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dane got skunked

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My wife got a birthday present from our Great Dane this morning. He tangled with a skunk and got back into our house. Those that have had this happen to them know how bad this is. Everything in the house is saturated with skunk smell. I open the doors this morning until it got to too hot . I took the "hunter " down and washed him off the lake with vinegar and dish wash. I did find the skunk in the yard . Danes aren't known for being extremely intellegent. Anyway thats my whinning for today.

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I feel for you.. the dogs at the Barn get skunked quite a few times. It makes me gag.

Dolomite loves the smell of skunk. .says its smells like fresh brewed coffee.. :screwy:

I ran over one once on teh way to work.. apparently it got on the hot pipes uder the car.. it was aweful.

Is there not one true remedy out there ?

Ohh and loves Great Danes.. best dogs in the world:)

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Dolomite loves the smell of skunk. .says its smells like fresh brewed coffee.. :screwy:

Funny you said this it woke me up this morning and first thought was "is that coffee ?"

but it take long to fiqure out it wasn't coffee

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Is there not one true remedy out there ?

My dog got sprayed directly in the face, poor guy puked violently for about 30 minutes and scraped his nose raw trying to get the spray off. I ended up soaking him with a hell of a lot of tomato juice. It worked pretty well, but it still took a while before all of the smell went away, though it was really noticeable only when he would get wet. Took almost as long to get all of the tomato out of his thick double coat.

Ohh and loves Great Danes.. best dogs in the world:)

They are the best dogs in the world until one bites your head and almost takes out your eye and you have to get 23 stitches.

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Been there, done that as well. I found this to be the best solution. Tomato juice doesn't work (at least in my opinion). Do this twice and it will take 95% of the smell out. You will have to deal with a little smell for a couple of days.

1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

1/4 cup Baking Soda

1 teaspoon liquid soap

(Dawn Dishwashing Detergent is often recommended, but any dish soap will work)

Rubber or latex gloves

Mix in an open container (bucket or bowl); it will be fizzy, a clue that you shouldn't try to mix it or store it in a bottle or other closed container.

Thoroughly wet your dog with warm water and then the solution while it is still bubbline. Knead it well into his coat, to chemically alter every bit of the thiols on his hair. Be careful to keep the formula out if the dog's eyes, nose and mouth; you can use a sponge to carefully wipe it onto his face. Let the solution stand for 10 minutes before rinsing. Follow the bath with a thorough rinse. Be sure to protect the eyes when rinsing the head.

Edited by Hozzie
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Isn't tomato juice a solution too?

If you want your dog to smell like skunky tomato juice, sure. We tried that first. The baking soda/peroxide mix took care of both smells. I believe we had to do it twice as well.... just like Hozzie said.

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Been there, done that as well. I found this to be the best solution. Tomato juice doesn't work (at least in my opinion). Do this twice and it will take 95% of the smell out. You will have to deal with a little smell for a couple of days.

1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

1/4 cup Baking Soda

1 teaspoon liquid soap

(Dawn Dishwashing Detergent is often recommended, but any dish soap will work)

Rubber or latex gloves

Mix in an open container (bucket or bowl); it will be fizzy, a clue that you shouldn't try to mix it or store it in a bottle or other closed container.

Thoroughly wet your dog with warm water and then the solution while it is still bubbline. Knead it well into his coat, to chemically alter every bit of the thiols on his hair. Be careful to keep the formula out if the dog's eyes, nose and mouth; you can use a sponge to carefully wipe it onto his face. Let the solution stand for 10 minutes before rinsing. Follow the bath with a thorough rinse. Be sure to protect the eyes when rinsing the head.

Wife works with dogs and this is the olny thing we found that works. We actually just had to do it a week ago when our dog got sprayed.
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i hope this never happens to my basset hound he is a serious #$^@ head to give a bath too, and i can guarantee i couldnt keep it out of his eyes, i mean seriously tell me this joker doesnt scream pain in the A$$ LOL :taunt:



Edited by JKGlock17
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i hope this never happens to my basset hound he is a serious #$^@ head to give a bath too, and i can guarantee i couldnt keep it out of his eyes, i mean seriously tell me this joker doesnt scream pain in the A$$ LOL

It's the breed. They are stubborn, and mine is no different. It's not easy to get him to do something that he doesn't want to do.

I have to carry his fat a$$ to the tub, but he's not too bad once I get him there.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2

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It's the breed. They are stubborn, and mine is no different. It's not easy to get him to do something that he doesn't want to do.

I have to carry his fat a$$ to the tub, but he's not too bad once I get him there.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2

when i get wesson to the tub it is like fighting a full grown man to keep him in the tub!!! LOL

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Had that a few times as well. No matter how good we could get the dogs cleaned, to the point we thought we where done, once they got wet again (outside rain) the smell would come back. It will eventually go away.

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My favorite part is once it has filtered thru everything in the house, especially clothes. You kinda get use to the smell but you still smell like skunk when you go somewhere to someone else. Like I have a dr appointment in the morning and I know even with a shower and clean clothes I'm still going to smell like Pepe Lapew.

So do you say "Hey doc if you smell a little skunk smell don't worry its me". I mean our house reeks I had the doors open most of the day.

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