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It Looks Like We Win!

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Maybe not. From CNN...


Parts of the U.S. Capitol are being cleared after authorities announced suspicious packages on the first and third floors of the Hart Senate Office Building and a suspicious envelope in the Russell Senate Office Building at the office of Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama.


Capitol Hill Police are questioning a man with a backpack in the area of the Hart office building. The man raised suspicion with the content of his backpack and how he responded to police questions, two Capitol Hill police officers said. The man's backpack contained more sealed envelopes, one of the officers said.


One of the Capitol Hill police officers on the scene said the backpack is being X-rayed.

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Guest MilitiaMan

Call me a nutjob, a conspiracy theorist, say I wear a tinfoil hat or whatever.


I say this is all (Boston, the letters, now this) intentional so that King douchbag can declare marshall law.


I've been saying that marshall law was his plan for months now. For one reason, he's not getting his way with gun control which would have eventually led to gun grab.


Guess my 2-3 year timetable was severely off.

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I knew the Dems were low down bottom feeders, but I hope they wouldn't stoop to that.  :squint:


Obama got one of those ricin letters too. It's confirmed according to the Commie News Network FBI

Edited by mikegideon
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God help us if some idiot on the right sent that stuff... surely no one is that stupid.  The conservatives will get blamed that is just the way the MSM rolls.

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Y'all realize that the 60 votes needed are for cloture on discussion of the Schumer background check bill and not the Manchin-Toomey amendment, right?


Meaning, if they get the 60 votes, then only takes 51 to pass the bill. Assuming they have the 51 for the Schumer bill, we'd better damn well hope they pass the Manchin-Toomey amendment to go along with it, and also none of the numerous other amendments that will be offered, which include the AWB and hicap mag bans too.


Maybe won't matter either way once passed to the House, but still not a good thing to have the most restrictive bill of all halfway to enactment.


- OS

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Y'all realize that the 60 votes needed are for cloture on discussion of the Schumer background check bill and not the Manchin-Toomey amendment, right?


Meaning, if they get the 60 votes, then only takes 51 to pass the bill. Assuming they have the 51 for the Schumer bill, we'd better damn well hope they pass the Manchin-Toomey amendment to go along with it, and also none of the numerous other amendments that will be offered, which include the AWB and hicap mag bans too.


Maybe won't matter either way once passed to the House, but still not a good thing to have the most restrictive bill of all halfway to enactment.


- OS


I realize they they understand the finer points of the procedure. If they screw it up, they'll be held accountable. We KNOW it will pass with 51.

Edited by mikegideon
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If they even vote today. Both of our guys have said they will vote against it.

True, the vote could be rescheduled with the events happening up there. Corker's office said it's still planned for today (for now). I still call these guys daily just to remind them how I feel. I'm sure they don't really care about my input, but I tell them anyway ;)
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True, the vote could be rescheduled with the events happening up there. Corker's office said it's still planned for today (for now). I still call these guys daily just to remind them how I feel. I'm sure they don't really care about my input, but I tell them anyway ;)


Doubt if Reid will allow the cloture vote unless he thinks he has it which ever way he wants it. Today, tomorrow, whenever.


I forget the procedure for how long it's allowed to be hung before it's tabled again or whatever.


Then again, Dingy Harry has been pretty ambivalent about the whole "gun safety" stuff period, he's pretty much caught in the middle on this one.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Guest scott4813

Reached Corker also and got the same info, can't get through to Alexander yet. Does anyone know what the deal Boehner is talking about in the house as far as gun control and immigrations bills? I thought I heard something to the extend that he would further them with out Republican majority.

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Reached Corker also and got the same info, can't get through to Alexander yet. Does anyone know what the deal Boehner is talking about in the house as far as gun control and immigrations bills? I thought I heard something to the extend that he would further them with out Republican majority.


I don't even want to think about him yet. If it dies in the senate, it won't matter.

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It's still gonna be a long hard ride....I'm glad, but the vote was closer than I'd hoped it would be.  There's lot's more coming.  46 voted for it.  Must be the same 46 that voted FOR the UN Small Arms Treaty.....

Edited by Randall53
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That is good news...I didn't expect it to get far in the House anyway but very glad it isn't getting that far.


Probably too early to hope for yet but maybe this will help ease some of the panic buying/hording that is still going on and allow us to get back to a more "normal" supply situation for ammo, magazines, etc. ;)

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