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Korean War vet, 84, shoots home invader with Korean War gun

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Now, that is a hate crime. Attacking the elderly, one of them ill, both probably a bit feeble, and knowing it going in (he was their neighbor!!). That is as hate filled and low down as it gets. Using this guy as a test dummy for ballistics would be too good for him.

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Thank goodness the elderly couple wasn't harmed by this punk. However, I've watched the video several times, and I'm still trying to figure out how the casing got out in the "front yard", when punk boy was shot in the house. Am I missing something here?

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Besides major support from the USA and Great Britain, United Nations forces in the Korean War included (per Wiki) "Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand and Turkey. The Union of South Africa provided air units which fought along side the air forces of other member nations. Denmark, India, Norway, and Sweden provided medical units. Italy provided a hospital, even though it was not a UN member. "

I am guessing he could have even been issued a Lugar by UN command, depending on which units he was attached to (for example a medic).

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Besides major support from the USA and Great Britain, United Nations forces in the Korean War included (per Wiki) "Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand and Turkey. The Union of South Africa provided air units which fought along side the air forces of other member nations. Denmark, India, Norway, and Sweden provided medical units. Italy provided a hospital, even though it was not a UN member. "

I am guessing he could have even been issued a Lugar by UN command, depending on which units he was attached to (for example a medic).

I seriously doubt it. US troops were not issued weapons by UN command, Lugers where well retired by the 50's and American soldiers have quite a history of taking personal arms into combat.

Again, it was a .30 Luger. Not a common thing even back then.

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I seriously doubt it. US troops were not issued weapons by UN command, Lugers where well retired by the 50's and American soldiers have quite a history of taking personal arms into combat.

Again, it was a .30 Luger. Not a common thing even back then.

conceded. probably right.

certainly not on this list of Korean War weapons - http://en.wikipedia....ean_War_weapons

Interestingly, - Browning Hi-Power (on the list) was manufactured in .30 Lugar (7.65x21 Parabellum).

Edited by R_Bert
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The casing was probably tossed out in the yard after the incident or after police gathered what tey needed.

No need to read into any more than that. I would trust that old man's word of what happened over most others. He grew up in a time when your word meant everything and lying was almost as bad as killing a man. So sad how times have changed in the last 75 years.


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Didn't somewhere in the video he say (or at least somewhere it was said) the luger came from his brother who took it from a German Officer.? I may have my videos and reading mixed up, so please correct me if I'm wrong.


Edited by wd-40
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