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Guess who bought the PLR-16 used in the Hendersonville incident?

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Guest Lester Weevils

Wonder if kwik still has the previous Hello Kitty PLR-16? I'd probably be ashamed to take a Hello Kitty PLR-16 out in public, but for some demented reason might buy that off of him at the right price. One of a kind fer sure! :)

Maybe his new one will become a Sponge Bob Squarepants PLR-16?


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So, some local shop was stupid enough to sell him a gun? :)

If you had walked in, and presented a valid ID, with no criminal history, by your premise, it would be just as stupid to sell one to you.

Can you even imagine the river of s#i+ that would have flowed from Kwik had Bill refused a sale on the grounds of what people think?

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If you had walked in, and presented a valid ID, with no criminal history, by your premise, it would be just as stupid to sell one to you.

Not really. I don't go around, carrying firearms openly to specifically seek a confrontation with law enforcement. Through Embody's previous actions, he puts himself, LEOs, and anybody else who happens to be around him, in dangerous situations. Why someone would knowingly sell this guy a firearm is beyond me, but to each his own.

If I owned a gun store, I would have told him to GTFO, and slept very soundly about it. I would not want my name on anything associated with him. And "kwik" could have not done anything about it. As a private business owner, I could refuse to sell to anyone I wanted. I don't know what "river of ****" you are referring to, but there is not much Embody could do, other than go crying about it on one of few gun boards that he has not been banned from.

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Not really. (Although legal), I don't go around, carrying firearms openly to specifically seek a confrontation with law enforcement. Through Embody's previous actions, he puts himself, LEOs, and anybody else who happens to be around him, in dangerous situations (although legal).
Fixed it for ya. I know, I know... "legal" isn't spelled s-m-a-r-t.
I don't know what "river of ****" you are referring to, but there is not much Embody could do, other than go crying about it on one of few gun boards that he has not been banned from.

I was referring to the typical "lawyering up" that he's prone to do.

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Fixed it for ya. I know, I know... "legal" isn't spelled s-m-a-r-t.

I was referring to the typical "lawyering up" that he's prone to do.

I could care less if it is legal or not. It's stupid and dangerous. All this guy is doing is looking for a payday. He is a pretty pathetic person IMHO.

As far as "lawyering up," that's fine. He can waste his time and money all he wants, but in the situation I described above, he would have no case whatsoever.

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I'm sure Bill reserves theright to sell or not to sell to anyone who walks in. it was his choice but he was not legally obligated to sell to him or anyone else for that matter.

I for one can't wait until the next episode where kwik is walking down the street in nashville or somewhere else with the plr 16 hanging in a holster on his side. Legal? Yea if he has a carry permit (even from FL) smart? Nope. but he has already [proven he does NOT fall into the intellingence catagory.

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I for one can't wait until the next episode where kwik is walking down the street in nashville or somewhere else with the plr 16 hanging in a holster on his side. Legal? Yea if he has a carry permit (even from FL)

I'm not sure about this - since he is a legal resident of TN. The laws state that you must get a TN permit no later than 6 months after establishing residency. Kwik would probably pursue some legal actions related to this.

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I heard today that he was extremely obnoxious to the girls in the clerk's office and made it clear he wanted a confrontation with the police. He also spoke with General Lamberth with a similar message. The General quoted his feelings about Mr. Embody and his crusade, "Just because they make spandex in your size, doesn't mean it's a good idea for you to wear it."

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I heard today that he was extremely obnoxious to the girls in the clerk's office and made it clear he wanted a confrontation with the police. He also spoke with General Lamberth with a similar message. The General quoted his feelings about Mr. Embody and his crusade, "Just because they make spandex in your size, doesn't mean it's a good idea for you to wear it."

Amen to that, on many levels.

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Guest Drewsett
I heard today that he was extremely obnoxious to the girls in the clerk's office and made it clear he wanted a confrontation with the police. He also spoke with General Lamberth with a similar message. The General quoted his feelings about Mr. Embody and his crusade, "Just because they make spandex in your size, doesn't mean it's a good idea for you to wear it."

Oh, I'm so stealing that. Eminently quotable, especially in this situation. Hats off to the General

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