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Dyson Vaccums


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Ok, this is about as far away from the norm as I've seen lately.

Thinking about getting a new vaccum. The Dyson story and ad hype seems good. But is it?

Has anyone here bought one? Used one? Know anything about them?

The all-floors model seems to be a good choice, or perhaps the one for pet hair.


As usual, thanks for any help you can give.

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Same ..

We have an animal ball version. Have had it for about 2 years, without a single issue. We have 2 Long Haired Saint Bernards + 3 cats. We have hair piles that drift along the floor and our dyson has never had a problem :)

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Guest mcgyver210

Dysons are too aggresive in many cases IMO from what I have seen. Also they are all too big to fit under tables etc which means unless you use a hose or canister or move funiture you wont be vacuuming these areas.

Remember no matter how well a vacuum works if it isn't convenient to maintain & use most consumers wont use it which makes it a bad vacuum in reality.

Personally I wouldn't buy a Dyson or any vacuum that can't fit under a table etc but that is me. We use a commercial vacuum in our business & house.

Edited by mcgyver210
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Man, that was fast. I guess more of the guys here do floors that we let on. :rofl:

I do some of the house cleaning, not very well according to my wife, but the old vac is really pitiful, so a new one is in order.

We've been burnt on some of the high-end specialty vacs in the past, so I was curious.

Really. Thanks for the input. I keep seeing the ads and guess it's time to buy.

Edited by hipower
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We've got a DC-10 Animal that we've had for about 7 years. After going through 3 ~$200 vacuums in a year, we decided to bite the bullet and get a good one.

We've had no issues with it, and like the above poster, ours is subject to daily use. The clear cannister will surprise you. Even when vacumming every day, it's like we sucked up a whole other dog.

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Mac and Caster. I just choked on my drink. That was priceless..

"..sucked up a whole other dog." Great. I laughed til tears came. My Austrialian Shephard/Border Collie came in to see what was wrong. I recovered from that. Then...

"it really sucks...no wait :doh:" And I lost it again.

Too good.

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I'll be the contrarian. Ours is probably a lemon, but it isn't what I expected.

1. Suction is terrible (again, probably because we have a lemon). I actually think the hose connection may be faulty, but it's out of warranty so I haven't sent it in.

2. I hate the hose attachment usage. The hose is pointed upward and then you have to turn the attachments downward, which invariably causes a kink in the hose (losing even more suction).

Most people like them, but I suspect there are equally good vacuums for significantly less money. My suggestion, if you buy one, is make sure it works as well as expected right off the bat. If not, at least try to see if the warranty will fix any suspected issues. Had I done that initially (unfortunately, my wife insisted that it was working right), I think it may have been fine.

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I'll be the contrarian. Ours is probably a lemon, but it isn't what I expected.

1. Suction is terrible (again, probably because we have a lemon). I actually think the hose connection may be faulty, but it's out of warranty so I haven't sent it in.

2. I hate the hose attachment usage. The hose is pointed upward and then you have to turn the attachments downward, which invariably causes a kink in the hose (losing even more suction).

Most people like them, but I suspect there are equally good vacuums for significantly less money. My suggestion, if you buy one, is make sure it works as well as expected right off the bat. If not, at least try to see if the warranty will fix any suspected issues. Had I done that initially (unfortunately, my wife insisted that it was working right), I think it may have been fine.

Good points. I have taken a Bissel back because it was just too heavy and bulky for convenient use.

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All of a sudden I feel like I'm in "Mister Mom." What's next; recipe swap? :D
Why not? Got any good pork tenderloin ideas? I tried to get Bill to try mine the other day. I don't think it was appreciated.

hey, it just proves we are all multifaceted individuals with many skills to offer the world.

Edited by hipower
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All of a sudden I feel like I'm in "Mister Mom." What's next; recipe swap? :D

Sure! When i grilled steaks the other day I also brushed some Nan bread with olive oil and toasted that on the grill, quite tasty. Also, try brushing olive oil on jalapeno peppers, dusting it with some coarse salt and grilling them off to the side where there's less heat. Yum!

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We use ours on carpet, hardwood, tile and vinyl. I don't know how a vacuum would be too aggressive, but to me that would involve some form of damage to the flooring. I would expect that this would be most prevalent on carpet, but I can say that when I empty ours, I don't ever notice any carpet fibers in the cannister. Maybe on older carpet this would be more of a problem.

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This is one instance where I would say to look at Consumer Reports on their views. I wouldn't spend the money on an expensive vacuum again. I bought a Eureka from Wally World and it world pretty well for $130.

Edited by JPR1959
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