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Getting to know each other: What do you look like?

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Guest Revelator
Dude, you need a haircut you hippie...:screwy::D:D

That's what my wife said about three months after that picture. She couldn't take it anymore and I let her have at it. It's now a tad longer than in my avatar.

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Here is me. This is from this past weekend, I finished my first 5K race. This is near the finish line, I finished 28:??, or 86th overall. There was 270 runners last year, and from what I can tell from preregistration there is at least 150 runners this year, the official results have not come out yet. The course was very tough, I swear it was up hill the whole way! My goal was under 30 minutes.


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There's a track like that in Collierville. I still don't know how it works.

This one was at St. Francis in Cordova and the course went into Countrywood subdivision, I swear it was up hill, with a few very short parts and finally the last quarter mile was somewhat downhill or flat.

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Doesn't look like you're sweating to me!

Common,tell the truth. You rode in that car behind you the whole way until the finish line,didn't you!

That's why I finished in the time that I did, she had blue hair and was looking under the top of the steering wheel, I thought I was going to die!:D

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