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Man, I'm dyin' here!

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My job requires me to be outside. I don't have to be in it all day, but most of it anyway. Jeez, has the summers really been this hot in the past and youth on my side, I didn't take notice? I've been working outside for 7 years now, I don't recall it ever being so hot. I've been praying for snow, but the man ain't sending any for a while. :screwy:

This heat sucks. I'm ready to move on top of some snow capped mountain.

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Guest db99wj
I was miserable when running at seven this morning, it was still twilight and the heat index was 85!

I ran 4 miles at 5 to 6am. It was 82 and heat index was around 89 to 90 with a humidity of around 80%. It was bad.

Our office AC went out apparently, it's about 80 in here, just went out about 30 minutes to an hour ago. It has gotten hot in here quick.

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Guest nicemac

Looked at the thermometer last night at 10PM: 90°F.

I worked outside for 12 years. Well, actually inside a mechanic shop that had the doors open and no A/C. Inside shop temperatures were often 105°-110°. Getting under the hood of a car that just got off of the interstate with a hot engine on a hundred degree day is painful. Once you get greasy, there ain't enough fans and gatorade in the world to cool you off.

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My treadmill is outside under the carport. [no place for it inside] I like to do between 4-5 miles, what ever my knees can take. I just can't do it here lately. I like to run with no fans, the more I sweat the better, but jeez! I can't stop doing it either. If I stop My knees start locking up and I can't hardly get going in the AM. I have to settle for 20-30 minutes twice a day. I should have been a butcher so I could work in a meat locker all day. My wife's family here is the exact opposite of me, they hate the cold. I tell them, I can ALWAYS get warm. Put on another layer, put on a heavy coat, heck set something on fire! but you cannot get cooled off very easy. You know, you can't take off but so much!

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I'm too old, fat, and slow to be running in this heat, but I have started walking every morning. But this morning was absolutely miserable. Hot and humid. And the air was so thick it's like trying to breathe under water.

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Guest GunTroll
I would rather it be hot outside instead of freezing cold with snow.

Thats just crazy talk there. You too Jason! Crazy I tell you.

I hate the heat and don't want to freak out the neighbors with the amount of clothes I'd have to stripe off to get comfortable. In fact being naked would make the heat worse I suspect. Hot and sun burned. The thought is horrible! Come on Fall! Curse you ALGORE!

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Thats just crazy talk there. You too Jason! Crazy I tell you.

I hate the heat and don't want to freak out the neighbors with the amount of clothes I'd have to stripe off to get comfortable. In fact being naked would make the heat worse I suspect. Hot and sun burned. The thought is horrible! Come on Fall! Curse you ALGORE!

I agree 100%.

It was 98 degrees in my building when I left work and that was away from the injection molding machines that are melting plastic at around 500 degrees.

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Just the opposite.

Start a fire, get warm; Works outdoors too!!! What do you start outside to get cool?

A hose... you could run through the sprinkler.

BTW people from NM, AZ and FL are vacationing here to get away from the heat. It's all relative. :)

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Thats just crazy talk there. You too Jason! Crazy I tell you.

I hate the heat and don't want to freak out the neighbors with the amount of clothes I'd have to stripe off to get comfortable. In fact being naked would make the heat worse I suspect. Hot and sun burned. The thought is horrible! Come on Fall! Curse you ALGORE!

This, you can always put more clothes on. I can only legally take so many clothes off.

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It is just as bad here in Nebraska. I remember as a kid in Tennessee how humid it was there and how dry it was here. Now with all the irrigation and the rain we make our own humidity. At least I work for myself and I can take a break as I want. My shop does have an air conditioner if needed but it doubles the light bill. Tough to get old.

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there is no word strong enough to describe the heat. Give me cold anytime.
Agreed. Also,try getting a large coffee at noon in a quick mart and check out the looks from the cashier,lol.I broke out in a flop sweat while drinking it but felt a lot cooler afterward.
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