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Well..as much I want to say something inappropriate about this pic....

They look like they are happy together and prolly had fun taking this pic..it takes a whole.lot of guts doing this..maybe they are just really comfortable with themselfs and their bodies

It might not be aesthetically tooo pleasing for most people to look at..but ..looking at all of.us here..no one is perfect.....right?..

HE is prolly her knight in shining armor..since he has the sword and all......:)

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And just like the last time...everyone has to Quote the picture.... I guess I only have myself to blame.

Sam1, there's a mud boggin' coming up at the Cheatham Co. fairgrounds (or maybe it was last weekend). You should show up with your ride. :up:

Edited by monkeylizard
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Sam1, there's a mud boggin' coming up at the Cheatham Co. fairgrounds (or maybe it was last weekend). You should show up with your ride. :up:

I think they would frown upon borrowing a $3mil vehicle for an unauthorized project lol

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