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One Bomber dead, his brother on the run

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Even a crappy court appointed attorney woudn't allow that to happen.


And he's an American citizen.


- OS


He likely WON'T be told his Miranda Rights right away.  Prior to the Miranda warning -- Interrogations CAN take place - They just can't be used in court. 

Edited by xRUSTYx
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I have seen the grotesque pictures , I have felt the pain of our country , I believe that there is nothing you can do in this United States of America and get away with it and I am PROUD ! Just try and come get us is what I say ! Edited by Threeeighty
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Guest Wildogre

.......  And before you all say that it didn't really work, consider that the businesses of Boston lost an estimated 330 million dollars today, because of the citywide shutdown.  Not to mention all the man hours spent in this manhunt today, by the various Government agencies!  All for two pieces of ####, that got through!  Multiple that by ten or twenty attacks, all across the country and just imagine what would happen!........




Exactly what I was thinking about all day today


edit to fix qoute

Edited by Wildogre
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He will not have that option.

Yes he will! No way Eric Holder will let this out the DOJ's hands. He will be tried in a Federal Court.

No, you misunderstand. He will be interrogated before he is read his rights. It doesn't matter that it can't be used in court. He's toast either way. His interrogation will reveal information leading to his handler(s) and the folks overseas who oversaw their operation. Based on the reports that the FBI questioned him on behalf of a foreign gov two years ago, I'm gonna take a WAG and say it was the Saudis who asked and this will lead back to AQ. I don't believe the FBI would answer a request from the Russians, but maybe?
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You are correct!  They didn't give him a Miranda Warning.  So they can interrogate him to their hearts content!  The U.S. Attorney General at the scene confirmed it.  They don't have to in cases like this.


And now since his Royal Highness, The Big O, is about to speak, it's time to get back to Knives Live TV (Ch. 222 on DirecTV).

Edited by Moped
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Already debate about how to handle it. Lindsay Graham already chimed in that he should be treated as enemy combatant.

And then try him for treason as well as murder!  Holder will not allow him to be sent to Gitmo though, which is what Graham was probably hinting at.

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I may hold an unpopular position here, but here it is.

He is a US citizen and needs to be treated as such. That includes being afforded all the rights and protections thy citizenship brings with it. Remember all of the "what if" discussions over the nasty provisions for declaring citizens apprehended on US soil as an enemy combatant thus denying them their constitutionally guaranteed rights? Remember the worry about DHS letters calling folks like us possible terrorists? Anything they do to this guy, they can do to you or I. I want my pound of flesh as much anyone else, but I want it done the right way.

We must ensure that in our search for justice today that we do not lay the foundation for injustice tomorrow. Edited by Chucktshoes
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I may hold an unpopular position here, but here it is.

He is a US citizen and needs to be treated as such. That includes being afforded all the rights and protections thy citizenship brings with it. Remember all of the "what if" discussions over the nasty provisions for declaring citizens apprehended on US soil as an enemy combatant thus denying them their constitutionally guaranteed rights? Remember the worry about DHS letters calling folks like us possible terrorists? Anything they do to this guy, they can do to you or I. I want my pound of flesh as much anyone else, but I want it done the right way.

We must ensure that in our search for justice today that we do not lay the foundation for injustice tomorrow.

I'm not so sure his rights are being violated since whatever he says during his interrogation can't be used against him in court. His interrogation will not involve anything resembling torture. I bet they get him to crack in a matter of hours without anyone even raising their voice.

Help me on this one, since I'm not as learned as some, but how and what rights are being violated by interrogating the individual for intel purposes independent of a criminal investigation?
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He's only listed in "serious" condition. That generally means not expected to croak.


- OS


OK. Saw more pics. Looks like it was mostly his face banged up. He must have fallen down some stairs :)

Edited by mikegideon
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