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My sons motorycyle was stolen Saturday morning. He's served 2 tours to middle east and I'm pissed.


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My step son just turned 21 in July. He's already served 2 tours to the Middle East in the Army and was just promoted to Sergeant this Saturday (same day his bike was stolen). He's in the National Guard here in Chattanooga and is an outstanding soldier. He came home in June. He paid cash for a 2009 KLX 250S that is green about 1 month ago with his money saved while overseas defending our country. Some sorry assed PRICK stole it on 2 NOV from Evergreen apartments in Chattanooga in the Brainerd area AND THAT is what has me so PO'D!!! . He saw it was gone Saturday morning when he left to go to work at the Armory on Holzclaw. It's all stock, with the exception of lowering links that he and I put on it 2 weeks ago.


PLEASE BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR HIS BIKE. Let me know if you see it.



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Sorry to read and hear about this. Some people just cannot keep their hands off things that belong to other people. Won't do me much good to watch for it up this way but one never knows where it may show up.................jmho   But if I do see a green Kow I will give it a once over. Serial number might help.......... :up:

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My step son just turned 21 in July. He's already served 2 tours to the Middle East in the Army and was just promoted to Sergeant this Saturday (same day his bike was stolen). He's in the National Guard here in Chattanooga and is an outstanding soldier. He came home in June. He paid cash for a 2009 KLX 250S that is green about 1 month ago with his money saved while overseas defending our country. Some sorry assed PRICK stole it on 2 NOV from Evergreen apartments in Chattanooga in the Brainerd area AND THAT is what has me so PO'D!!! . He saw it was gone Saturday morning when he left to go to work at the Armory on Holzclaw. It's all stock, with the exception of lowering links that he and I put on it 2 weeks ago.


PLEASE BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR HIS BIKE. Let me know if you see it.




Sorry to hear about this. I can't stand a thief, especially ones whom prey upon those whom are busy serving our country. Fregin pieces of crap. Good luck in your hunt for the culprit.

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the area where the apartments are has turned into a crap area.  more dirt bags than normal people.  


Yes it seems that way. He's only lived there 2 months and between working at the National Guard, going to college and doing school work, he's not home much.

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I only have a pedal bike for exercise, not a bike like that, but my rule of thumb is, if I don't want it to get stolen, and it isn't too heavy for a group to carry away, it get's locked up inside.  Right now, the only things sitting outside my place are a cheapo grill and my rake.  Everything else is locked up in the house or inside my storage shed. 


Randall, I know your step son lives in an apartment, but the logic still applies.  Trusting in the decency of human beings is asking to be let down.

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I only have a pedal bike for exercise, not a bike like that, but my rule of thumb is, if I don't want it to get stolen, and it isn't too heavy for a group to carry away, it get's locked up inside.  Right now, the only things sitting outside my place are a cheapo grill and my rake.  Everything else is locked up in the house or inside my storage shed. 


Randall, I know your step son lives in an apartment, but the logic still applies.  Trusting in the decency of human beings is asking to be let down.


I tried to talk him into leaving it with me in my garage because he lives on the second floor. I even offered to give a lock and chain and told him to chain it to his truck, but it would still be there unlocked when he's driving his truck. Oh well...I guess it's a lesson in life he'll remember, I hope so anyway. I wish he'd listened to me. I surely do hate a freak'n thief.

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Best of luck finding it.  I've had several fiends have bikes stolen over the years. I've been lucky myself but I'll put a bike in my living room or kitchen before I leave it outside.  Yes, I've done that several times.  Had a buddy a few years ago have a KLX250 stolen from him at his apartment complex as well.  Surprised that bike would be very high on a thieves list.

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