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Showing off a few projects

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These are a few of my personal AR-15's as well as some projects I've done for a few friends. I do all my own Duracoating as well as all the work on my builds.





in the first picture it is a friends AR that I did in a Multi-cam pattern as well as all the accessories, as well as my AR that I did in a satin black to mimic an airsoft gun (just need the blaze orange on the tip).

the second picture is an AR that I built and put a Tiger-stripe pattern on for my dad for fathers day (it was my first duracoat project so it's not as good as what I'm producing now)

the third is a Glock 17 that was done in a Multi-cam pattern for the same guy.

The 4th is a Remington 700 that as you can see is in a Multi-cam pattern done for...you guessed it...the same guy.

I've got a few more projects I'm working on right now, one's getting rid of the Nickel Teflon coating on a POF AR and doing a solid black on it, I've g another AR I'm doing in a ghost AM Pinstripe pattern with 2 hues of black and possibly with the POW/MIA symbol on the side of the upper and lower, I'm also putting a custom job on my XD with what I'm refering to as an "urban multi-cam" as well as my units flash on the pistol grip...those pictures will follow later.

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To lay out the patterns I comandeered my wife's big cutting board and used some 3" wide blue 3m low adhesive tape. I'd draw the pattern with a perminant marker, and cut it out with an exacto knife. All camo weapons that I Duracoat are truely custom, I don't use plotter cut generic patters.

The bumble bee was actually hard to zero so I sold it and got a stuffed gorilla.

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On average from start of drawing to masking the firearm it's about 2.5/3 hours for a rifle and about an hour and a half or so for a pistol for each mask. There are 2 of the full length masks for the browns and greens and the accent (brown and white) dots are just negative masks and those take about an hour to do and there are two of them. In all is about 8 or more hours of just taping in a rifle and about 5 in a pistol.

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We have the same baby jumper. We call it the 'magical baby sleep generator'. :up:

you do very nice work...better then most shops I have seen...you outta think about farming out your services if you have the time.

Yes... any guess as to what you might charge for a similar camo job on a tactical rifle?

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I'm always willing to take on new jobs as long as they are local, and by local I mean as long as you are willing to meet me atleast half way. And as long as I'm in town long enough to get the work done. I'm still looking to build my camo portfolio, I think I have the multi-cam thing down, I've got two-tone down, I've got solid colors down and I'm still working on getting intracate designs down. After talking to a few guys on 1911.com for a multi-cam job like that we came up with $175 for a pistol (full pistol, 1x mag), $250 for a bolt action (stock and barrel done seperate to give better apperance + scope (scope caps are a no-go...for some reason they don't cooperate with me)) and $300 for an "assault"/tactical rifle (3x accessories i.e. eotech, foregrip, flip-up front and rear sights (I count them as the same)) and $25 per accessory above what's listed. Less intracate patterns will obviously be priced accordingly. I sand blast if necessary, or just rough up the surface to give the duracoat something to bond to, degrease after a good cleaning, phosphorus coat, then start laying on the camo.

Edited by gunrunner32
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