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Need winter coat recommendations


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Last time I needed a winter coat I went to Tractor Supply and picked one out. Took all of two minutes.

This. :)

I'd first recommend Carhartt, I've been using the same one for about 8 years. The Tractor Supply store brand coats seems pretty good, too. If that doesn't work for you, Columbia makes a good jacket.

For the record, you're going coat shopping at the exact wrong time. It's about to get cold, everybody is coat shopping right now. Do your coat shopping around April/ May, you'll get a much better deal. Just put it in the closet until you need it.

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I haven't bought anything from them in several years but i used to buy a lot from Cabela's because they had sizes to fit me. I was always very satisfied with their stuff. Seems to be made for people that really are outdoors people not just want to look like it.


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I would say check cabela's also. I got a Polartec fleece jacket from them and it is a great material. It is 100% windproof, warm pockets, and you can pour water on it and it will bead up and run off. As for a bigger coat I don't think carhartt can be beat for warmth and durability. I don't think you'll find the zipper to be an issue on a carhartt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bite the bullet and buy either a Filson Mackinaw jacket (...link here: Filson Clothing -- Filson shirts, jackets, sweaters and more : from David Morgan or here; Better Outdoor Clothing | Better Outdoor Gear | Filson) or a swanndri (...link here: Bushshirts - Swanndri). Cry once and buy once. I have a couple of filsons that i have had for 30+ years. The Swanndri stuff is just as good and a bit cheaper (...it still aint cheap in relative terms...).

Both the filson and swanndri are waterproof and warm. You cant wear them out.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,


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