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Prayer request for my step father and mom

Guest db99wj

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My dad died from complications of cancer in 2000. The cancer would have killed him in around a year. My mom remarried to a good man who lost his wife to cancer around the same time. My step father was having pain in his back and not feeling well, went to Dr, went back for MRI, found 3 spots on his back, hip, and leg, went back last week for biopsy, got results today.

Adno carcinoma originating from lung or GI tract, given a year to live gets chemo and radiation and morphine for pain. They are not sure exactly where it is originating, more tests to come. He never smoked, fought in Vietnam, is in pretty good shape. Has a great Dr. My friend who is a cardiologist even recommended him as a 2n opinion before I knew who the Dr was that he would be seeing.

It sucks. My step father, mom and put families need some prayers. Not looking good right now.

Those that are facebook friends, please don't post anything on there, not everyone, like my kids know yet.

Edited by db99wj
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My dad died from complications of cancer in 2000. The cancer would have killed him in around a year. My mom remarried to a good man who lost his wife to cancer around the same time. My step father was having pain in his back and not feeling well, went to Dr, went back for MRI, found 3 spots on his back, hip, and leg, went back last week for biopsy, got results today.

Adno carcinoma originating from lung or GI tract, given a year to live gets chemo and radiation and morphine for pain. They are not sure exactly where it is originating, more tests to come. He never smoked, fought in Vietnam, is in pretty good shape. Has a great Dr. My friend who is a cardiologist even recommended him as a 2n opinion before I knew who the Dr was that he would be seeing.

It sucks. My step father, mom and put families need some prayers. Not looking good right now.

Those that are facebook friends, please don't post anything on there, not everyone, like my kids know yet.

All prayers and good thoughts - miracles can happen so will pray it does happen.

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Got a recommendation for a 2nd opinion from my manager at work which happens to be the same group we are seeing. We are grateful for our docs. He goes Tuesday fir a petscan(sp). Thursday we get results and might start chemo and radiation. He's in a ton of pain. Taking morphine and oxycotin for it but still hurting. He's not eating much and slept most of the day. This has come on very quickly, might not have much time left. My job is to be calm and positive. My mom is doing great around him, but in private is not very positive. My work is very understanding and said I can go do whatever I need to when I need to. It's not looking very good.

All the prayers and support on here are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I haven't updated this in a few days and the news is not good.

Thursday came, he had to be admitted into the ER due to anemia and congestive heart failure, possibly brought on by the med's and inactivity. Ran some more test, got him off the pain meds, and determined that the the cancer stemmed from the lower esophagus. He had a cancer on the lower and the upper. Nothing in the brain yet. Once they got him stable from the heart issues, the got him off the narcotics, he became more clear headed and realized his fate. His daughters came into to town and between him, his daughters and my mom, decided he would go to a nursing home to spend the rest of his days. My mom physically couldn't take care of him. He went to the nursing home this week, which is 2 hours away from my mom, and has actually gotten better physically. They are doing some rehab work with him so that he is not in pain or to help with it, because a huge mass is in his hips and causes a lot of pain. He decided that he didn't want to do radiation, due to the side effects and because he is responding to the therapy. The goal is to keep him as comfortable as possible until the end, radiation would only make his quality of life suck, until he dies. So he is somewhat comfortable and is just waiting. Before he couldn't get out of bed due to the pain, he was sitting in a wheel chair Tuesday comfortably. Sad situation.

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