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How not to use your HCP


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Man pulls out gun in mall parking lot

By Mitchell Kline • THE TENNESSEAN • December 22, 2008

FRANKLIN — A Fairview man has been accused of pulling out a gun during an argument over a parking spot at the CoolSprings Galleria.

Police said a woman called 911 at approximately 2 p.m. Saturday and told dispatchers a man had pointed a gun at her. Police arrived at the mall and found Joseph Sepulveda, 29, sitting in a vehicle with a loaded handgun in a holster on his hip. Sepulveda was arrested and charged with aggravated assault.

Sepulveda has a permit to carry a handgun in Tennessee, according to police. He was released from the Williamson County jail after posting $2,500 bond.

“We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of being courteous over small things like parking spaces and right of way,†said Sgt. Charles Warner. “This incident could have ended tragically and changed peoples’ lives forever, over a parking space.â€

The Franklin Police Department has extra officers on duty this holiday shopping season to help with traffic congestion, and to be on the lookout for aggressive drivers.

“Road rage is a serious crime with potentially serious consequences, and offenders will be arrested,†said Deputy Chief David Rahinksy.

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I hope this guy looses his license. But, if I had to guess he probably has not had the best of training. Allot of the so called trainers have taught it so many times that they just don't care anymore. Probably 75% of the people teaching these classes should not be. Some people where never meant to be teachers and etc. I have even heard of a few places that for a hundred dollars they will give you your certificate. One guy told me that he got his armed guard license this way from the same guy for an extra 80. He said it took 30 minutes and he was out the door.

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How do we know this lady just didn't say that to get even?

She loses the parking spot,she sees his holstered gun,then calls 911 in a rage for missing out on that 29 cent sale.These folks are nuts yo!

right now it just his word against hers ....and the paper...

Edited by strickj
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How do we know this lady just didn't say that to get even?

She loses the parking spot,she sees his holstered gun,then calls 911 in a rage for missing out on that 29 cent sale.These folks are nuts yo!

right now it just his word against hers ....and the paper...

That could be the truth. Another good reason to keep it concealed.

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Oh, I dunno. my permit is mostly just an affirmation that I have been trained and recognized by the state.

My permit may be in danger, but I'm not..and never will be.


Excellent point! Thinking folks like yourself are never in danger. Trouble is, there are idiots like the guy at Cool Springs who will be used as the example about why HCPs should be banned.

Did he have poor training? Possibly.

Even more possible is that he is one of these "I know everything about guns and don't need this class but will take it only because the state requires it" types. You know, we all saw at least ONE of them when we took our classes, and these are the ones who scare me to death - with or without a HCP.

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Watch the video at the link below.


Driver Accused Of Pointing Gun At Shopper

Suspect Arrested, Faces Aggravated Assault Charges

Reported By Nancy Amons

POSTED: 8:32 am CST December 23, 2008

UPDATED: 8:47 am CST December 23, 2008

FRANKLIN, Tenn. -- Police said a Williamson County man is facing charges after he allegedly pulled a gun Saturday on a woman over a parking spot.

Sanijdra Glass found herself staring at a 9 mm handgun during the day at the Cool Springs Mall in Franklin.

Glass said she had just pulled into a spot in the Dillard's parking lot around 2 p.m. when she said a man in the passengers' seat of a van started cursing at her.

"The next thing you know, he pulled out a gun and he cocked it at the window, and he was shaking it at me," said Glass.

Franklin police were close by and arrested the suspect, Joseph Sepulveda, 29, of Fairview.

"He actually chambered a round in the gun and brandished it, pointed it at her, or in her direction," said Sgt. Charles Warner of the Franklin Police Department.

Glass said Sepulveda also had a woman and a child in the vehicle with him.

She said she was so frightened by the incident that she never finished her holiday shopping.

"The guy was just waving the gun at me over a parking spot. (I thought,) 'You can have it, I'll move if it's that serious,'" said Glass.

Sepulveda is being charged with aggravated assault. He is out of jail on bond.

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Guest canynracer

I think there may be more to this...but I don NOT think that at ANY point he was in "iminant (sp?) fear of his (or anyone elses) life"

Here is a comment from the first story...

"As usual, the media has gotten the story wrong. The argument was not over a "parking space". It was an argument between two women. Woman number 1 rushed to get to a parking space and in her haste, almost hit the van driven by woman number 2. Woman number 2 admitted she gave woman number 1 a filthy look, not over the space, but because she was in such a hurry she almost hit her van. Woman number 2 then proceeded to get a space several cars away. Woman number one got out of her car, walked away from the mall and agressively confronted woman number two with yelling, cursing and challenging her over the "look". Woman number two explained to woman number one that she had almost hit her van in her haste to take the spot and that was her reason for the "look". Woman number one kept yelling and told her she should "beat her @#$". At that point the man came to the defense of his wife but he never pulled his weapon; however it makes a much more attention grabbing headline to state that. Woman number one said she had a gun too and wasn't scared. Once the police came, woman number one quickly changed from agressor to "victim". Had woman number one not threatened to do bodily harm to woman number two this situation probably would have ended with harsh words exchanged. How sad that an innocent man has had him name defamed all in the defense of his wife. I'm absolutely positive that the formal investigation will bear these facts out and I'm equally positive that there will be no coverage of his vindication or offer to make amends to him or his family. Oh, did I forget to mention that three small children had to witness their Mom being agressively confronted in a parking lot and watch their Dad being taken away in handcuffs?"

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