what made the show great!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuznDnDlTuI
  5. I loved "All In The Family". I'm so glad I grew up in a time when people could laugh at themselves and not get all butt hurt over every little thing. I feel so sorry for my grand kids having to grow up in this PC world.
  6. Been there, done that. It's been over 35 years with no alcohol for me. Even in my drinking days I had enough sense not to mix the two, and I had  guns. Your last sentence sums it up. :up:
  7. Sam1 is right, does every post in general chat have to turn into a pissing contest? OP was just asking for advice and got a couple different views, why not let him decide what is best for him?   People need to lighten up a little, :2cents:
  8. I wish I was closer. RIP Mr. Toler. Brothers then, Brothers now, Brothers forever.   It looks like the Patriot Guard Riders will be there.
  9. :wacko: Me Too. I even married one.
  10. Is that like,mess with the Bull & get the horn? :ugh:
  11. I never said it would be cheap or what your chances of winning are. I just stated we were only getting half the story.
  12. Just a new way to screw the public by giving them less for more. Walmart is good at that, they put their brand right next to the national brand at a much cheaper price. What you fail to notice is their brand is a few ounces less. So you buy their brand to save money, but in the end you pay about the same for a lesser product.
  13. Call a couple of moving companies and get some quotes. How many rooms do you have to move? are you going to pack all the small stuff? Moving companies are not cheap, all depends how deep your pockets are and how much you can do your self. If you can get some friends to help and you can pack it all in a rental truck 25 miles is a piece of cake. The closings will take up a lot of time, mostly a lot of paper work to be signed . Moving a fish tank is a pain in the butt. the bigger the tank the bigger the pain
  14. Everyone has to remember we are talking about 1985. Not many states allowed any type of carry. So knowing the laws from state to state, must of been a nightmare. Al Gore didn't invent the internet yet. Holding something like this over some ones head for 30 years is just not right.   Scroll down and check out the graphic on this page. Worth the read. Imho  https://gunculture2point0.wordpress.com/2014/06/19/the-history-of-concealed-weapons-laws-in-the-united-states-part-3-the-rise-of-the-shall-issue-right-to-carry-era-of-concealed-carry/
  15. You can talk on the phone, but it must be hands free.
  16. What problem?  :shrug:
  17. The Peoples Republic of Illinois passed this last year.  http://www.drivinglaws.org/ill.php
  18. http://www.online-paralegal-programs.com/legal-rights/ I think this is the same poster and it's bigger so you can read it. Please note the very last line "Laws vary by region, please do your research and know what the rights are in your area".
  19. Grace Kelly Hedy Lamar For you younger Guys who don't know what Caster was talking about
  20. I'm afraid Rosie would make more then just terrorists check their own ticket. :puke:
  21.    The real Illinois cease to exist when Cook County’s population got to be close to half of the whole state.  The tail now wags the dog. Fox Lake used to be a pretty nice area, not sure what it's like now. It's part of the Illinois Chain of Lakes, big boating and fishing area in northeastern Illinois.


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