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Everybody tells me how important it is to vote....

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I'll answer before reading responses. Then I will come back and chew some ass up, LOL

The only reason I can come up with to vote for Romney is the Supreme Court thing.. OS has me convinced on that. Without a doubt that one issue is the deal maker or breaker, depending on your point of view. No vote or a vote for Obama is going to change the fabric of this country for two generations.

if you give a crap about this place, hold your nose and vote for the Republican

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The way I look at it is that it's still early to change the direction of the country BUT it must start with this next election and ensuring BHO doesn't get a second term. I feel Money-Mittens or the nominee will at least stop the bleeding and try to be a President for ALL the people.

Suck it up and look forward to 2016, this election is too important to give it all away.

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Just give us one area in which you would agree with Obama?

Foreign policy??? No

Supreme Court??? No

Deficit??? No

Budget??? Hasn't passed one, so No

Economy??? No

Energy policies??? No

Oil prices??? No

ObamaCare: no

Illegal immigration: no

Suing individual states: no

minimally selective deportation policies: no

Transparency claims: no

Choices of the bazillion czars: no

choices of cabinet secretaries, particularly Geithner, Chu: no

choice of Attorney General: hell no

majority of presidential orders: no

increase taxes on the segment already paying 70% of all taxes: no

selectively picking companies for fat loans: no

quantitative easing: no

(more, but my fingers are tired. And snuffing Bin Laden doesn't make up for it all, and I've got severe reservations about Al-Awlaki period)

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest Bassman17SC

I wish I could feel that way. So far, I've seen absolutely nothing to back your opinion.

Then you have not been paying attention.

1. U.S. credit rating downgraded - twice.

2. Highest number of people NOT in the workforce - EVER.

3. Largest amount of public debt - ever.

4. Price of gasoline in Jan 2009 = $1.89. $1.89!

5. No budget has been produced by this administration - yet. That is three + years.

6. Fast and Furious; Solyndra; Gibson Guitar; Sandra Fluke; Van Jones; Occupy whatever; etc., etc., etc.

7. I won't even mention the One's veiled threats to the SCOTUS.

8. More of the same crap.

Anybody but obummer!

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Guest Lester Weevils

Everyone makes good points. If romney wins then the R leadership will congratulate themselves for picking a winner, and they will continue foisting such candidates on us. Romney is one of the guys that made McCain look good last time.

I agree four more years of O would be tragic.

Maybe Romney will turn out to be one of the truly great USA presidents, the one who turned it all around. I expect Romney and his fellow travelers will screw it up as bad as Obama, just in a different fashion. Hopefully I'll be proved completely wrong.

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Everyone makes good points. If romney wins then the R leadership will congratulate themselves for picking a winner, and they will continue foisting such candidates on us. Romney is one of the guys that made McCain look good last time.

I agree four more years of O would be tragic.

Maybe Romney will turn out to be one of the truly great USA presidents, the one who turned it all around. I expect Romney and his fellow travelers will screw it up as bad as Obama, just in a different fashion. Hopefully I'll be proved completely wrong.

Finally, someone who sees this the way I do, but can put it into words better. Thanks.

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Somebody convince me that Romney won't appoint liberal judges just as Obama would. HE'S A FRIGGIN LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE!!!!! I can choose lib #1, lib #2, or vote my concience and lose. I despise the Democrat party, but lately, I've began to develop a strong aversion to the Republican party as well. Maybe more so than the Democrats. I can't see any scenerio where this country lasts another decade.

We'd be way ahead if we'd pick our politicians at random from a phone book, the way we pick juries.

We'll have a lot easier time controlling Romney than Obama. Obama is a renegade outlaw. Romney at least operates within the rules and laws. He's not my first choice mind you, and I'm not defending him, but Obama must be stopped.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Greg, I know it's depressing, but sometimes you just have to get rid of what's in office. If OS and Robert

can't convince you, I sure can't, because between the two, it's all there in black and white.

Maybe you should read a book by Ayn Rand, "We the Living". It will give you a taste of life during the

Red Revolution, in other words, give you a taste of how far we can drop. That's what can happen if

that commie gets re-elected. It may happen anyway.

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Guest ThePunisher

And tax increases will go into effect in 2013. Everybody will feel directly the consequences of tax increases just like they do with increased gas prices. Plus if he gets control of Congress again, there will be confiscation of retirement plans and 401, 403, IRA's, giving everyone an IOU, just like the politicians have done with SS.

This is the most important election in our history to preserve our democratic republic. This election is important to preserve capitalism. This election is important to preserve our 2nd A rights. This election is important to preserve our liberties and freedoms. This election is important to preserving the American dream for everyone. If anyone has not already noticed that Obama is the most dangerous President in our history to changing the moral, economic, and political climate that we have always known in our country,then I'm afraid there is no hope for America any longer. If you want to enjoy in the destruction of America, then vote for the Marxist commie from Kenya, Indonesia, Chicago for four more years, and get ready for the heavy chains of bondage.

For seventy years or longer America has tackled communism head-on, but now America's government has been infiltrated by communist that we've fought for so long in the Cold War. How stupid has the American people become?

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Guest HvyMtl

Romney Care - one of the core laws Obama Care was spawned out of. Think about it.

Romney does not "get out the vote" - Look at the poll counts during this well contested primary. About the same # voting as McCain became the Candidate... If you cannot get your own party to the ballot box, you simply do not win.

Romney has yet to win in the "True South" (Florida is New Jersey South) and that does NOT bode well for his election. Can a GOP Candidate win the WH without the South? Seems we are gonna find out.

Oh, and Punisher, you lost me on the Kenyan B.S. - Kenya did not exist when O was born. Did a review of the facts myself. Too much info points to O being born in Hawaii. Unless someone had the foreknowledge to put records in the week he was born. And someone has to have paid off 100% of the govt employees at the Hawaii Dept of Health. Too many disgruntled beaurocrats to not have one of the hundreds with access fork over the document showing he was not born here... (Oh, wait, using Logic on a conspiracy theory, oops, my bad.)

For more than 70 years the US had a choice of GOP or DEM. GOP or DEM only. NO OTHER REAL CHOICE. You still think we have been a Democracy?

Edited by HvyMtl
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Guest ThePunisher

Romney Care - one of the core laws Obama Care was spawned out of. Think about it.

Romney does not "get out the vote" - Look at the poll counts during this well contested primary. About the same # voting as McCain became the Candidate... If you cannot get your own party to the ballot box, you simply do not win.

Romney has yet to win in the "True South" (Florida is New Jersey South) and that does NOT bode well for his election. Can a GOP Candidate win the WH without the South? Seems we are gonna find out.

Oh, and Punisher, you lost me on the Kenyan B.S. - Kenya did not exist when O was born. Did a review of the facts myself. Too much info points to O being born in Hawaii. Unless someone had the foreknowledge to put records in the week he was born. And someone has to have paid off 100% of the govt employees at the Hawaii Dept of Health. Too many disgruntled beaurocrats to not have one of the hundreds with access fork over the document showing he was not born here... (Oh, wait, using Logic on a conspiracy theory, oops, my bad.)

For more than 70 years the US had a choice of GOP or DEM. GOP or DEM only. NO OTHER REAL CHOICE. You still think we have been a Democracy?

While you were researching and using logic, I believe you failed to review what the terms democratic republic and democracy mean.

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Guest Lester Weevils

This is the most important election in our history to preserve our democratic republic. This election is important to preserve capitalism. This election is important to preserve our 2nd A rights. This election is important to preserve our liberties and freedoms. This election is important to preserving the American dream for everyone.

That all may very well be true-- THIS TIME. I even tend to agree. They say the same thing every election, but this time they really mean it. Every election has been billed as the most important make-or-break election ever. Dig deep. Send money. Get out the vote or the world will end. Hold your nose and vote because the other guy is even more worser and will bring on the apocalypse.

I mean, it's got to be "the most important" one of these times, but it would be more generally believable if every once in awhile they would say, "We wish you might contribute a buck, and come out to vote for our guy if you don't have anything better to do. But the other candidate is just as good so if we lose it won't really make a dam." That would make the "really important" ones more believable. :)

The Wolf is Coming!

The Wolf is Coming!!



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Guest Lester Weevils

For more than 70 years the US had a choice of GOP or DEM. GOP or DEM only. NO OTHER REAL CHOICE. You still think we have been a Democracy?

HvyMtl, ya got me to thinkin about successive approximation. It is a technique of "splitting the difference" for ever more accurate estimates of an "ideal solution". As found in pragmatic numeric solution or genetic solving of messy equations, or one method of analog to digital conversion.

If you want to evaluate an input voltage, you make a guess and then compare the guess to reality. If the guess turns out high, you split the difference downwards and test again. If the guess turns out low you split the difference upwards and try again. Eventually you hit a limit that is "indistinguishably different" from the input. And from then on your approximator performs minute toggles up and down tracking the input, only missing the input by a minute amount on each approximation.

As the D and R successive approximators operate over sufficient iterations then eventually they are nearly identical. Differing from each other by nearly indistinguishable amounts on each iteration. Whichever nearly identical approximator wins 50.000001 percent of the vote, "wins" on each evaluation cycle.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

Not my words but they do express my true feelings. America as we know it is done if this clown is re elected.


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This November we will truly be presented a choice between two 'evils'. One is very clearly a greater evil than the other. Here is my take on why you should vote for Romeny.

1) The Supreme Court thing. Romney is unlikely to appoint another Thomas, Scalia, or Rogers. The best we can hope for is another Kennedy. But we know Obama will appoint radical Marxists to the bench. Against another Kaga or Sotomeyor, I'd prefer Kennedy.

2) Vote for the best Senators and Representatives you can. Having a strongly Constitutional House and Senate is really the best path regardless of who is President. Remember, ALL laws come from Congress. ALL spending bills must originate in the House.

3) Romney is a Republican Party hack. He is unlikely to do anything very controversial. He will try to stay in the middle of the road and appease the majority. If Congress sends him legislation, he is unlikely to veto it. Obama has shown that he will use bullying, threats and violence to achieve his goals.

So, yes, Romney is not a force for 'good'. But he is an 'evil' that will be easier to contain and minimize than Obama. A pox on the Republican leadership for saddling us with that man. I do not believe for a moment that he will be good for the USA. But the damage he will do is probably much less than what Obama has promised to do.

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Guest Bassman17SC

While you were researching and using logic, I believe you failed to review what the terms democratic republic and democracy mean.


Our nation was founded as a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

"Democracy" is mob rule. Just what we are seeing in the middle east right now. And the current administration helped.

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Guest 6.8 AR


Our nation was founded as a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

"Democracy" is mob rule. Just what we are seeing in the middle east right now. And the current administration helped.

Actually a constitutional republic, I think.

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

Not my words but they do express my true feelings. America as we know it is done if this clown is re elected.


And you know about symptoms. They lead to diagnosis, and in this case, the diagnosis is communism. We

don't need that.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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What IS the source? Sounds like part of an essay I'd like to read.

- OS

It is not part of an essay. It was just a blurb in Czech Republic as published in the Prager Zeitung of 28 April 2011. What oldguy quoted seems to be the entire piece.

While the quote is philosophically correct, in practical matters it doesn't really mean all that much. Yes, it is the voters who put a person like Obama in office who are to blame, and it is those type of voters who are going to bring about the downfall of this country. However, does anyone think it is realistic that we (Republicans, conservatives, and libertarians) will be able to change the hearts and minds of 50 plus million people who voted for the a$$hole? I don't think so. The only thing we can do is fight them politically, which is something we can do and win.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Very good, Mav! Also consider he has to mobilize that same 50 million or so voters again. People who

don't vote very often. I have my doubts about that. He's walking away from working men and women,

except the union vote, which won't turn out like he thinks.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Very good, Mav! Also consider he has to mobilize that same 50 million or so voters again. People who

don't vote very often. I have my doubts about that. He's walking away from working men and women,

except the union vote, which won't turn out like he thinks.

That's why he must steal the election by any means possible.

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We are losing more liberties week after week like our freedom to protest in the same location where the Sercret Service is located. I don't care who gets the republican nod, they are getting my vote. Sure Romney is not a conservative but I think he would slow the takedown of the constitution and our "Republic" form of government. George Bush was not a strict conservative but he did do conservative things. I don't think we have many more shots at slowing this thing down. Recently heard a famous quote, can't remember who's but it says alot, "Every President since George Washington has left us less free". What's wrong with choosing the one who will do less of the "less free" part? Works for me!

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