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Mob attacks U.S. Consulate in Benghazi; Embasy in Egypt

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That is my mindset, in regards to how kgb handled it. We have CIA there, without a doubt. Let the government show whatever face they want to the media, but let those operatives go in track down those responsible and make an example of them quietly. Whatever happens to them will circulate in the right channels, and even though there won't be a clear cut "the US did this", they will know. That is all we need.

I still don't think big zerO has the balls to order something like that.

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That is my mindset, in regards to how kgb handled it. We have CIA there, without a doubt. Let the government show whatever face they want to the media, but let those operatives go in track down those responsible and make an example of them quietly. Whatever happens to them will circulate in the right channels, and even though there won't be a clear cut "the US did this", they will know. That is all we need.

I still don't think big zerO has the balls to order something like that.

The big zero can't get any political advantage out of a quiet killing. He needs to blow something up, so he can brag on TV

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The big zero can't get any political advantage out of a quiet killing. He needs to blow something up, so he can brag on TV

Normally I would think he would never consider doing anything like that. Then again, it is election time and I believe he will do anything he can that in his mind will help him get re-elected. It is all about him, and nothing else, his 9-11 tweets were proof of that.

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That is my mindset, in regards to how kgb handled it. We have CIA there, without a doubt. Let the government show whatever face they want to the media, but let those operatives go in track down those responsible and make an example of them quietly. Whatever happens to them will circulate in the right channels, and even though there won't be a clear cut "the US did this", they will know. That is all we need.

I still don't think big zerO has the balls to order something like that.

The U.S. will support Isreal, so there is no need to get all worked up about it here on TGO. I also believe that there will be a U.S. response to this tragedy. Sad to see some of you disappointed because missiles did not start falling within 24 hours, but I'll bet anything that the people who committed the murders know that we are going to respond.

Just curious. Outside of the guys who have already done tours and the guys currently serving our country, how many of you are ready to put some skin (yourself or a family members) in the game if we end up at war in another middle eastern country?

I hate the people who always want our guys to kick azz, but never have anything to offer but verbal support.


The clowns who committed this crime will hear from us soon enough. Remember that old joke that concluded..."let's walk down the hill and f*ck them all". Patience!

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The clowns who committed this crime will hear from us soon enough. Remember that old joke that concluded..."let's walk down the hill and f*ck them all". Patience!

I'm glad you brought up that quote, as I was discussing with a colleague earlier that this is exactly what we're missing here. I don't need bombs falling right away. I understand the importance of tactical patience. However, the President needs to make a strong statement so the world understands that we will not be pushed around and our intentions are to chase down the perpetrators to the ends of the earth. We look weak based on the initial reactions of he State Department. The events in Yemen make clear of that. We need a leader responding to these attacks, and what we have is a politician who is choosing his words carefully as to not upset certain demographics. That is not what I want when our sovereignty is violated. It is not what I expect from a leader.

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We have gotten to a sad state when the leaders are more concerned with being re-elected than what needs to be done. Especially since they're too scared of offending someone.

The ironic thing is, if they did what needs to be done, they would most likely be re-elected.

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Hey. Obama knows what to do. I just read that the Justice Department is considering charging the guy that made the anti Islam film in the murder of the Ambassador.

Really? I thought it was a coordinated attack, and had nothing to do with the muzzies going batsh#t over the film. What's your source?

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This was nothing that tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and if all else fails 50 cal machine guns couldn't fix. Embarrassing to see a bunch of savages allowed to invade our embassies and kill our people. We look so weak it is pathetic.

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I was a little bit pissed before, but now I am absolutely disgusted at this. Those Marines were not allowed to have live ammunition. The politicians that implemented that policy should have to drive themselves to these Marines' families and explain to them in person why their sons are now dead.

Can't do much from this end, but I think it's time to fire up Word and send some nastygrams to the usual offices.

Edited by Sam1
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It is the host nation's responsibility to protect the embassy. The Marines are supposed to protect the ambassador and his staff. Of course, you could always follow the Soviet method. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_Group

In October 1985, Alpha Group would be dispatched to Beirut, Lebanon after the Kremlin was informed that four Soviet diplomats had been taken hostage by a Sunni extremist group. By the time Alpha was on-site, word had spread that one of the hostages had already been killed. Through a network of supporting KGB operatives, members of the task-force were able to successfully identify each of the perpetrators involved in the crisis, and once discovered, began to take the individual relatives of the extremists hostage. Following the standard Soviet policy of "no negotiation with terrorists," the hostages belonging to Alpha Group had some of their body parts cut off and sent directly to the Sunni militants. The warning was quite clear: more would follow unless the remaining hostages were released immediately. The show of force worked, and for a period of 20 years[4] no Soviet or Russian officials were taken captive until the 2006 abduction and murder of four Russian embassy staff members in Iraq. However, the veracity of this story is open to debate. Russian journalist Vyzcheslav Lashkul has denied Alpha Group's involvement in the practice of torture, and instead claims that the release of the Soviet hostages was the result of extensive diplomatic negotiations with the alleged backer of the hostage-takers, Hezbollah spiritual leader Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah.[5]

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several sites are reporting he is being investigated


The story saying he might be charged was on cbs but has now been changed to just say the justice department is conducting a criminal investigation. Why would the justice dept be investigating if they weren't considering charging someone in this country. I don't think justice can charge a Libyan.

Edited by Glenn
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Now there are reports that the State Department had advance warning about the attack in Libya; and did nothing.


If these reports are substantiated at some point, Romney needs to hammer on this like John Henry.

*No, this is not me swaying towards or endorsing Romney. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

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Really? I thought it was a coordinated attack, and had nothing to do with the muzzies going batsh#t over the film. What's your source?

I heard that on CNN while waiting today.

Hilary wants everyone to think that.

It wouldn't take much of a leap to say

White House policy is now in favor of

the enemy. That, and the date was

significant to a few million of us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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<br /><br />If these reports are substantiated at some point, Romney needs to hammer on this like John Henry. <br /><br />*No, this is not me swaying towards or endorsing Romney. I'm just pointing out the obvious.
<br />The way Romney has been talking,<br />last day or two, only if the media would<br />report it, He is charging an acting<br />presidential, while his party is acting<br />self absorbed like the media. <br /><br />I don't know the links and am stuck being dumb on a smartphone, but<br />maybe Rush has them on his site.<br />Romney definitely needs someone<br />other than McCain rejects because<br />he can get his message across.He addressed this stuff well.<br /><br />Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Edited by 6.8 AR
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I was a little bit pissed before, but now I am absolutely disgusted at this. Those Marines were not allowed to have live ammunition. The politicians that implemented that policy should have to drive themselves to these Marines' families and explain to them in person why their sons are now dead.<br /><br />Can't do much from this end, but I think it's time to fire up Word and send some nastygrams to the usual offices.
As far as I can tell there were no Marines killed or even at the consulate in Benghazi. The Marines in Egypt just stayed inside and locked the doors while the animals took down the American flag and violated our sovereignty.

EDIT: I see now that they're listing two of the deceased as US Marines killed by SAF in the annex after the first building was torched with the Ambassador inside.

DOUBLE EDIT: Nevermind, ABC is now reporting my initial assumption that it was two contractors killed in the subsequent firefight, both former SEALs. Doesn't appear as if any Marines were there, and is likely there weren't.

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Seals, contractors, marines or air force rent-a-cops, doesn't matter to me.... they're all there to protect sovereign American soil.

Got it, just pointing out that there wasn't an actual detail of servicemembers there. While contractors are Americans, our politicians owe the members of our Armed Forces much more because Servicemembers are obligated, whereas contractors aren't.

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Maybe we should apologize again. That will surely help. Those peace loving gentle folks in the mideast just love some Obama apologies. I bet they will start really liking us if we just apologize again...yeah, that sounds like a plan.

(Sarcasm, for those that don't know me)

Edited by barewoolf
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