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9 points
Not Krav-related, but I took this same approach when I bought my first guitar about 9 years ago and started taking lessons about 8 years ago (which ended with Covid and I never started up again). I still suck and am a beginner at best, but I like it. My younger self couldn't have understood that I didn't have to be good at something to enjoy it. It's why I quit golf in my early 20s. I sucked at it and knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy it unless I got good and that was a long road between my hooks and slices to being anywhere close to "good". Now I think I could go and have fun even if I shoot double par but I have too many other hobbies to add THAT one to the list . . . It took me a long time to understand what Kurt Vonnegut was onto with this: “When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject? And I told him, no I don’t play any sports. I do theater, I’m in choir, I play the violin and piano, I used to take art classes. And he went WOW. That’s amazing! And I said, “Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.” And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: “I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.” And that honestly changed my life. Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them.”6 points
There is a movement afoot to rebuild the NRA. Starting with ridding the board of WLP's cronies and the old guard that let things get so bad. They call it NRA 2.0. I fully support them and what they're trying to do. The web-site has a list of recommended people to vote for. My ballot is already filled out and mailed. And yes, I followed their suggestions. https://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/nra/nra-2-0-why-its-time-to-elect-a-new-nra/6 points
Very rare and collectible early Mini-14 GB GOVERNMENT model. In 99% condition! Intended for use by law enforcement. Comes with 1 40rd unmarked magazine. Will be hard to find a blued version this nice. Selling to fund other hobbies. $1500 obo. Must be a TN resident and lawfully able to own. Be willing to show TN DL. Meet in Manchester.5 points
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1. Sold to ArmyBrat61 440C SS blade, guard and pommel. OAL 9 3/4" with blade at 51/4". Rosewood handle. Combo leather/kydex sheath. $95 shipped. Note: If you have large hands this blade is probably not for you. 2. papadaddy 440C hammer forged look with OAL of 81/2" and blade of 4". Rosewood handle with leather sheath. $95 shipped.5 points
4 points
No, we're done. Deleted my rant, woulda never PM'd you if I realized you were the one who low balled originally in the now deleted post.4 points
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4 points
For sale to a loving home -- 2024 Staccato C 9mm. This model has the compact grip (15-round magazines) and DLC barrel. It's in like-new condition, with everything that came in the original gun case (including hang tags, test target). Also comes with Dawson Precision mount for Trijicon RMR-pattern red dot (that mount is what's currently on the gun); I still have the original sight as well, plus spare fiber optic rods for the Dawson Precision front sight. The gun came with two magazines; after a three-month wait, I was finally able to acquire two more (total four). One of them is still unused. Also included is a Tenicor AIWB holster with both clips and loops for belt attachment. This is the nicest 1911 (sort of) that I've ever owned, and it functions flawlessly -- never a single FTF or FTE. As you can see from the test target, it's extremely accurate. So why am I selling it? It's simply too much money for me to have tied up in a single gun. I have shot the HK VP9 for years, and in fact sold two VP9s to raise money to buy this Staccato, but in actual use, I can't shoot higher scores with this than I can with the VP9. So I'm going to replace the VP9s and sell this gun, and still have some money left over for more ammo. The gun, mags, and holster cost more than $3200, but I'll sell all for $2400 to a Tennessee buyer legally able to purchase handguns. I'm in Chattanooga but I'll drive a reasonable distance for a deal. I'll consider trades or partial trades. Right now, I'm looking for a like-new VP9 or VP9OR, plus a like-new Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol. Might also consider a Colt-pattern single action army in .357 with 4-3/4" barrel. Other trades considered, but I'm not interested in any other plastic pistols besides the VP9, and I don't need more ARs. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Whisper4 points
I may have commented this in the past, so forgive me if I've already shared this. From my lens CC is a shield, OC is a sword. I don't want to have a conversation about it. I don't feel the need to inform people that I'm armed. In today's political climate I am more likely to have a negative interaction than a positive interaction. Even though I despise the Anti-gunners beliefs, I recognize that they may have their reasons for disliking them. You never know what someones story is. I'm not interesting in eliciting an emotional reaction from someone because I'm carrying in public. It's there if it's needed, nothing more. The lord tells me that I should be meek, and that's how I live my life. If someone thinks that's not "alpha" or "manly enough", well they are entitled to their opinion as much as I'm entitled to ignore it. Likewise I feel that if anyone wants to OC, go for it. It's perfectly legal in TN and you should do what makes you feel the most comfortable.4 points
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4 points
Lotsa wisdom here. Roane and I are in the same boat... We got a few years on US --- we ain't as spry as we once were.. We are right where one of my shooting mentors was when he gave this advice to me: ... " I'm an old man, most any punk can slap me around--- they just ain't goin to "... Us old curmudgeons are easy targets. The element of suprize and a good pistola are great deterrents to mayhem. I know, I've had the problem a time or two. leroy...4 points
Exactly. For far too long WLP and his cronies have used the NRA to their personal benefit. Now that WLP is finally gone, its time to take out the trash. I urge all NRA members to follow the recommendations of NRA 2.0 and vote. We have been silent for too long!4 points
Now that last week’s misunderstanding over the Tuskegee Airmen is water under the bridge, I feel compelled to share my interactions with one of America’s greatest unknown heroes. His name is Dr. Linkwood Williams. By the time I met him, we all just called him Doc, because he was a gynecologist. Doc was best friends with one of my best friend’s dad. The dad was Colonel E.G. Douglass. If you served in the Memphis Air National Guard in the 80’s or very early 90’s, you might know Mr. Douglass. Also, if you lived in the Raleigh Bartlett area around that time, you may have known them as co-owners of Douglass BBQ at the intersection of Stage and Covington Pike. What made Doc a great hero? Doc dropped out of college to become a civilian flight instructor for the world famous 332nd Fighter Group, also known as the Tuskegee Airmen. I’m certain that most of you know that even in the segregated military, where these men were expected to fail, they NEVER lost a bomber they were escorting, and were routinely requested as escorts by bomber crews. Amazing! IMO, outside of being a hero, he was just an inspirational man with a great sense of humor. He had every reason in the world to walk around like the sun rose and set with him, but he was more likely to just tell you a joke, and more importantly to me, he always remembered my name. Doc passed about fifteen years ago, but anyone interested in his story can watch this film about him that sits in the Library of Congress. It’s a little over an hour long, but well worth the time to learn about this history changing American! Reporter- “What the Tuskegee Airmen achieved was pretty hard to ignore.” Doc- “Yeah, I mean, you have to be totally oblivious to do so.” Here’s the link to Doc’s story, along with some screenshots I took from the documentary. The video flickers for about ten seconds before starting. https://www.loc.gov/item/afc2001001.62131/4 points
Allow me to bring this thread back from the dead... So, twelve or thirteen years ago I started taking Krav Maga classes. It lasted about 4-5 months and then I quit. Work and other things in life got in the way and I just lost the drive. >>> Fast forward to December 2024 >>> While my brother in law was visiting for Christmas he told us that he and his wife had begun taking Krav Maga classes. They spoke about how much they enjoyed it, how challenging it was, and so forth. Given that several of my friends have been hounding me about coming back to join them at Krav classes, it set a slowly smoldering fire in the wet leaves of my give-a-damn. One of those friends started his Krav Maga journey 12 years or so at around the same time I did and passed his black belt test in mid 2024. Talk about something that catches your attention! Realizing that two of us took wildly diverging paths and one of us ended up with their black belt while the other kept buying progressively larger belts.... Yeah. >>> Fast forward to January 2025 >>> One of those friends told me on New Years Day, quite coyly, about a gift pass that he had for a free month of unlimited Krav Maga classes. It was the proverbial straw that broke the fat camel's back. "Say no more. I'm in.", I said. >>> Fast forward to January 30, 2024 >>> And now here we are at the end of my third week of returning to the art. Three classes a week, more or less. (I had to miss a Saturday due to family commitments) I totally suck at it. I've forgotten most of what I learned previously. I'm nearly 15 years older and probably 75 pounds heavier than I was back then too. BUT... I'm loving it. Clothes are getting looser. Stamina is increasing. I'm allowing myself some grace and mercy and allowing myself to be terrible at it, rather than being the usual maladaptive perfectionist that I normally am. It feels like the journey I am supposed to be on, embracing my limitations and imperfections, and trusting that the process will slowly erode both of those things while it also erodes some of those 75 extra pounds. The point of all of this? I just want to encourage you. You aren't out of the game until you sideline yourself. Life will try to sideline you, but it can't unless you let it. It may slow you down. It may limit you. But you don't have to quit unless quitting sounds like a good way to go out. Get out there and do something that challenges you this year. Six months from now, I hope to be surprised at what I've accomplished.4 points
3 points
This year I decided to jump on the bandwagon with the smaller bore hunters and picked up a Stevens 301 Turkey in 410 a month ago. I've always been a 12 gauge hunter but after doing some researching on the little 410 and TSS I had to have one. Plus I loved the looks of the Bottomland Thumbhole Model. I did some testing with the factory supplied choke and a Patternmaster Code Black Turkey. I tried two different types of the TSS which was the Federal #9's and the Salt Creek Customs #10. Both loads performed good out to 40 yards but the Salt Creek would put 130 shots in the 10 at 40 where the Federal did 94. The Patternmaster patterned the Federal better than the Factory Choke but was the complete opposite with the Salt Creek #10's. So the setup I decided to hunt with was the Factory Choke paired with the Salt Creek #10. Wednesday morning I got a chance to test the little 410 out on a nice thick roped East TN public land bird at 45 yards. Was a tad farther than I like shooting but had patterned the gun out to 40 and knew it was capable of ethically taking one at that distance. After lugging this little 410 around these past few days I don't think I'll ever break out the pumps again. Super light setup that shoulders nice and will flat do the job shooting TSS.3 points
3 points
Great safe. Includes upgraded Sargent & Greenleaf lock installed as well as the original lock. Must be willing to pick up and transport. Retails for $1700. The Rhino Kodiak Fireproof Gun Safe (K5940EX) by Rhino Metals is a high-capacity safe designed to hold 52 long guns and 8 handguns. It offers 60 minutes of fire protection at 1400°F and comes with a commercial-grade electronic lock with a USB-equipped electrical outlet.16 The safe measures 40" W x 59" H x 23" D and is made with 12-gauge fully-welded steel, making it very secure and resistant to drill attacks. It also features a heat-activated door seal that expands up to seven times its size to keep out heat and smoke.3 points
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Opinions abound on everything. I prefer a nice leather holster OWB. When I need/want to be more discrete I use IWB or pocket (with a pocket holster). I moved here from Hellinois where you were a criminal if you even printed. I do my best to be aware of my surroundings and don't walk around with earbuds in or staring at my phone. Open or concealed does not matter to me. Have I seen both that made me cringe? Yes. I have also transitioned away from striker fired pistols to SA/DA but that is another discussion to upset people.3 points
I can respect this. I think if you knew you were going to a gunfight you'd take a rifle anyway. Handguns are defensive. we could have a long conversation on the Biblical side of arming oneself.3 points
3 points
I had my first real ride yesterday afternoon, just 6 miles to make sure nothing fell off, seized up or exploded. The foot clutch took a little getting used to (stalled twice) & adjustment when I got home. This afternoon went much better! I'm learning to give myself more turning room at junctions, (sharp turns, long forks, high bars & an on/off switch clutch do not make for happy bedfellows) & found the best foot position for clutch slipping. I have to say, she's a lot more comfortable than I remember hardtails being & rides beautifully!3 points
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3 points
SW22 Victory only fired about 50 rounds through it. I thought I was was going to get in to long distance pistol plinking but it never materialized. SW22 is threaded and comes with upgraded TandemKross rail (original included), holster and Sig Romeo Zero red dot. Box, papers, etc.. also included. Includes 333 rounds of Winchester plinking ammo, 100 rnds of CCI Quiet ammo, 50rnds of Eley subsonic and 50 rnds of Aquila Super ammo. This pistol is very accurate and lots of fun to shoot. In Like-New condition. $400 and meet in Chattanooga but I get to Nashville periodically.3 points
I've been a life member for 40 years or more, and have never voted. I will this year.3 points
I suspect that the troubles you and I are having is how the NRA became corrupt in the first place. I'd be willing to bet that 999 out of 1000 members are in the same boat. We have no idea who to vote for, who is decent, who is a scumbag, who to trust. So, many of us don't bother to vote and hope it works out. Meanwhile the ne'er-do-wells circle their wagons and gather enough votes to stay in power. I'm glad you brought this up. I need to do my part to root out the trash.3 points
These men fought for a better tomorrow than they had. And their record of battle speaks for itself.3 points
Here's a brand new Springfield Armory GARRISON 9mm Govt model. I added a few features to it, GUN CRAFTER Battle Crown Bushing, XS Night Sights, Wilson Combat Bullet Proof Single Side Thumb Saftey, Wood Caliber Std. Thickness Fancy Walnut Grips and Flat Trigger(breaks at 3.131#'s, smooth breaks like glass, all I did was hand polish the bow and trigger track.) I did the bluing on the Battle Crown myself and it turned out good see pictures. I put everything together and fired two mags to check function and everything works great. Also included are two Wilson Combat ETM 9mm Mags and one Factory Mag, Paperwork Orginal Box. $785 CASH FTF. I live in the Whitehouse area and can meet locally around Goodlettsville, Hendersonville, Gallatin and Nashville area for FTF Deal. Willing to drive a little to make the deal and meet halfway. Here's the link to the Battle Crown. I'm not wanting to trade I'm going to list a couple of more S&W Revolvers also, my Cancer Diagnosis has taken a turn and I need to put back the cash. Thanks for looking, if you need more pictures please PM me for information.2 points
Serial number indicates Remington Rand frame, info taken from 40th anniversary edition Bluebook Gun Values.2 points
I may be wrong and you may be right on the 310 and 315, I was thinking I read that somewhere but the older I get the more my mind slips. Honestly these days these NGs are all rare. I’m just really wanting to pick up a staccato and listed these few on here to help fund that.2 points
I had one; it was a pretty good shooter. I think they were in production for one year, 09 I think. I remember hearing the 310NG was the lowest production number and there was something about the 315NG all went to one distributor.2 points
2 points
I finally got to shoot this B-1911 with an Israeli friend of mine. We put 200 rounds of WWB through it with nothing but smiles! My friend is not allowed to own a firearm, but that law has changed recently. He was a commander of a Merkava tank so now he is allowed to own a pistol. He says it will be a 1911. That son of a gun out shot me, which isn't saying much. The Bersa B-1911 is a fine pistol! My other 1911 is a Colt, which is 100% reliable.2 points
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From what I understand, they’re beefy enough to handle Blackhawk/Redhawk level hand loads, which is what I primarily load in 45 Colt. I saw one of the 80’s guns a while back in a shop but it was a little overpriced. Beautiful gun though. I’m all for more new guns in 45 Colt. Would be extra cool if a distributor did a limited run to their specs like a 5” or even a 3”.2 points
I love my Anaconda in 45 Colt. They made a small number, relative to the amount of 44s, back in the 80’s. It’s a fun and accurate gun to shoot steel targets with.2 points
I've never OC'd. I see both sides of the discussion, however, in my opinion, and it's just that, it's not necessary. I'm getting up there in years and frankly a couple of young thugs could target me for that weapon if it were visible. I think CC is the better route. We don't offend anyone, and surprise may be to our benefit if heaven forbid, we need to draw. No feather ruffling intended. Just my thoughts.2 points
2 points
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