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The show was pretty good, the special effects sucked balls, but for a pilot, that is to be expected.
Complex characters, DEEP backstory and some good one liners.
Premise is complex, in 2013 a fleet of several million mixed alien races arrive at earth. Eventually a war breaks out, then the war stops. During the war (part of the cause) the earth is terraformed  improperly, creating an alien planet for ALL races, alien and native. Story takes place in 2046, 33 years after the landing, 15 years after the war. There is a lot of intricacies to the history, but that is the premise. 
There is an MMO videogame that matches the movie.
Pretty ambitious. 
I think I will give it a good shot.
Edited by Murgatroy
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I watched and thought it was interesting. The show has promise. And yes, I agree that the CGI work was pretty lame considering the tech advances since the last show I'd compare it to was done. But then, the SYFY channel hasn't really been know for high production values in any of their shows.


Maybe you won't agree, but I liken it to Babylon 5. Seems to have some of the depth of character and story lines that B5 used so well.


It is an ambitious undertaking, and I do hope it does well. I'd like to see a really good space opera again. Hasn't been a good one since Firefly.

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I have never seen B5.


Folks might laugh, given today's culture, but I grew up without watching television. We picked up one channel back in the woods (WATE/ABC) and I never got into watching television.


I didn't even own a television of my own until I was in my mid to late 20's.


It has only been the last five years or so that I have gotten into watching television.

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Guest Averhoeven
There is an MMO videogame that matches the movie.


Like the show, the game lacks polish and production values, but damn is it fun. If you enjoy the show and like 3rd person shooters give it a shot.

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Watched the pilot and thought it was pretty good.  The special effects really weren't that bad.  I hope they can steer clear of the cheese and let it become a good series with some grit.


Your thought is good , David, But unfortunately the track record for tv executives to keep their hands off is pretty bad. If it works, they'll try to make it "better." If the show is barely hanging on, they'll try to "fix" it and totally ruin it.


Probably the best to hope for is that we get a season that is at least interesting. That would make it better than 99% of the rest of the shows out there.

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Walking dead withdrawals. But I watched this show Defiance, thought it ok. Wanted to watch Revolution but due to the Media hype about a terrorist attack in Boston, show is moved to next monday. Nothing against the Boston coverage, just they are going to run it into the dirt.


I wouldn't waste my time with the videogame Defiance, It looks like a waste.


But if youre into the WOW or Diablo 3, or star wars universe, it might be an ok game.


From the first looks of it, I'll pass though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Averhoeven

Don't know if anyone is still watching this, but my wife and I are digging it.


I need to find time to pick up the game.

Word of warning, the game doesn't give a good first impression because its graphics are a little lacking. Give it a chance though and you will find it grabs you and is really entertaining. The good news is that it is a pay once ever type MMO, no subscription etc so you can quit and come back, leave it alone or play 24/7 and be getting your money's worth either way.


As for the show, this most recent episode was the most interesting to me. The others have been OK, but this one got me a little more involved. Oh, and I don't what it is, but the Kenya chick (brothel owner) is really up my alley.

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Well, this channel did a good job with the Battle Star Galactica reboot so I'm holding out hope.


It was great till the writer strike, then it seemed to just wander off for awhile. Overall I was happy with the show though. At least the space combat was well thought out.


Defiance... I tried one episode and I just couldn't get into it.


I just wish Firefly would come back. :)

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So far, I am enjoying TV show so far, the back stories are developing.  The plotting has started.



I have the MMO, it is fun but I can't say as fun as some other games I have played.  No monthly fee is good.

There was a learning curve to the game that I didn't have with star wars or wow.

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Maybe you won't agree, but I liken it to Babylon 5. Seems to have some of the depth of character and story lines that B5 used so well.


Babylon 5 was the best space opera of all time. Deep Space 9 had great potential, but Avery Brooks just couldn't act.  So far, Defiance is... fair. Too early to give it a real grade. Babylon 5 really didn't come into its own until the second season.

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I'm giving this show a shot just 'cause Rockne O'Bannon has a hand in it and he was behind the Farscape series, which I really enjoyed.  So far it's.....okay.  I'm not hooked but not ready to shun it just yet.

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I've watched them all, but nothing compares to Firefly, IMO.  I'm enjoying Defiance though.  Pretty good show so far.  Amanda and Kenya are really on the easy on the eye, but Stahma is totally HOT!!! :yum:

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Babylon 5 was the best space opera of all time. Deep Space 9 had great potential, but Avery Brooks just couldn't act.  So far, Defiance is... fair. Too early to give it a real grade. Babylon 5 really didn't come into its own until the second season.


Dang, my friend. You are a man of great discernment and taste. Not to mention a good judge of character and talent, or lack thereof.


DS9 had some potential, but seemed to wallow in it's own efforts to become something more that just another spinoff series. had some good characters and plotlines, but they just didn't seem to meld inot a cohesive story.


B5, on the other hand, even with its slow start, didn't suffer form a lack of good characters and plots. Michael S. (I never can spell his name without looking it up), created quite a cast of diverse races and wove them together to create a truly magnificent nighttime version of the daytime soap operas for the syfy fans.


As soon as my wife goes back to work(she's recovering and rehabing from a knee replacement), I'm digging my set out and watching it again.

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