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Need someone to enlighten me


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I've read so many times, and watched on tv about someone stockpiling firearms and ammunition or having an arsenal, or a weapons cache or being a hoarder  So when does a collection become this? And how many firearms or how much ammunition does one have to own to be placed into these categories?

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Any ammo over a box and and any number greater than two of the same category:





Example, you can have a pistol and a rifle and a corresponding box of ammo for each, but if you have a rifle and a shotgun that's a stockpile. Or if you have a pistol and two boxes, that's a stockpile. You can have a pistol and either a rifle or shotgun and a box for each and you are ok.


I don't write the rules.

Edited by CZ9MM
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A large arsenal in California is less than the amount of artillery that I carry on a weekend camping trip.  Really though, it's a matter of perspective and dare I say much like the term "assault weapon," I really think that "arsenal" is a hot word used by the media in order to incite panic in the sheep.

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I use to have an arsenal, then I had a stockpile, then I had a collection and then there was none when my home got burglarized back in 1987. As the police officer was trying to right the police report after the 7th gun and serial number he asked me how many guns they took and I said 28. Some of them were pretty much just plain old single shot shotguns of different ages but they also got some high end weapons. The officer finally asked me if I was a collector and I said yea. He said "oh okay, that explains why you had so many guns." I said what other reason would I have? Then we began on listing the ammo they took and finally after about 10 minutes of that he said, did you have ammo for every gun they took?"  I said "what good is a gun without ammo for it"? All of those guns were stolen from my home in 1987 and to this day not one of them has shown up in a pawn shop or a crime scene or anywhere else. 26 years gone and not one sign of where they went. I check once a month with that Sheriffs office about them and all I get is not anything yet!!  Today I own just enough in the way of guns to get me killed which I guess can be just 1 if they come knocking on my door to get it. I can promise when they do put me down all I own will be empty and guns will be smoking hot. I have no plans of starting any trouble  but f it ever comes knocking I have no intentions of going quietly into the night. If they want you they will get you by all means needed if they want you bad enough. They will just fly a drone over you house and you will be gone. Hope none of my neighbors are home because from what i have seen drones are not all that particular about collateral damage...............jmho

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By definition an arsenal and a collection are the same, it is only in connotation that they differ. The news media will almost always choose to use arsenal likely for agenda/ratings reasons.

Seems I just learned I have an arsenal.  No, never been on TV related to it.

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