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OhShoot got Shot

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Today, out at the Norris range several of us gathered to get an early start on the 4th by shooting the Guns of Freedom. Unfortunately, during the festivies our own OhSoot took a bullet smack dab in the middle of his forehead.

After careful observation it appears that he's ok. Maybe a little better than before. :)

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Guest Jcochran88
Today, out at the Norris range several of us gathered to get an early start on the 4th by shooting the Guns of Freedom. Unfortunately, during the festivies our own OhSoot took a bullet smack dab in the middle of his forehead.

After careful observation it appears that he's ok. Maybe a little better than before. :)

Ok more details are seriously needed!!!

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Ok more details are seriously needed!!! +1

I assume OhShoot is fine, waiting on more details.

Reminds me when I was learning to shoot

funny I have allot of these stories.

Dad borrowed some 3030's from different people for me to practice with.

I got to liking that lever action and how they discharged the shells out the side.

Well after I got used to that one.

Dad handed me another one. Mind you I was only 10 when this happened.

I fired the first shot and I could not get the lever action to fully work, I was not strong enough, plus it was an older rifle, a bit stiff, as I changed my hold on the gun to work it I got the Lever to move and the shell came free and hit me in the forehead.

What I had failed to notice was this old 3030 discharged the shells out the top, instead of the side. :) Lesson Learned.

Awaiting details on OhShoot

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Today, out at the Norris range several of us gathered to get an early start on the 4th by shooting the Guns of Freedom. Unfortunately, during the festivies our own OhSoot took a bullet smack dab in the middle of his forehead.

After careful observation it appears that he's ok. Maybe a little better than before. :P

So apparently, he has a hard head! :)

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Still no update?

Inquiring Minds need to know.

Soon I will be starting to soon out at Norris, after I get my HCP, and when I get my HCP I will be teaching my Wife to shoot.

I plan to wait until I get my HCP so I can load up at home and drive over.

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So apparently, he has a hard head! :)

Yes we are thankful he is a cement head. OS is probably fine. The blood was not out of control, no Lifestar or anything like that. He took a .22 ricochet off of a spinner target. I think i caught part of the same ricochet, or maybe what bounced off his melon. Lesson learned, keep your spinner targets 25 yards away. Total fluke incident.

I plan to wait until I get my HCP so I can load up at home and drive over.

No offense Vontar but waiting until you eventually get a HCP to work on marksmanship skills is fairly ridiculous.

And so no one worries, Mac was fine. Nice little dink on his forehead though. Maybe he can get some sidework at a 7-11 or something. :D

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shewww......figured that was something like that but still, talk about a tease of a post!

Glad he will be alright.

Have had similar incidents with jacketed .22s in the past. Had a little piece of jacket whiz back from a steel about 25 yards away and nick my ear. Had a small piece of jacket come back (180 degrees mind ya) and stick to my youngest one's cheek. It burned him and that's why it stuck at all. Luckily he had his eye wear in place and most of him was still behind the scope but just a reminder of why the protection is a must.

Edited by Rightwinger
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Yeah, I still be kicking here. Thanks for the risible concern. :)

As Mike said, had one of those reset type steel .22 targets out there.

Maybe 16-18 yards tops. We've shot a lot of handgun .22 at about that distance over time. This one has the actual targets leaning down slightly away from you on the perpendicular plane, so never worried much about them.

Bam/thunk! Pretty good little rap on almost dead center of forehead, like hard enough to feel in in bone as a blow, not just a skin prick. Put hand up, blood, first thought, geez am I actually shot? Noticing no gray matter seeming to ooze out (and not sure there's enough left TO ooze), I'm realize I'm okay. Odd thing, it somehow nicked finger on my left hand, too; weird, like a ricochet off my bean, or my bean fragmented it, who knows. Never could find projectile. Mike was just walking away from me when it happened, and he sorta thought he had felt a little something, too. And no, I don't have a steel plate in my noggin or anything.

And yeah, I always wear glasses, but admittedly the "always" is because they are my reading glasses generally low on bridge of nose to see sights better with, but I guess they would have stopped or at least dampened the blow if it had hit there.

Nice precise little punch type wound there, and some little swelling around it, which I think is actually there from the impact, like a miniature "pump knot".

Pretty sure was a 36 gr brass plated hollowpoint, was mostly shooting some Federal and Golden Bullet bulk stuff, breaking in a new Neos. Thinking it might have hit the frame of the swinger array or something.

Ya know what, though, we often shoot 9mm, .357/.38, .45, at heavier gauge steel spinners at about the same distance!

I do believe I might give a little more thought about that in the future, and will certainly move even any .22 steel targets back further.

Actually, I suppose that a plain lead head bullet would likely be much safer on steel, yes?

- OS

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ctually, I suppose that a plain lead head bullet would likely be much safer on steel, yes?

I don't think it much matters with .22's. The stuff we shoot is not jacketed really, but kind of washed or whatver they call it.

Glad you are alright Mac, I was just fixing to give you phone call to check up on you.

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I don't think it much matters with .22's. The stuff we shoot is not jacketed really, but kind of washed or whatver they call it.

Well, I dunno...Remington Golden Bullet and Federal both do say "plated" and "copper plated". But I realize that's not the same as "jacketed".

Glad you are alright Mac, I was just fixing to give you phone call to check up on you.[/CODE]

Thanks Bro, I'm fine.

What were we just discussing?

- OS

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Guest mosinon

Holy crap Mac, glad to hear that there won't be permanent damage. I know I've shot at that target before and never saw any danger in the setup. Of course, I doubt I ever hit the target so I was completely safe...

I thought Garufa was just joking.

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Really glad you're ok Mac! I read the title for this thread and then had to go change my boxers.

Reading this story was all I needed to make sure I never go shooting again with eyes unprotected! Speaking of which, I need to come up soon and do some shooting with you guys, it's been a while.

Again, glad to hear you are fine.

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