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Case cleaning

Guest mbushell

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Guest mbushell

I have been trying to figure out a way to clean bulk lots of brass. The media based case machines do an ok job, but leave the insides and primer holes almost untouched. Does anyone know how to get a whole bucket full of brass spotless with little work and cost?

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Guest mbushell

I have tried lots of chemical soaks to no avail. Ultrasonic sounds like a route to try. I was also thinking acid dipping like they do car parts. Its just muriatic and water. strong enough to even eat the metal if left too long. Going to pick up some tomorrow and try. There must be a way... a better way.

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AVOID chemical acids it will tear your brass up...Ammonia especially tend to make the brass brittle and uneven in thickness...

another route that the Pros use I have heard is a cement mixer and lots of media... sort of a rolling tumble.. maybe modify a dryer ?

I used to use BRASSO in my media and found long polishing times made for shorter brass life,... it contains ammonia and when you use mid-range .38SPL and have a problem you know your brass is bad.. glad I learned before loading my 10mm and 38Super for IPSC back when the PF was higher.. that would have ruined my day...

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I've heard of long range, high precision shooters trying to make sure the insides and primer pockets are clean. They claim it makes for higher consistency.

I'm not a long range shooter - so I never worry about the insides and the primer pockets. I just tumble my brass and reload.

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Guest nicemac

I use a couple of capfuls of Dillon Rapid Polish in my media. It cuts tumbling time considerably (more than half) and I do find the insides of the cases are cleaner when I use it. It contains no ammonia so it won't weaken the brass.

Additionally, after using this stuff, brass comes out of the tumbler glowing. It looks incredible.

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Haven't tried this yet, but this looks promising for ultrasonic cleaning.

UltraSonic Case Cleaning

I use walnut media from a pet store, with some Dillon rapid polish or Mequiars Diamond Cut 2.0 added and get really nice looking brass. I don't deprime before cleaning, so the pocket doesn't get clean. I'd think finer media would help if you deprime before cleaning. You can get walnut hull in all different sizes.

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If the fine ground walnut media with a capful of case polish doesn't get it clean, it doesn't need to be any cleaner. Primer pockets just need to be clean enough for the primer to seat securely. You will never know if the inside of most rifle cases are clean anyway.

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Im having good luck with the harbor freight ultrasonic cleaner using 50% vinegar and water with a few drops of dawn... read that recipe on anoher forum and it works well. The more brass you put in the longer it takes. I do about 100 at a time and then lay them out to dry. I also rinse with a water/baking soda solution to neutralize the vinegar.

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Guest 6.8 AR
If the fine ground walnut media with a capful of case polish doesn't get it clean, it doesn't need to be any cleaner. Primer pockets just need to be clean enough for the primer to seat securely. You will never know if the inside of most rifle cases are clean anyway.

My thoughts, also.

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Guest mbushell
My thoughts, also.

Im just a little ocd... It must be perfect or it will drive me nuts. Converting a dryer has been an idea i been kickin... Im a handyman, and my next job just might justify a concrete mixer:rolleyes:. I havnt tried media plus cleaner. I guess i thought it would gum up. Fine media will probably get most places too. Thanks guys. I'll post results in a month or so and save someone else this hassle

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I'm all about a little work and little cost. I have both media based tumblers and an Ultrasonic cleaner. I use the ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning 5.7x28mm brass (so not to remove the lacquer coating). Ultrasonic cleaners works great but for big batches I don't use it. It takes too long for the brass to dry. I get batches of .223 brass in 1000 round increments (3/4ish of a 5 gallon bucket). Unless you rent a cement mixer, I see no way to tumble that much brass all at once. However I usually knock out that much brass in about a day. (LAZY PART) I get 1 gallon zip lock bags and put about 200 cases in the bag. I add about 10-15 drops of RCBS Case Lube 2 to the bag. Seal the bag, then kneed it like your making dough for bread to coat the cases in the case lube (I've also used Lee case lube). Then I resize and pop the primers out. Then I throw the cases in my Dillon tumbler with fine walnut media (CHEAP>>>HARBOR FREIGHT 25 lbs for $25) and a cap or two of Nu Finish car polish (the once a year car polish). The Nu Finish is a lot cheaper than fancy case cleaning polish and it works just a good. They come out great in about 2 hours (Time in the tumbler varies depending on how clean your media is when you start).




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Guest mbushell

So...I have THE answer.

#1- deprimed in a decap only die, no sizing yet.

#2-soak brass in P&VM NAPTHA (available at any paint store)... P&VM is (Paint and Varnish Makers). 4-5 minutes only. It will begin to disolve all the fouling.

#3- drain brass a few minutes

#4- polish the brass in a VIBRATORY tumbler with FINE walnut shell media until shiny.

This method produces brass cleaner and brighter than factory new.

I have built a brass polisher that works better than a commercial one. It was made with scrap I had laying around.

The polisher will work best FULL of stuff. The one i built will handle 40 lbs of brass and media. It also will walk clear across the yard before its through. Litteraly cost me nothing and took 2hrs to make. Ill post picks when I take them and a youtube video. Show me a commercial polisher that will do 4000 45acp at a time that is free on top of it and Ill buy it! Untill then....

Edited by mbushell
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Guest 6.8 AR

Are you sure your name isn't Inspector Gadget? I like do-it-yourselfers. That's cool!

mikadosoft, I'll have to try the Nu Finish. Never thought about doing that.

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The zip lock bag to apply case lube is my idea. It works great and saves a lot of time. I have to give credit to someone else for the Nu Finish car polish idea. When I was reading about reloading on the internet, I read about Nu Finish. When my Dillon polish ran out I gave it a try. To be honest, IMHO, I think it works better.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest No Ammo

Boil some water, pour it in to a plastic bowl, add an ounce of 100% lemon juice concentrate per quart of water, add brass and stir for about 5 minutes,

flush with cold tap water, dry with hair dryer, way faster than tumbler...

Also can use this mixture in a sonic cleaner, works excellent for me

I buy a quart of lemon juice concentrate at Dollar Tree for just a buck...

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Harbor Freight has a rinky-dink electric cement mixer for $129.99. Was looking at it the other day to polish brass. I'd take out the metal tumblers and replace them with some kydex flaps from some scrap I have around. Looks like it would take an entire 5 gallon bucket of brass at one time. Meh, at 129.99, it costs less than my ultrasonic that doesn't do that good of a job anyway.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest endrew

mine one also allows me to clean it up..And i regularly clean my case for its better and long life working.......I am using the case of


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