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Walking dead....


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i just started watching this show on netflix last night, season 1, greatest show other than sons of anarchy.

I had never seen the show until a few weeks ago. It was a Sunday evening. I sat down, and watched all of S1 on netflix back to back. The following Friday evening I purchased the digital copy of S2, and watched 6-7 episodes. The next morning I finished S2.

I'm kinda hooked. (Ok, really really hooked. I dig this show).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had never seen the show until a few weeks ago. It was a Sunday evening. I sat down, and watched all of S1 on netflix back to back. The following Friday evening I purchased the digital copy of S2, and watched 6-7 episodes. The next morning I finished S2.

I'm kinda hooked. (Ok, really really hooked. I dig this show).

dude how do i get season 2 i am hurting to see that????????????

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dude how do i get season 2 i am hurting to see that????????????

I paid for it on Amazon, you can stream it to your PC. Amazon Instant Video. (I believe iTunes also has it). Its like $30ish for the whole season in High Def. The video player from Amazon can be a little buggy, had to reload the site occasionally.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Awesome. Merle is back too. I like the whole Evil Dead prosthetic he was rocking there.

I am interested to see if Merle's hand takes the place of Rick's.

I liked the fact they were using cans on their guns, or at least that pistol. That was groovy.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Nice. Can't wait. And MERLE!!!!! Awesome. The only thing keeping me held over until then will be Breaking Bad's final season.

That TWD trailer do look good. It appears they are keeping to the comic plot about half-and-half. Maybe the tv series is gonna be "what the author would have done to the comic plot if he had to do it all from scratch" learning from mistakes and all that. Of course also is that some things in the comic would be awful expensive to turn into television so surely some of the rewriting is just to make it shootable on any kind of sane budget. They probably don't exactly have a Lord of the Rings budget or whatever.

Thanks reminding about breaking bad coming back on. Would have missed it, haven't watched sunday tv (or much tv at all) for a month or two. Watched a couple of Falling Skies but that thing is just too tedious for me. The FS last season finale promised that it might start taking off and get more interesting than tedious, but nope...

Edited by Lester Weevils
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Falling Skies is defeintely better this season than last. I am enjoying it. #### is starting to pick up in it.

Breaking Bad's Season Premier last night was really good. It is my favorite show, and this looks to be the endgame to the story. It is going to get very ugly.

Also, don't forget, Hell on Wheels starts back up before TWD too...it is FANTASTIC! Lots of gun play...very gritty. I love it. AMC shows are superb...if you haven't watched this show, I urge you to give it a shot.

TWD is definitely in my top 5 shows, but too many of the characters...especially Lori...just make me want to turn it off. I hope they follow the comic plot in regards to her. Either way, I do look forward to it.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Yeah I like Hell on Wheels a lot. Saw all the first season Falling Skies though about half the episodes were work to pay attention to. Watched a couple this season, but "barely watched" em because they were so dull (for me). Might check the others out on On Demand.

OTOH The Walking Dead is an addiction so far unless they manage to ruin it somehow.

Breaking Bad might be the favorite, though there have been several pretty good lately. I just barely ever watch the TV. Rubicon was a spy show that only ran one season. The Event was a one season SF series that wasn't so terrible you had to quit watching. Terriers was a really good one-season wonder. Wish Terriers and Rubicon had run longer.

A few years ago, The Shield was an addictive pot-boiler. I don't usually get into cop shows but the shield was pretty good.

I don't pay for HBO or premium channels, but have seen most of the Weeds episodes. That is a soap-opera comedy, modern-day sick twisted variant on the perils of pauline. Its pretty funny if you have a sick twisted sense of humor.

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This is indeed the endgame for Breaking Bad. It's the final season.

I haven't read the TWD comics. I would assume that in addition to expense, there could be some things in there that just wouldn't translate well to TV audiences. That's why Peter Jackson chopped Tom Bombadil and the stop at his house (and the graves afterwards) from The Fellowship of the Ring. When something in a book is too weird for a movie about halflings, elves, dwarves, dragons, orcs, goblins, magic rings, wizards, walking-talking-trees, enchanted swords, whatever-Golum-is, armies of the dead, giant spiders, flying-lizard-dragon-things and a balrog, that's a sign that it's pretty darn weird.

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Guest rebeldrummer

Have ya'll seen Norman Reedus's iPhone? This is his personal phone. Only a real man can make a hello kitty spoof of himself and still be kick aßß!!!


Ha ha....dude is a beast!!!

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Guest rebeldrummer

so you want to talk about a mental "screwing over"

i got home the other night...turned on my tv...went to DVR...and BOOM!!!

"THE WALKING DEAD" was recorded!!


then....read the episode description and it was Ep 1 Season 1 ...

i was like ((out loud!!!)) WHAT THE CRAP??!!?? SCREW YOU CHARTER FOR SCREWING WITH MY MIND!!! ha ha ha ha....

after calming down i did however sit there and watch the episode...


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Well it doesn't help that I watched them ALL during the season three preview weekend. I will say the black and white first episode was awesome.

Season three looks amazing compared to the first two (which were also great). I like the fact that they will be running two different stories (one in town and one in the prison).

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  • 1 month later...

Look what the wife got me for our 10 year anniversary today!!!

Walking Dead season 2 boxed set.


When you insert the supplied phillips head screw driver into the eye socket, it unlocks the secret compartment that holds the 4 disc set!


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