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Everything posted by No_0ne

  1.   I'm pretty sure that reading the material posted on that link has caused a major loss of brain cells, none of which I had to spare ...
  2.   Or even better, no cell phone at all ...
  3.   Well what took you so long? B)
  4. At least we're not being bombarded by Cale's Clunker ads ...
  5.   Perhaps, but remember back then that "because the sumbich deserved it" was an viable defense ...
  6.   What idiot loaned money to buy a car to an unemployed gamer living in grandma's basement who seeks life advice on an anonymous internet gun forum?  Troll thread for sure ...
  7.   This might be the single best reply ever posted on the internet.  Kudos, wordmeister ...
  8.   Better question, is the OP 15 years old ...     If this thread isn't a trolling attempt, both parties are too immature (at least emotionally, if not actually) to support themselves, or anyone else ...
  9. As the others have said, almost all private pilots enjoy introducing others to general aviation.  Visit a couple of local airports and introduce yourself and your son to the flight instructors.  Ask them what the options are locally. I'm not current on prices now, but a few years back most instructors around this area were offering the "discovery flights" for $49.  It's a great way to get your first taste of small aircraft, since these flights allow prospective students to take the controls for a part of the flight.  My bet is that it won't be the last such flight you take either...
  10.   This.  The last shipments I remember being offered sold out around the time of the SH shootings.  It's the nature of surplus, the prices are held to artificially low pricepoints while the supplies are still coming in, once those weapons (and ammo) are only available of the secondary market, prices begin to rise.
  11. It's probably stacked behind all the 22lr on the shelves ...
  12.   10 of course.  Didn't they teach the metric system at your school? :)
  13.   I went to see it and was so disgusted by the way the story was presented I left the theatre before it ended.  This was after waiting for it to come out for a year or more.
  14.   Tolkien's writings are no doubt an acquired taste, and any attempt to create an entire mythology/history of a fictional world will necessarily be more of a "slow read" than the typical fiction which is adapted by Hollywood.  While I enjoyed the movies and will easily admit that they are, thus far, the best adaptation yet of his work, I still much prefer the books to the movies, including the lesser known works such as "the Book of Lost Tales" and "Quenta Noldorinwa".
  15.   Ms. Gwynne would be better off considering a different career...   ... and whoever authorized publication of her submission should be fired immediately.
  16. This situation needs to be corrected, immediately.  Preferably by purchasing in quantity ...
  17. Nothing like fitting the bayonet to your M91, extending the length of your weapon to upwards of 6 feet ...
  18. I rate golf ahead of being whipped with a rubber hose, but not by much ...
  19. The CMT tour is pretty cool.  Robertson's is internet only unless you can finagle an appointment with them, I think the details were listed on their site at one time (it was a favorite hangout when I was a kid growing up there).  In Jackson, check out the Range USA store on Highland, has a good indoor range as well.  There's a newer shop on South Highland near Southside High School, can't remember the name offhand, as well as the usual multiple Pawn/Gun locations found everywhere.  If you choose to go north, there are a couple of good gunshops in and near Union City, Final Flight and L&A Firearms both have a large selection, not to mention Dixie Gunworks with tons of antique/repro black powder type stuff.
  20.   AIM is always the first place I look online.  Prices are good, service is great, shipping is fast.  As others said, buy the Wolf Gold, then save the brass for reloading or sell it and recoup part of the cost, making it comparable to steel cased ammo in net price.  Look for sales, last week they had free shipping on this ammo as well.
  21.   Each charge is considered separate to the others, each carries it's own sentence.  There are different ways the sentences can be served, concurrently or consecutively,  sometimes this is prescribed by law, sometimes it's pretty much up to the court to decide which to impose.
  22. Many here have already posted about the problems and risks of long-distance renting, they pretty much nailed most of the reasons not to attempt that.  Another reason, paraphrasing something I once heard on Dave Ramsey's show, is this:  If you lived in Knoxville now, would you buy a house in Florida for a rental?  Obviously, few of us would countenance doing that, sell the house and walk away.


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