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New Obama Admin Claim: Marines Couldn't Have Stopped Consulate Assault

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Dissing the Marines is a pretty stupid move on the part of the 0bama administration.

Read a few Marine Corps Medal of Honor Citations and you'll see what even a couple of Marines can do.

Semper Fidelis.


New Obama Admin Claim:

Marines Couldn't Have Stopped Consulate Assault

by John Sexton 21 Sep 2012, 2:14 PM PDT

First Romney, then the You Tube clip, now the Marines are to blame? The Obama administration's shifting claims on what took place in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11 became more defiant yesterday when unnamed officials suggested that no amount of security would have mattered in Libya, not even a detachment of US Marines. This came on the same day the administration also admitted the assault was a terror attack not a protest gone wrong.

The claim came as part of an investigative report by CNN. Unnamed officials described a pattern of previous attacks in Benghazi as "Stand-off attacks with no follow up." By contrast, the 9/11 attack was "a whole paradigm shift for which there was no prior intelligence and there was no context to put in related to what was going on." In other words, we weren't ready for an attack this big.

Perhaps to emphasize the scale of the attack, an official claimed that even if Marines had been on hand it might not have mattered "More guards, or even a Marine detachment, the officials maintained, could not have curbed the lethal attack." Note that this is a quote from CNN, not a direct quote of the source, though they are clearly relating his words.

It's insulting and dismissive to suggest US Marines couldn't have made a difference. Reports suggest that as few as 20 and no more than 50 people were involved in the consulate attack. The problem was that we had 4-8 Libyan guards and just 5 US security people in a compound with no interior gate and no guard towers. And when we did send in a security detachment from Tripoli by helicopter that night reports suggest that they were able to fight off the attack and rescue remaining staff. It would not have taken many Marines to balance the scales and perhaps result in a very different outcome.

Yesterday, Jay Carney announced "It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack." This is just the latest shift in a series that seem designed at deflecting blame. What is truly self-evident is that the administration has been trying very hard to avoid taking responsibility for the security failure that led to the first killing of a US Ambassador in 30 years. The administration was happy to let the press obsess over Romney's comments for the first couple days. Then they claimed it was a protest gone wrong and blamed a You Tube clip. Now they're claiming no amount of security, not even the Marines, couldn't have stopped what happened. You may notice the pattern here: It's always about what somebody else did or couldn't have done.


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And they obviously couldn't have prevented anything if they weren't there. This bunch is grasping at straws in

the hope that some will believe something they say.

More evidence that the media is and has been backing the wrong bunch when they should have left their

agenda somewhere else and just reported something like real news, all along.

Here, lately, it's just throw it against the wall. Let's see what sticks!

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I'd take my chances with armed Marines rather than with armed locals who were most likely working with the terrorists. I remember seeing one post that was from one of the ex SEALs that was lost in the attack. He posted about the "police" (local security detail) taking pictures of the interior of the compound prior to the attack.

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A platoon of Marines would have absolutely ended this once it was clear things were getting out of hand. The small US security detail was is flight/protection mode when it got to that point. A platoon of Marines would certainly have changed the mode of operation to regain the initiative once it got to that point. Every good grunt in the Marine Corps is looking for any good reason to use his weapon against his enemy. That is why Marines exist. They know this. Obama does not know this.

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Remember that the word "Soldier" is always capitalized and Marines do NOT like to be referred to as such. Sorry, habit.

This is very true. We are always Marines, not Soliders lol. And I say that with utmost respect to all branchs. As far as Marines not being able to make a difference, it is obvious he knows nothing of Marines. Having done 5 years in I can tell you a well equipped platoon of Marines would have stopped this event in its tracks.

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You're right, my bad, and nothing wrong with habits like that, anyway. I can't believe I am typing right with

all the crap I've been taking. Thank God when I run out of some of these little pills. :rant:

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First Barbary War: Battle of Derna

. . . First Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon and eight US Marines . . .

. . . ". . . To the Shores of Tripoli (Libya) . . ." . . .




Edited by QuietDan
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First Barbary War: Battle of Derna

. . . First Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon and eight US Marines . . .

. . . ". . . To the Shores of Tripoli (Libya) . . ." . . .




That says it all. Thanks for posting.


Sent from my iPhone

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Guest cardcutter

First of all a Platoon of Marines on site would have detered the attack simply by being there. The cowards would not have attacked at all if they were there.

" the safest place in( insert country here) is behind a platoon of Marines!!!"

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New Obama Admin Claim:

Marines Couldn't Have Stopped Consulate Assault

I bet just a couple of Marines could've not only stopped that attack IF THEY WERE ALLOWED TO HAVE AMMUNITION, but they could've also helped a couple hundred of those terrorists get in the express lane to receive their 72 virgins.

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I'd really love to see what the Marines could do in D.C.

I'm thinkin' 20 minutes, and everything would be cleared up.

Pols would be cleared out, all their wives would come up pregnant and every bathroom in the White House and the Capitol building would be covered in penis art.

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Red herring.

Ubama had plenty of advance warning and should have evacuated the ambassador.

His watch, his fault.

Obama would be on another apology tour if the Marines had been there to defend the ambassador.

Edited by tnhawk
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all due respect to the marines, but 4 or 5 of them on guard duty armed with rifles would not have stopped these mobs. Killed some 40 or 50 of em, maybe, but these guys had grenades or rockets of some sort, guns and were there to TAKE the place.

If you mean a combat troop of marines with real gear, including mounted machine guns and explosives and all, that might have had a chance. Depends on the context.

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If you mean a combat troop of marines with real gear, including mounted machine guns and explosives and all, that might have had a chance. Depends on the context.

You aren't considering certain factors here. Being outgunned means absolutely nothing here. I'm aware of countless stories of American Servicemembers holding back 10-1 numbers, and some stories of them killing dozens without suffering any loss of life on their side. You're not taking into account violence of action, nor are you considering the cowardly nature of their culture. In fact, more numbers work against them, as it actually encourages them to break contact when they see the guy next to them flee, which generally happens when you start dropping bodies. I've seen this first hand.

Yes, 4 or 5 Marines would have had their hands full. No doubt in my mind that their actions would have been focused on seizing the initiative and they would have been successful in doing so. A platoon of Marines? No doubt in my mind they would have ended the lives of so many before they had the chance to get away.

It isn't just about who has greater numbers or better weapons when it comes to fighting these monkeys. The only thing they respond to is power. When you try to flee or break contact they will become emboldened and take the initiative. When you return with great violence and decisive action they scatter like cockroaches no matter how many they have on their side.

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