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Rock star and conservative activist Ted Nugent told Breitbart News that he thinks the Republican Party does not fight back against President Barack Obama’s agenda because “they somehow has lost their scrotum.”

“Working hard, playing hard America is literally recoiling in shock and dismay on an hourly basis,” Nugent said. “Where is the GOP? There must be a system by which we can stop this stuff.”

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They've lost a lot of support, and it's kinda turned them into wobbly legged bitches. They need to get their social agenda together. If they focus on the back of our pants (wallets) instead of the front (fun parts), they may not chase as many folks to the other side.

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Guest ThePunisher
New Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has got balls. And so does Mark Levine, and Rand Paul. We need more outspoken people like them as well as Nugent to carry the fight to these commie idiots trying to take away all our liberties, and freedoms. McCain and Lindsey Graham are sticklers to comity in the Senate, and the reason the commies are running all over them, and getting what they want. They've lost their scrotum as Nugent says.
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I never thought I'd say this but after the past two elections and what the GOP is putting up for candidates....UNCLE TED FOR PREZ! :rock:

He couldn’t get elected. I’m not sure any conservative, or even any Republican could. Those that don’t want to work, want a handout from the government, support gun control and unlimited immigration; are unfortunately becoming the majority voting. Our nation is in distress.


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I have been a staunch Republican supporter for close to 25 years now.  Looking back, I agree whole heartedly with the OP.  Republicans (national level) would rather compromise than stand the ground or push it in your face mentality like the dems do.  I understand that leadership is the ability to influence others, it is not caving or whimping out.  If the republicans want to take or be in a leadership role, they need to lead, not follow or whimp out.  I was somewhat intrigued a few years ago with the Tea party, still had some reservations, but nonetheless found them to be intriguing.  My desire is for the republicans to stand their ground.  If you are going to go down, go down fighting, not fading or whimping away. 


BTW The state level republicans are feisty.  The national republicans could learn alot from those state pesty young ones!   Unless all national republicans began their public service at the state level, and they have lost their way which I suspect.

Edited by Runco
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Some folks refer to our two major political parties as 'The Evil Party' and 'The Stupid Party'.  Certainly at the national level, the Republican Party qualifies as 'stupid'.  It seems that even here in TN, we have plenty of Republicans that qualify for that label.

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Nancy didn't castrate them. When someone like John Boehner, being Speaker, cries at the podium, begs to deal with Obama,

shows so much weakness not knowing how to bring up conservatives to fight, or maybe is just a progressive, don't blame it on

Democrats. Blame it on liars who say one thin and do another. Corruption finally made it full circle inside the beltway in an

obvious way.


When you see first term congressmen turn on you at their first vote, the system is completely broken. When you see people

like Karl Rove, who is a good number cruncher, but the wrong political bent to be a Republican running the show from within

party apparatchik, look out. He is moving the party to the left. His PAC is courting money, otherwise known as "formerly Dem

friendly". Progressive money and all the handouts being consumed by moochers have effectively killed the Republican Party.


The Tea Party's time has come and people like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio need to be surrounded by more to their liking. I

will not give another dime to a Republican, except when he or she shows me a Tea Party support and attitude. I don't care what

happens to the Republican Party any more.


If you can't "protect and defend the Constitution" you are not worthy to hold office. That includes those two poseurs we have

as senators from Tennessee. We have a crisis on our hands, and not just a constitutional crisis. This one is run away tyranny.

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