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Guest justme

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Could anyone give some suggestions about where to buy some MREs? I have seen them on ebay for sale by the case, but was wondering if there was a place in the Knoxville/Oak Ridge area to buy them.

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Guest clsutton21
Could anyone give some suggestions about where to buy some MREs? I have seen them on ebay for sale by the case, but was wondering if there was a place in the Knoxville/Oak Ridge area to buy them.

you can order them from cheaperthandirt.com

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Could anyone give some suggestions about where to buy some MREs? I have seen them on ebay for sale by the case, but was wondering if there was a place in the Knoxville/Oak Ridge area to buy them.

Only place I know is at the Knoxville Gun Shows.

There's always a guy there who sells milsurp stuff that always them for $5 each, black guy in his fifties or so.

I bought one maybe 6 months ago, been meaning to tear into it, as have never had one.

- OS

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Guest Verbal Kint

I bought one maybe 6 months ago, been meaning to tear into it, as have never had one.

- OS

They're actually really good... just don't expect to take another **** for a week. :D

(No, really.)

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214
They're actually really good... just don't expect to take another **** for a week. :D

(No, really.)

They are loaded with calories and what Verbal Kint siad is true!

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Guest redbarron06

I have not even seen MRE's in the last 4 years. I all I see now are the TOTUMs. They suck almost as bad.

If you are looking to use MRE's or the like as survival food remimber one thing. You have to have plenty of water with the MRE's. They are very dry and high in salt. Unless you have plenty of water at your disposal look for something else to use. If you just need them for camping have at it.

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Guest 70below

I bought one maybe 6 months ago, been meaning to tear into it, as have never had one.

- OS

Heck........optimum flavor is still 10 years away......don't give in yet!

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I have not even seen MRE's in the last 4 years. I all I see now are the TOTUMs. They suck almost as bad.

If you are looking to use MRE's or the like as survival food remimber one thing. You have to have plenty of water with the MRE's. They are very dry and high in salt. Unless you have plenty of water at your disposal look for something else to use. If you just need them for camping have at it.

I am looking at food for a survival type situation--natural disaster, civil unrest, that sort of thing. I read through the "Food for storage" thread, and while I got some decent ideas for long term storage--and have been doing some long term storage for a little while--I want something I can also put in my go bag. Canned food simply does not fit the bill for putting into my bag, while it does fit the bill for storage.

I have been looking at the "rations" that walmart has in their sporting goods area...but have not yet decided if I want to spend the $6 that they want for a single package.

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You (not literally you justme) can buy MRE's by the case at the Commisary I believe. I know they had them at the Commisary at RAF Alconbury in the UK when I was there as a teen with my father.... I havent looked on Ft. Campbell. I do know that they cost the Army like 7 or 8 bucks a pop so if you can get them for less I'd say you are getting a deal. Verbal said they were good. I dont know if I would go that far. Some are better than others for sure but if you ever have to eat them for every meal I'd like you to come back and tell us how long you liked them.

They have changed the menu quite alot. The 24 different MRE styles we had when I came in 8 years ago is not the same that I had with my dad growing up. Neither is it the same as what I get now. Not everything has changed since I have been in but quite a bit.

Realistically they are still pretty bulky. We always field stripped them down to just what we would eat and then tape it back up tightly or stuff the things into pockets.

Edited by Daniel
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As stated earlier, go easy with MRE's. Each meal pack is suppose to be eaten over 24hr period, 1 MRE=24 hr food ration. One complete MRE has from 3,000 to 3,500 calories and the cold weather meals are 5,000 calories. And yes drink LOTS of water and DO NOT eat three MRE's in one day. You will be stopped up for days. LOL

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Some are better than others for sure but if you ever have to eat them for every meal I'd like you to come back and tell us how long you liked them.

Realistically they are still pretty bulky. We always field stripped them down to just what we would eat and then tape it back up tightly or stuff the things into pockets.

I have eaten nothing but MRE's for over thirty days and I still don't mind them. :2cents:

But like you said, field stripping is the way to go with MRE's.

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Guest redbarron06

Look into the blue Datrex rations. These dont require an increased water intake (actually they are approved for sea going life raft survival food). Each blue pack in 3600 calories and half the size and weight of an MRE. When you open the blue pack you have 16 bars similure to granola bars that are 200 cals each. They dont taste too bad. They are good for 5 years from date of manufacture and if you order them from the company they will normally arrive only about 1 month old. MREs are only good for 3 years and buying them from surplus stores there is no telling how old they are when you get them.

I dont know what the civi price is but the govt pays something like $2 each for the Datrex. We had 3 cases (20 each) overnighted to us and shipping was more than the product.

Datrex Blue Ration 3600 kcal / USCG-SOLAS

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Had C-Rats in Basic Training in 1982. They are nothing at all to write home about. The meat usually consisted of parts I wouldn't feed my dog. They were eatible, but barely.

MREs were much better, and for some reason they never stopped me up. And I have ate three in a day before. They usually issued us two a day plus some sort of hot meal while in the field. It's nice to be in an Engineer Unit! :)

That being said, I'm not sure MREs are the most economical way to go for survival food. Others have discussed stocking up on dry goods and cans and then rotating through them. You can purchase a lot of beans for one MRE package. MRE's are really good for sticking in a car trunk or a maybe four or five in your BUG.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest crotalus01

I would rather starve than eat C Rations - in fact, when they served us C Rations in the field I didnt eat. Tried them ONE time, the dehydrated eggs was like egg drop soup with molded chunks in it, the "sausage links" (yeah right) tasted like old Vienna sausages.

MREs are wonderful by comparison. Guys have it good now with 24 meaals to choose from, when I was in the Army we only had 6 - dehydrated pork patty, dehydrated beef patty, chicken ala king, beanie weenies (labeled "not for consumption before flight"), I forget the other 2 (think one was sphagetti and meat sauce). They never really bothered me, the only guys I knew that got pasted up from them were the ones who ate that god-awful fruitcake - I think the thing expanded into a giant plug in your guts.

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