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Anybody catch it this morning? Since they mentioned the name of the ship, and described the mission in general terms I guess I can tell you what we're up to - chasing pirates.

It sounds a lot more exciting than it is, believe me. Well, that was our five minutes of fame, I suppose. So, anybody want to mail me a cutlass and a fancy hat? :tough:

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Anybody catch it this morning? Since they mentioned the name of the ship, and described the mission in general terms I guess I can tell you what we're up to - chasing pirates.

It sounds a lot more exciting than it is, believe me. Well, that was our five minutes of fame, I suppose. So, anybody want to mail me a cutlass and a fancy hat? :tough:

Oooh, oooh, oooh bring me back an eye patch!!

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Anybody catch it this morning? Since they mentioned the name of the ship, and described the mission in general terms I guess I can tell you what we're up to - chasing pirates.

It sounds a lot more exciting than it is, believe me. Well, that was our five minutes of fame, I suppose. So, anybody want to mail me a cutlass and a fancy hat? :tough:

I can send you a slightly used plunger for a peg leg.

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*sigh* I hope you have more fun chasing pirates than we did... the one batch we got to pursue was on some French sailboat/cruisliner thing, and we chased them for about a week, and then the French told us to go away... and paid off the pirates a few weeks later. Guess we should have figured.

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Guest Phantom6

Damn Suntzu. These are Somali pirates we're dealin' with here, not a bunch of well fed white guys gettin' ready to be keel hauled. Should look more like this-

............Somali Pirate Skinny Dippin'


There, fixed that for you. :drama:

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