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Um...Are you people for real? ;)

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Please help me understand who you all are and why this zombie forum exists, lol. Is it all tongue-in-cheek? Do you people really prepare an arsenal for the purpose of defending yourself from zombies? Is it all a joke? Do you just like to make-believe?


Please understand that these are honest questions and are really not meant to be inflammatory. I have only ever seen one excerpt from one zombie [EDIT: movie] and pretty much don't keep up with the zombie craze. I would like to understand what it is that makes zombie preppers like yourself tick. Are you for real?





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Think of zombies as a metaphor for anything unexpected that might pop up in your life. Being prepared and being able to deal with unexpected adversity is sort of the point of it.


Plus, zombies are pretty cool and The Walking Dead is the best show on TV right now.

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To me the whole Zombie thing is just a fun way to talk about preparing for real world disasters. Most of the skills or stuff that you would need in a Zombie apocalypse would be beneficial in most any other disaster situation. Zombie are just the hot topic right now but if I had to describe the fascination in one phrase it would be "Different strokes for different folks."

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Basically, to be ready for anything that could realistically happen, be ready for Zombie Apocalypse.


Actually, you need to be ready for more, as your neighbors will be faster than the average zed.


- OS


A lot of my neighbors are liberals. They're just storing my food for me until I need it :)

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Zombie = politically correct bad guy.



this is it in a nutshell.  You can't talk about shooting people or stabbing them in the head or things like that. but you can say whatever you want about Zombies and no one objects.

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Guest Brutnus

Plus its always fun to think about what zombie people in the media you would shoot first. 


Piers moron

The View cast


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Other than a handful of nut-jobs out there, no, none of us think the undead will rise up and try to eat our brains. "Zombies" is a useful metaphor for whatever societal collapse one might want to be prepared for. For those who consider such things, that could be foreign invasion, viral outbreak, civil war, economic collapse, natural disasters, etc.


If you're prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you're prepared for any of those real things. By focusing on any one of the "real" events, people start arguing over the likelihood of the event instead of focusing on the prepping methods. So if a person says they're preparing for a civil war, someone else will come along and say that won't ever happen and they need to be preparing for a natural disaster instead. Neither poster knows the likelihood of either event, and it's irrelevant. The tools, supplies, and skills needed to survive one are more-or-less equally employed to survive another. It's not a perfect overlap (usually less shooting in a natural disaster vs. civil war for example), but by and large that holds true.


So "zombies" form a common ground that we can all work from. As was posted above, even the CDC has a zombie preparedness guide. If you look closely, it's pretty much the same stuff in their hurricane and earthquake guides. They finally learned that by adding a little fun to their literature, people may actually read them.

You'll also find zombie threads that have little if anything to do with prepping, like The Walking Dead threads. That's just because zombies are fun.

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Other than a handful of nut-jobs out there, no, none of us think the undead will rise up and try to eat our brains. "Zombies" is a useful metaphor for whatever societal collapse one might want to be prepared for. For those who consider such things, that could be foreign invasion, viral outbreak, civil war, economic collapse, natural disasters, etc.


If you're prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you're prepared for any of those real things. By focusing on any one of the "real" events, people start arguing over the likelihood of the event instead of focusing on the prepping methods. So if a person says they're preparing for a civil war, someone else will come along and say that won't ever happen and they need to be preparing for a natural disaster instead. Neither poster knows the likelihood of either event, and it's irrelevant. The tools, supplies, and skills needed to survive one are more-or-less equally employed to survive another. It's not a perfect overlap (usually less shooting in a natural disaster vs. civil war for example), but by and large that holds true.


So "zombies" form a common ground that we can all work from. As was posted above, even the CDC has a zombie preparedness guide. If you look closely, it's pretty much the same stuff in their hurricane and earthquake guides. They finally learned that by adding a little fun to their literature, people may actually read them.

You'll also find zombie threads that have little if anything to do with prepping, like The Walking Dead threads. That's just because zombies are fun.


I think I get it now. Thanks!!



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