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Look what I just ordered. It has arrived!

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Should be here within a week then the real wait begins.

I struck a deal to trade my 100% reliable and converted Saiga for a stock Saiga plus the funds to buy this stock. I am waiting until we get a chance to meet. He is 3 hours away and we are meeting in the middle. These stocks are the only reason I bought my Saiga in the first place. It has taken the maker a few years of developement before being released.

Once I get my hands on the unmodified Saiga I will give it the "treatment". I will get the barrel chopped to 15" and a flash hider permanently welded on to bring it to 18". I will probably have the barrel threaded internally for standard chokes as well. I will polish the bolt to make loading with the bolt forward easier as well as aid reliability. I will install a 1911 spring for reliability. I will make a puck of my own design that also helps reliability. I will likely drill out the gas ports as well for reliability with low brass ammo. And I will go through the trigger to clean it up as well.

I haven't decided on what I will be using for sights. I might get and ultimak and use a red dot. Or maybe work out a way to use irons.

I can't wait.

Dolomite Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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those are nice, i considered getting one for my s12, but decided to do a regular conversion instead. it sucks they can only be used with unconverted saiga's. I will definitely want to see pics once installed, im suprised there isnt a huge backorder on these right now, like everything else firearm related

Edited by reed1285
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I think the reason why they are not back ordered is everyone converted their Saiga already if they don't want a stock one. Seems some people want to keep their Saiga stock.


These have only been out for about a year or so now but years in the making.



Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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Thats sexy. What makes it impossible to use a converted Saiga?

Trigger linkage and the housing are set up for the unconverted Saiga. I have a feeling if he ever tried to make it for a converted Saiga we wouldn't see it for 4 more years! :squint:

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Now the pic shows up. That's a strange looking S12. You could probably feel each shell coming out, judging by where your

head is while shooting.

For us correct handed shooters the spent shells wack ya in the head.

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Guest drifter

Very cool they're available now, I was worried it would end up as vaporware.


In related news I just installed my SKS in a Shernic bullpup stock :)

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Very cool they're available now, I was worried it would end up as vaporware.

In related news I just installed my SKS in a Shernic bullpup stock :)

pics or it didn't happen ! I didn't know they had a bullpup for sks I will have to check that out.
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