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Pocket Carry Only ...


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Hey Guys ...

Anyone here Pocket Carry ONLY? I ask, because I'm not sure I want to go the IWB route (see: small butt thread). I plan to get a PM9/MK9 with a Pocket Holster + Mag Pouch, and shouldn't have an issue.

I was going to stick with the P238, but if I will be pocket carrying only, I want something with a bit more *oomph*. My kimber will be a home/bedside and range queen :D And at the off chance my butt grows over night someday, may consider an IWB holster for it, with a pocket gun being a BUG only.

So, anyone only carry in their pocket?

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I think your putting a lot of emphasis on the "not have a butt thing". you've only had your permit a few days, wait till you get proper belt+gun+holster combo and see how it feels.

I only pocket carry when I have to, and when I do it's a Ruger LCR. I actually print way more with the LCR in my pocket than a Glock 19 on my hip.

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I pocket carry a pf9 most of the time with an Uncle mikes holster and a couple of extra mags. It is very easy to take most everywhere with no adjusting, muss or fuss.

That's what I am concerned about .... the adjusting/muss/fuss :popcorn: good to hear!

I think your putting a lot of emphasis on the "not have a butt thing". you've only had your permit a few days, wait till you get proper belt+gun+holster combo and see how it feels.

I only pocket carry when I have to, and when I do it's a Ruger LCR. I actually print way more with the LCR in my pocket than a Glock 19 on my hip.

I may be ... However, made my own holster yesterday (jerry rigged, but it worked for my experiment) and started playing with it last night. Adjusting every which way .... Different positions, different cants, different depths. Some worked pretty well, but none were incredibly comfortable. P238 in the High Noons IWB holster in my front pocket (even with the full metal clip) -- No printing, not uncomfortable at all.

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Only, no. When I do carry, it's usually a 642 in a pocket holster. It's convenient, but not without disadvantages. You draw will suffer. I took a class earlier this year, and two of us were using pocket holsters. When they timed the draw, we were both about double what folks with IWB holsters were. Likewise, if you're seated, it's difficult if not impossible to get to your gun quickly. Different styles of pants can help, I have some 5:11 khaki pants that are easy to draw from.

It's ideal for deep concealment or simplicity, but there is a noticeable tradeoff.

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It's ideal for deep concealment or simplicity, but there is a noticeable tradeoff.

You bring up some great point FordGuy ... Thanks.

I am leaning towards pocket carry 90% of the time, and if I travel to "unfamiliar" parts of TN or parts I know I may need something bigger (ie: Parts of Memphis) then I will make sure to keep the Kimber by my side.

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Guest Broomhead

I have just recently acquired a Kel-Tec P-32 with which I can pocket carry. All of my previous EDCs were too large to pocket. I pocket it 99% of the time because I have yet to find a decent, economical IWB or OWB holster to use.

I would advise against carrying a back up mag in the same pocket with your pistol. Reason being is that when you need to do a mag change you will have to switch the gun to your off hand, then dig in your pocket for the mag, switch the gun to your strong side hand but this time you will have the spare mag to fumble with as well, then drop the empty mag and insert the fresh one. Even if you dropped the empty mag and pocketed it first, you would still be fumbling with switching hands repeatedly. That is what my CCW instructor taught us. He suggested that you always carry spare mags on your off/support side. Just my $.02.

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I was carrying a S&W 642 in a pocket holster. Lately, I've grown more and more fond of my Ruger LCP in a pocket holster. When I pocket carry, I ONLY pocket carry, so I guess I'm fitting the parameters of your thread. If I'm dresses correctly, I'll OWB carry, but most of the time, I just cram one in a pocket holster and away I go.



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I have a G26 in my Aholster right now. IWB with an untucked shirt is my favorite carry mode but it usually doesn't work well for me since I wear suits and tuck my shirt in most of the time. The G26 is too big for pocket carry jeans but works fine in most of my dress pants and/or Khakis.

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I pocket carry my Sig P238 in a DeSantis Nemesis nearly everyday. This is especially true during the summer months. It's the only weapon system I carry May - Sept with rare exception. It's true my draw is slower, firepower is diminished, etc vs full size IWB. However, it hurts more than my fist when it hits you and that would be the next best option when it's 100 degrees outside:D

When cooler weather prevails, I carry a Glock 23 IWB in a Comp-TAC MTAC. I do this with and without the P238 as a BUG.

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Guest blairellis

Just picked up a Ruger LCP today for pocket carry. Wanted something for deep concealment and a J frame was too bulky for my tastes. I would have liked the larger caliber but this was a MUCH better solution from the concealment standpoint.


Edited by blairellis
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