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putting powder into cases

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I have the Hornady Classic Reloading Kit. Along with it I got the Lee Carbide Dies . For the life of me I am confused as to how I am supposed to get the powder into the shell cases. In my Lee 3-Die set I have the "powder through expanding die" but it just isnt that clear and I want to take lots of steps before I do all this . I have cleaned my brass in my tumbler , de-primed the brass , resized the brass and primed the brass . I have then stopped at that point back in March since I could not find any powder. Luckily I found powder yesterday ! So now I am having to remember things all over again but the powder into brass part is a little unclear to me . Any help or video's are appreciated !!!! Here is a pic of the items I have except the Lee Dies. I hope that helps . I am a newby at this but not at shooting and gunsmithing LOL



Edited by tercel89
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Put the case under the powder measure and throw a charge.

Thanks for the information but that doesn't help one bit  :stunned: These terms of powder measure and this and that dont mean anything unless I know what the items look like. Sorry guys . I am a good engine mechanic but this is all new to me . 

Edited by tercel89
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Put the case under the powder measure and throw a charge.

Well, you take the case from the press, hold it in your left hand under the spout of the powder measure, with your right hand

operate the handle of the powder measure (I leave mine in the down position) from down to top and back down to bottom.

If you have the powder measure set right it will drop the powder into the case and not spill any.

I never did like the powder through dies, seem powder stuck to them.

You do have a scale?

Just make sure the measure is set for the right charge.

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Well, you take the case from the press, hold it in your left hand under the spout of the powder measure, with your right hand

operate the handle of the powder measure (I leave mine in the down position) from down to top and back down to bottom.

If you have the powder measure set right it will drop the powder into the case and not spill any.

I never did like the powder through dies, seem powder stuck to them.

You do have a scale?

Just make sure the measure is set for the right charge.

I agree , to me the "powder through" dies seem like they would have powder sticking to them inside. Yes I have a scale. 

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Sorry if it seems like I tried to make it sound simple. I see you have a "kit"

with a scale, drop the powder into the little pan that sits on the scale

and weigh the powder, then you can put into the case as well.

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I will say that you start by cleaning all the metal parts. They are shipped with the second worse protectant, second only to cosmoline, so if you don't clean it out then you will get powder stuck and the parts that are supposed to operate smoothly will not. You can use WD-40 to clean them as it works as a pretty good solvent for most oils.

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You got one of these?


YOu can stick the mouth of your case to the bottom of the powder measure, and throw a charge directly into a primed case. Pour it from the case into the pan of your scale if you want to check the charge weight, and you'll need a funnel like the one above to put the powder back into the case. You could also pour it in the top of the expander die while belling the case mouth, but I never do it that way.


Don't you have a reloading manual?

Edited by gregintenn
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I think I develop a little paranoia when I reload because I end up weighing just about every charge. I pretty much throw a "light" charge onto a digital scale then trickle in a little bit more to get it exact. Then I'll put it in the case with a funnel. My chrono readings are pretty tight though, but it sure does take me a while to make a batch, lol. I enjoy the time though :)
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Also the powder through expander die is typically used in some turret or progressive press. My hornady LnL AP uses a seperate expander and powder drop station. I guess you could use it in a single stage, but that seems like a pain in the butt to me. 

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