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One of TrumpJr’s AR Pics

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6 minutes ago, GlockSpock said:

Like Trump or hate him...can we all at least agree that the Jr's seem like smucks?

I used to think the same thing but then one of them was on CNBC (or was it cbs) and after hearing him talk and his well thought out points and counterpoints to whoever the interviewer was...I no longer thought his face looked so punchable.

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2 hours ago, xtriggerman said:

 The only missgivings I have on Jr. is his choice in girl friend........ you know, whats her name from fox with all the face paint.

You mean the California Governor's ex-wife? I think that's downright poetic. I like Kimberly too.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, The Legion said:

I believe those mags are made by a friend of mine from Midsouth Laser Engraving here in Memphis.  Here is a link to his web page. 



Mine came from San Antonio Laser Engraving, and was one of the first ones. Looks like they licensed/sold them to several others. You can order them from Spike's too.


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