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Improved Lord of the Rings

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Adding guns and naked women would be the only way you could get me to sit through a LOTR movie.

Even though I enjoyed the movies, naked women would be an improvement, but odds are they would be hobbits with big hairy feet.  Not that there is anything wrong with that if you are into that sort of thing.

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Even though I enjoyed the movies, naked women would be an improvement, but odds are they would be hobbits with big hairy feet.  Not that there is anything wrong with that if you are into that sort of thing.


mmm...hairy Hobbit feet

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Even though I enjoyed the movies, naked women would be an improvement, but odds are they would be hobbits with big hairy feet.  Not that there is anything wrong with that if you are into that sort of thing.


Elves. Naked female elves. Hmmmmmmm.


Well, if not naked, filmy, flowing gowns . . . 

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you know, i greatly respect tolkien.  He invented entire languages, and if he did not invent fantasy writings, he certainly did a LOT to make it more popular.  But I can't read his stuff.  The LOTRO trilogy drags on and on at a snails pace, you FEEL like you are right there with em, through the entire trek, for years on end ... if that was his goal, he met and exceeded it.   The movies at least had the good sense to fast forward the dull bits, and even doing that they are still a bit slow.   And the LOTRO trilogy is fast paced excitement compared to the rest of his writings. 

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you know, i greatly respect tolkien.  He invented entire languages, and if he did not invent fantasy writings, he certainly did a LOT to make it more popular.  But I can't read his stuff.  The LOTRO trilogy drags on and on at a snails pace, you FEEL like you are right there with em, through the entire trek, for years on end ... if that was his goal, he met and exceeded it.   The movies at least had the good sense to fast forward the dull bits, and even doing that they are still a bit slow.   And the LOTRO trilogy is fast paced excitement compared to the rest of his writings. 


Tolkien's writings are no doubt an acquired taste, and any attempt to create an entire mythology/history of a fictional world will necessarily be more of a "slow read" than the typical fiction which is adapted by Hollywood.  While I enjoyed the movies and will easily admit that they are, thus far, the best adaptation yet of his work, I still much prefer the books to the movies, including the lesser known works such as "the Book of Lost Tales" and "Quenta Noldorinwa".

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Read the Hobbit when I was in high school at the suggestion of a friend. Read the LOTR trilogy in college. Then I read them all again about 2 years later. They've been favorites of mine ever since. I tried to read the Silmarillion but couldn't make it past the 2nd chapter.


Anyone remember the Ralph Bakshi film that came out in the 70's and covered the first half of the trilogy? It was such a bomb that they never made part 2. 

Edited by daddyo
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Read the Hobbit when I was in high school at the suggestion of a friend. Read the LOTR trilogy in college. Then I read them all again about 2 years later. They've been favorites of mine ever since. I tried to read the Silmarillion but couldn't make it past the 2nd chapter.


Anyone remember the Ralph Bakshi film that came out in the 70's and was the first half of the trilogy? It was such a bomb that they never made part 2. 


I went to see it and was so disgusted by the way the story was presented I left the theatre before it ended.  This was after waiting for it to come out for a year or more.

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