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Whatever happened to.................................


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he looks like a pro wrestler.


Reminds me of that movie about old gangsters...  "you said the good times were gonna last forever"  & response  "I thought we'd be dead by now"


Last time I heard something good from him was their cover attemp (spaghetti incident)

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he looks like a pro wrestler.


Reminds me of that movie about old gangsters...  "you said the good times were gonna last forever"  & response  "I thought we'd be dead by now"


Last time I heard something good from him was their cover attemp (spaghetti incident)


Reminds me of the Robert Duvall film Tender Mercies


Woman with Groceries:
Hey, mister, were you really Mac Sledge?

Mac Sledge:
Yes, ma'm, I guess I was.

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It is true, they are old and look like $hit now  Still, at one point during their peak, they were living a lifestyle that most of us would have given our left nut to experience.

I believe that the lifestyle they lived is what contributed to an early aging process. Cocaine, smokes and booze to excess will do that to ya. I work with plenty of folks that are as old and older than these former rockers and they look much, much younger, or at least they don't look like ten pounds of s**t stuffed into a five pound bag.
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I believe that the lifestyle they lived is what contributed to an early aging process. Cocaine, smokes and booze to excess will do that to ya. I work with plenty of folks that are as old and older than these former rockers and they look much, much younger, or at least they don't look like ten pounds of s**t stuffed into a five pound bag.

So true. Working at the hospital, there is definitely a difference in "turn around time" (also how good they look) in the older people who have vs have not taken care of themselves. Crack, booze, tobacco, it's all hard on the body. Not to mention the stress that goes along with that lifestyle.
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