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In my youth, I spent a month in Hull.

And it only took about 4 days.

- OS

LOL! The wife's from 'ull! We used to live about 20 minutes from Hull city centre. Little town called Market Weighton (If you remember it at all)

Worst place on God's green earth. Hull was actually voted as England's worst place to live in 2008. A month livin in the city would drive me to murder, especially since it's now become a province of Romania/Bosnia/Poland.

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Guest jackdm3

Since you're "in the know," who're your faves for entertainers? For me, it was Gary Oldman during most of the '90s with a slight transition to Bill Nighy (snort!).

*I'm just a lowly "English actors" freak, so I don't really know of their provinces. Be kind.

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Well, Jason Statham's always good for a violent giggle, especially in 'Snatch' As a kid, Ken Dodd used to haveme in stitches. I still remember watching TV the night he died on stage. Bill Nighy seems a little one-dimensional to me, but Gary Oldman's fantastic in everything he's in. Tim Roth, as far as I'm concerned, is one of England's finest actors. I still can't take Hugh Laurie seriously in 'House' after watching him play the Prince in 'Blackadder' :D Oh, speaking of which, Tim Robinson is fantastic as Baldric :D

Hugh Grant should be shot. Foppish simpering tosser* that he is





*Tosser; see - Wanker.

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Guest jackdm3

Yes, Bill is flat, but I first saw him in "Still Crazy" which had a lot of heart. Always waiting for him to break out a little more. I hate that Gary's doing things for the money now and toning it down. For us in America, Tim has all but disappeared, which is damn wrong!

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LOL! The wife's from 'ull! We used to live about 20 minutes from Hull city centre. Little town called Market Weighton (If you remember it at all)

Worst place on God's green earth. Hull was actually voted as England's worst place to live in 2008. A month livin in the city would drive me to murder, especially since it's now become a province of Romania/Bosnia/Poland.

Yeah, I was over there 'cause my ex brother in law was grad student at Uni at Hull. I hung with all his grad student buds, and what with all the pubs and hashish, I don't remember all that much about it. It was cool shooting snooker at the University Center while drinking a pint, though, can't do that here. We called it Dull Hull. Was actually there about 2 weeks, but it really DID seem like a month. :D

I did get away from that area to visit McDougall Land (my name) over in Oban, Scotland, thumbed up there from Glasgow, thumbed around the area and up to Inverness and whatnot.

Had a great time over there in the motherland.

Actually wrangled an invite out to the family castle there in Oban, where I had tea with then head of the clan, Madame McDougall of Donnelly and etc. Don't think I bought a pint whole time I was there.

Tell ya though, I couldn't understand half of what youse native Yorkies said, It might as well have been Welsh for the most part. People here think everyone in England sounds like cultured Londoners, or Cockney.

In Yorkshire, it didn't even sound like English of ANY kind!

I'm mostly kidding about it being that bad, though. I did have a great time, even in Hull.

- OS

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Bit late to the party but I guess you would rather be told they like your British Accent instead of your Australian accent? :D I made that mistake many years ago. I not longer try to guess unless I am very certain.

In my line of work I talk to allot of people in Aberdeen Scotland almost daily and some people from Ireland out on the oil platforms in the North Sea. I also get some calls from London. I talk to so many people in that area and since there is a mix of them that are all working together from Ireland, Scotland, and England sometimes I can tell them apart by their accent but then again some of them have worked their 5, 10, 15, 20 years and they have all mix with company terms in every day language I can not always tell them apart.

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So, you are telling me to STOP calling me Welsh friends "Limey's"? Got friends in Prestatyn, North Wales. Perhaps one day I wll drag my butt cross the pond to see them.

Please tell me you have gotten over putting HB on your steaks. :D Come on, a good cut of meat doesnt need HB or anything else. :D

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My dad is retired USAF and we spent 4 years in Cambridgeshire. We learned real quick that Britain was only the country nothing more. Our neighbors were a married couple, the wife was Welsh, the husband taught us he was an Englishman and how offensive it was to be called British. Course we taught him we were not 'Yanks' as we were from Mississippi.

Was an awesome time as I was in high school and got to travel a lot.

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Good to know! I'll work on my usage. (referring to the original post)

The Scots/Scottish/Scotch thing is kinda tricky for us, since a lot of folks in East Tennessee are descendants of the immigrants known as the Scotch-Irish.

Quoth Wikipedia:

"Scotch-Irish" is an Americanism, almost unknown in England, Ireland or Scotland....The usage "Scots-Irish" is a relatively recent version of the term. The historic and most commonly used term in America is Scotch-Irish, as evident in Merriam-Webster dictionaries, where the term Scotch-Irish is recorded from 1744, while Scots-Irish is not recorded until 1972.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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Okay, not a serious peeve, but It constantly buffs my pickle, none the less.

As some of you probably know, I'm English. I only moved here last year so I'm still a long way from losing my accent. One thing I'm constantly told is how much people like my British Accent. This is the peeve; I don't have a British accent, I have an English accent! There's no such thing as a British accent! Britain encompasses 3 different countries, all with very different accents. The Scots (NOT Scotch, scotch is a drink) is fairly easy to pick up on, the Welsh is very different & the English contains so many different accents it's unreal, but none of them are Scottish or Welsh!

I'm constantly referred to as a 'Brit' I'm not a bloody Brit, I'm ENGLISH! It's like calling a Frenchman a 'European' or one of you lot a 'Yank' (Okay, maybe not that offensive ;))

I know we're one of the smallest civilized countries in the world, but we're also one of the oldest & proudest (well.....)

To really throw the cat amongst the proverbials, I'm not only English, I'm from Yorkshire.

Yorkshire is England's biggest (& best) County. Kinda like the English version of Texas :D

When you ask a Yorkshireman where he's from he will, without exception,tell you "Yorkshire, England." The Yorkshire always,always comes first.

So, just for the record, I'm English, NOT British!

United Kingdom = England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

Great Britain = England, Scotland, Wales

Just so there's no further confusion.

Oh & Southern Ireland (Éire) has nothing to do with us, whatsoever.

So there you go. If you ever meet a British guy, please, please don't comment on his 'British accent' He's either English, Scottish or Welsh. And if you ask me where I'm from, please don't ask me if I know your friend; "Jenny, she lives in Liverpool, that's in the North, near you" The country isn't THAT bloody small! :D

The North of England is very similar in economic status & pride factor, to the Southern States. We're very proud of where we're from, we're hard working, we put our County pride before our National pride & we don't hold with them folks from the other end of the country (worse than bloody foreigners the lot of 'em)

In short (I think we passed 'short' some time back) Northerners & especially Yorkshiremen are the English Rednecks & Hillbillies. DON'T TREAD ON US!!! :D:D:D

How are you here? If you claim U.S. citizenship, you aren't British or English.....you're an American!

There'd better be an invisible smiley after that.....It's a lot more offensive than you think it is.

You must be an American. Most people here are offended by pretty much everything these days.

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Guest Daelith

I have some friends from London through another forum that came to holiday in Memphis a couple of years ago. They set me straight on the Brits reference right quick and I set them straight about about the Yank reference when they're below the Mason Dixon Line.;)

I took them to Wal-Mart while they were here and had to literally drag them out of the sporting goods section. They couldn't get over the fact they sold guns like that. Never seen anything like it.

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How are you here? If you claim U.S. citizenship, you aren't British or English.....you're an American!

You must be an American. Most people here are offended by pretty much everything these days.

I wish I could claim citizenship ;) I'm here on an E2 investment visa. I need to renew it in April (when it becomes a 5 year, rather than a 2 year) I doubt if I'll ever be able to apply for citizenship, other than through the Green Card Lottery. It kills me, but unless you have immediate famiy that are US Citizens, or Marry a US Citizen it's almost impossible to get citizenship if you come here legally.

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I hate to hear that. It is a pity that it is so difficult for somone who'd contribute to immigrate here, while it seems that bums have no problems finding their way here.

It's rediculous. I have friends from Canada and Australia that can't get here. The US doesn't want them if they have skills.

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They'd vote wrong.:up: I'm starting to believe that nothing is an accident.

I don't know about that. Been going on for a long time, thru several cycles of both parties in power. I haven't seen my Aussie friend since the Bush years. She finally gave up.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, USA, Austrialia, New Zealand, South Africa. The English speaking countries of the world. Did I leave anyone out? I'm proud of my Scots-Irish/English heritage. I'll try to take your rant to heart next time I meet a Bri.....an English speaking cousin.

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