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Everything posted by Chucktshoes

  1. At this point a lot of “conspiracy theories” are more correctly labeled as “plot spoilers”. If it does then apparently I drank it too because I full on believe that Epstein didn’t kill himself. The theory that makes the most sense to me is that he was an intelligence asset that had become too compromised and too visible and was eliminated.
  2. I mean, the current head of the CIA met with Epstein multiple times in just 2014 AFTER he was a convicted sex offender. So there might be more than smoke there.
  3. In my estimation Qanon seems to be a popular subject amongst two categories of people, but it used to be three. The category that doesn’t exist anymore were your “he’s playing 4D chess against the deep state/swamp/elites” types. Most of them have given up on that fantasy. The two types of folks left are the real nutters who actually think reptilians walk amongst us and the libs who really, really want that to be the majority of the Republican Party. It’s total fringe wackadoodle shįt.
  4. I used to talk mad crap about the M-14 platform for all of its technical failings until I held one in my hand and shouldered it. They just feel good and are aesthetic as hell. Doesn’t matter that every single one of the Cold War era battle rifles are technically superior, I fricken love the damn thing.
  5. Chucktshoes


    If I express my opinions on this along with solutions or suggested courses of action, I’m just gonna get accused of fedposting.
  6. Krystal & Sagaar do some of the best news/political commentary out there. Krystal Ball is a former MSNBC contributor and Sagaar Enjeti used to work for the Daily Caller as a White House press correspondent and actually got his start in political reporting working for Tucker Carlson. If you skip past that bit that was the very opening moments of the show, I think it’s well worth it.
  7. Asked a buddy of mine from the area and he said that it’s just a “nothing, nowhere town. Nothing bad happens, but nothing good either.”
  8. Don Lemon out at CNN too. It’s a helluva Monday for cable news. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/24/cnn-anchor-don-lemon-is-leaving-the-network.html
  9. I’m not in middle TN and also never seem to be able to find off time, but I’ve been toying with getting back into TTRPGs. I just picked up a Pathfinder starter set and am thinking about tryna find some local folks to get a group running.
  10. Bingo. This is a political act made for political purposes.
  11. It’s back on the market y’all as I’m considering the deal having fallen through after being ghosted for the last two weeks.
  12. Honestly, I think Bredesen was better because the R’s in the legislature acted like they had something to prove.
  13. On that subject. https://www.holdmyguns.org/
  14. Nope. Just the single rear button. Sounds like the GB EDC would annoy you.
  15. Here is my EDC V1 light off at the edge of a parking lot, under a street lamp Light on high aimed at trees 50ish yards away
  16. Well, ones a red flag law, and this isn’t that. We can provide details of what it is at a later time but it’s definitely not a red flag law it’s just a way to ensure that folks we think shouldn’t have access to guns and be prohibited from having them. But there will be due process, all the due process. The best due process you can have. But it’s not a red flag law. It isn’t even a bill yet.
  17. This is an opportune time to remind your representative that Governor Lee may not be facing another election, but odds are pretty good they are.


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