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Seriously....whole AC units being stolen!?!

Guest rebeldrummer

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Years ago around Cleveland a guy who did AC/Heat would set a new unit at a new house and connect it. Then would return and steal it back.

After it was connected, the home owned had to pay to have it replaced. No telling how many times he did this until the police got him!

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Lived in San Antonio for five years. The outside air conditioner has many pounds of COPPER in it, so there is an incentive to steal functioning units for the value of the copper in them. It happened four times in my subdivision.

And, the installers are also the thieves. They pretend to fasten them to the concrete pads, but don't, to make them easier to steal and resell, or steal and recycle.

Coming to a neighborhood near you . . .

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Lived in San Antonio for five years. The outside air conditioner has many pounds of COPPER in it, so there is an incentive to steal functioning units for the value of the copper in them. It happened four times in my subdivision.

And, the installers are also the thieves. They pretend to fasten them to the concrete pads, but don't, to make them easier to steal and resell, or steal and recycle.

Coming to a neighborhood near you . . .

I installed and serviced HVAC units for 15 years and never actually secured a unit to the pad and have never seen anyone else do it but those were the days when thefts were rare, if I did that work today I believe I would anchor the unit to the pad or house in some way, at least make it take some time to steal it. If I had a couple of strong guys with me I could have a package unit disconnected and in the back of a truck in LESS than 5 minutes, probably 2, it's that easy.

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This happened to my brother down in Kennesaw, GA. Someone was stealing HVAC units from the complex where he has his office. He got there one morning just as they were loading one up behind the building and he called the police. He said they never showed up and the guys took the unit but didn't come back since they were caught.

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What is wrong with people today.

There is almost no serious repercussions for their actions anymore. It costs our system too much money to deal with it, and we can't take things into our own hands (not saying that's a good idea though).

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With the price of copper going up and the unattended hvac units just sitting there. It's an incentive for these dirtbags to steal. The business next door to where i work was hit over the summer. ( since their A/C units are on the other side of the building and out of sight from anybody, nobody was aware of the theft until the owner tried to turn on the air for his business( which is an indoor skating rink). The thieves hit all 3 of his units and i'm sure it cost him a pretty penny to replace them. SInce then, we have had the Fayetteville PD do more patrols and everyone is more observant now.

When my dad had his house built ( after a fire back in 2009) he had the AC/heating unit put under the house. The only way they can get at it is thru a hardened lock, and then they would have to get by the neighbors and their dogs.

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One got stolen from on top of a McDonald's years ago in, I can't think of the name of the town...it's South of Nashville & it's where all the football players live....anyway, it wasn't working right plus the thieves dropped it & lot was covered in parts...the police said they took anything that was valuable ... I'm guessing the copper. They put in a new one & it was stolen 3mths later. This time all in be piece. I don't get how they got the thing down. Oh, well. Anything for drug money, I guess.

Sent from iPad in the woods.

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I am in the HVAC business and this is way to common. Regarding a earlier post, condensing units are not typically attached to concrete. In most cases, synthetic pads are now used. We have replaced several this year that have been stolen. Two were stolen from a commercial facility on the same night. Form the looks of the lawn, they threw a tow strap to them and moved them to the road.

The worst thing about this crime is the money involved. Typically, you can get $200-400 for a split system at the scrap yard. The average homeowner pays $4,000-12,000 to replace what was stolen with modern technology.

If you are concerned about this, we suggest the product listed below. It is not 100% but it will make your system harder to steal than your neighbors without protection

http://acstolen.com/ Edited by Parrothead
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I used to own a couple rental houses in memphis.

Was able to sell one last year, and planned to sell the other this year.

Anyways ... On the duplex I owned -- Right from the get-go, HVAC Units were caged & bolted to a concrete pad. Crooks RIPPED the cage off the concrete pad about a year ago. That's when I realized, I need to get out of the memphis rental market. Had it replaced, and all was good up until 2 months ago. The entire duplex burnt down. Luckily no one was hurt, and insurance covered the total loss. Never again will I buy property in Memphis.
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