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Ever Meet a TV Actor?

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I got to meet David Keith and his wife. My daughter and theirs have the same Eye Doctor. Very nice people. When I was in High School, I also got to meet Archie Campbell. He lived in Powell. We had a Talent show and he MCed it, really super nice guy. I heard later on that he was hell to do business with, but he was real friendly to all the kids there. If you lived in Knoxville, you all know who Robin Wilhoit and Bill Williams are. My kids went to day care with Robin's kid. It was strange seeing her in sweats. Bill Williams Grandson played on my son's baseball team. Bill came to all the games. He's a really nice guy! He does a lot for the community around Knoxville.

When I was in ROTC at UT in the early 80's, I got to work security for a couple of concerts. I was one of the people on Lionel Richie's dressing room and the Pointer Sisters' dressing room at Stokely. Just got to meet him briefly. He mostly hungout in his tour bus. The Pointer Sisters were a hoot! They wanted one of our Security Tee Shirts for their collection. Let me tell you though, those ladies could make a sailor blush with their language! But they were fun! Also worked Security for The Police Concert that same year... front stage at that. Man, after that I wanted to be a Rock n' Roll Singer! I never saw was many boobs in one spot in my life! Sting must have had 20 bras on the stage and just as many Hotel Room Keys! It was a short lived dream, unfortunately.

A couple of celebrities I would like to meet are Alison Krauss and Dan Tyminski. I love AKUS!!! The whole band seems like they are really nice people!

Steelharp, I want to hang with you! You get to meet all the cool people!!!

Edited by Moped
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Steelharp, I want to hang with you! You get to meet all the cool people!!!

Just where my work takes me... George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Mel Tillis, ORB, Linda Ronstadt, Frankie Lane, George Burns, Bernadette Peters, Reagan, Carter... and hundreds more...

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The older people from around K-Town heard of this one Caz Walker, meet him and Mr & Mrs Mull. Kenney Chesney, Patty Loveless, Bob Seager {great guy}. The nicest celebrity I've ever meet was Reba McEntire. The biggest turd was Herschel Walker

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The older people from around K-Town heard of this one Caz Walker,...

Years ago my wife found a stray coon dog up in the mountains where she was working, finally brought him home. Just taking a wild shot I took him by Cas' kennels he maintained on Middlebrook at the time, see if he might find a home for it or something. Cas himself came out and damn if he didn't KNOW the dog; belonged to his Sevierville store manager or some such.

- OS

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I have met and hung out with a laundry list od NASCAR drivers some years back when i tried to figure out how to earn a living doing race reporting. Strip clubs were always a big thing to do when going racing. Ain't naming names since what happens on the road stays there, but you'd recognize a lot of them. One won more than one Cup titles. Of all the race people i knew only a few really impressed me. I ate lunch with Benny Parson regularly when i worked for ESPN's production company. He was seriously down to earth and a natural comedian. The King was another. Petty never failed to say hi and call me by name, even though I was only ever around him 5or 6 times. He left me in awe. Another was AJ Foyt. Met him in the cup garage at Daytona. He had an aura around him.

One time while in Daytona I was going to go to dinner with a driver and some of his crew. It was just like the scene from Days of Thunder where Rowdy and Cole were in the rental cars. Those guys in three cars raced all the way, beating and banging the whole time. I will.never forget that scene.

While working at the Boca Polo Club we always had celebrities coming as guests of one member or another. Several members were sports agents. One time Joe Theismann came to play. We put him in cart # 56. Cracked us up. He looked at the number and shook his head and grinned. Met Peyton several times at the club I worked at here in Knox. He was a big tipper, I always saved cart number 16 for him.

As a mere pubescent lad I caddied in a foursome in a pro-am that included Archie Campbell. While that was cool enough since Hee Haw was in its prime the best part was several of the Hee Haw beauties walked the course with us. That had me going for a long time.

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Don't know if it counts, but at the 3Gun Pro-AM last year I met and spent some time with Iain Harrison, Jerry Miculek, and Chris Serino. Not sure if they are "TV stars" but they are bigger celebrities in my world than anyone on TV.


I'd rather meet Jerry Miculek than any of the hollywood losers.

Very cool.

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How 'bout Dolly Parton? When I was a Trooper waaay back I stopped her on I40 in a little red convertible. She didn't get a ticket. First of all she outranked me (& my District Captain) and had the badge & commission card to prove it. Besides, she IS Dolly!

Cherokee Slim

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I once knew a guy that was featured in the opening credits of Cops. Does that count? :)

As a kid, I met Confederate Railroad. Close friend of my family was close friends of them. Actually had their tour buss parked a while infront of our house once.

As an adult, I've met a few D-listers. Met Jessica Andrews briefly. Met Rick Honeycutt (baseball great;uncle was his painter for years) and Jess Robinson (big time PB girl).

Had the chance to meet Dennis Shaun Bowman once (google him). :ugh:

I think I went to high school with Danny Shirley of Confederate Railroad. Also in HS, I was in exile in the hallway one day from English class and met Chill Wills walking down the hall way with an entourage...dunno why he was there, but he shook my hand, lol.. met several others over the years, but wasnt impressed much by any of them.

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My wife went from the first grade through high school with David Keith. We have crossed paths several times. My first job was a drug store delivery driver, and I delivered to Cas Walker all the time. One time I rang the bell and when the door opened it was Cas in his boxers. He asked if I would like to see his coon dogs, so he comes out and takes me to his back yard, where the kennels were, still in his boxers.


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Most famous was Carl Perkins back in the late '80s early 90s. He was the nicest guy that ever lived. I help my dad and a couple of other guys from NCR set up a computer system for the CP Telethon in jackson when in college and every time i ran into Carl he remembered my name Met several athletes in college. But no one really special. Biggest was Al Wilson. Another nice guy. He played HS ball with a friend of mine and we all had dinner one night.


Sent from my iPhone

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Guest TankerHC

Henry Winkler

Erin Moran

Ron Howard

Anson WIlliams

Met them at the height of Happy Days popularity during the "I am an American" Day Parade in Baltimore

Ronald Reagan. Met him, shook hands during his first campaign while he was in Baltimore.

Johnny Unitas. I worked for him back in the 70's. He owned a chain of Bowling Alleys around Baltimore and I was a Pin Boy in one. He would stop in and check things out and say hello to everyone.

Brooks Robinson. I worked for him also. He bought a house at "The Alameda" near Memorial Stadium, he only stayed there during home games. I was one of the grass cutters.

Several others.

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My ex girlfriend lived in Leipers Fork and there are some old antique shops in "town" and one day we saw the van from American Pickers parked at one so we stopped and went in and I got to meet Mike Wolfe. I was wearing a Harley Davidson hat and him being a bike nut, I got him to autograph it. It turns out he is good friends with the shop owner and she buys things that they had picked on the show. It was neat to see some items in the store that I had seen them haggle for on the show. He bought a house there so you can go there now and see him out every once and a while.

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