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  1. Today
  2. Yes, though in the 80s for me. In recent years it has been mentos.
  3. I went with the Dead Air Sandman S, use it mostly for 300 b/o subsonic and it works great. SBR configuration. That one can seems to cover my needs nicely, was going to look for a 556 can, but the Sandman S does a pretty good job even on the 556. Will be shopping and purchasing another can for 22 soon and will probably go with another Dead Air can.
  4. Just picked up a 45MOS, but let me drum over my thoughts. May circle back around to you, thanks for the reply.
  5. At one time there was a dedicated NFA sales board in the classifieds. That looooong since went away because it was used like 3 times. I think the “No NFA” might just be a holdover from then. I don’t know of another reason to prohibit them, but I’m just a janitor around these parts. We shall wait for @TGO Davidto weigh in.
  6. A Harris will be a lot easier on the wallet.
  7. I am only GUESSING but I would say that it's due to the long process involved.
  8. Reduced to $925…..Motivated Sells for $980 plus taxes, tbi in store.
  9. Does no one else remember this urban myth from the late 70’s?
  10. Yesterday
  11. Was looking forward to the meet however I’ve got a kidney stone that I can’t pass and will be having a procedure to remove it on the morning of the 6th. I’ll try to catch the next one.
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