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Tank (or two) anyone?

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I want the scud, mainly because as a kid in the 80's that is one of the weapons they used to keep us kids scared of the Russians.  Knowing what we know now, just wow.  They kinda of gave the impression that the mobile scuds would send Ballistic missles from over there to here.  Now we know they are (most part anyways) short range missiles.

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I don't think you'd need a couple million unless you want the whole lot.  The Sherman should run around $300k.  Less if the restoration is not 100% - more if it is.

Soviet T70's run around $30-$40k. The affordable tank.

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Soviet T70's run around $30-$40k. The affordable tank.

Russian metallurgy is problematic to a point. I had a Russian bike and have had many a problem with corrosion and failure. They are bad a•• though!
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Russian metallurgy is problematic to a point. I had a Russian bike and have had many a problem with corrosion and failure. They are bad a•• though!

Its a F***ing tank. well just weld more metal on it. And for $30K, sure beats the hell out of buying a prius.


And if tanks arent your thing, APC such as the BTR 60 start at around $12k. And it beats the hell out of a suburban. EVEN gets worse millage too. (Dont know about the V12 suburban tho, that thing is atrocious on gas)

Edited by RC3
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The Israelis were able to squeeze a French made high velocity 76mm gun into the Sherman turret by mounting the gun on it's side. I wonder if Popgun is Israelis or a British Firefly? Either way it's a cool looking tank.
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So is that delivered?    That is in the price range of new cars now days.  :D

Not delivered. Its about 10k for this company in Georgia to deliver it. 11k if you want it fast and they have to go thru germany. Best part, its delivered right to your door. Thats right, a big ass truck comes rolling down your suburban neighborhood (unless you live in the country) and they drop it off your driveway. So for around 41k, you have a repainted and mechanically sound tank taken strait to your door. Wanna see the neighborhood association fight that as I am driving thru their damn flowerbeds.  Insuring it will take some pure ingenuity. No company is going to flat out insure a tank, but you have to sell them how its a converted farm tractor without revealing what is true nature is. The sad part, I made a few international calls to a base in bosnia and they have around 180 of them just sitting there. And they let you choose which one you want, and they also let you do anything to it short of bringing the main cannon "online" sort of speak. 

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What would you need insurance for? Who the hell would be able to steal it?

Its not for that. Comprehensive. Floods, fires, tornadoes. Now that is what always scares me the most. Even tho its a tank, bad things can still happen.

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I don't think you'd need a couple million unless you want the whole lot. The Sherman should run around $300k. Less if the restoration is not 100% - more if it is.

All of them of course... I'd also need to buy some property on which to play with them and build a building in which to store them.
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Keep in mind that any newer imports will have the breech trashed on the guns.  Breech blocks will be destroyed, barrels will have a large hole drilled across the bore, and a steel rod welded across the chamber to make sure that you can't even pretend to chamber a cartridge.


Ain't freedom wonderful? :squint:


If you are taller than 5'8", you can forget about driving a Soviet tank.  Even the latest Russian tank designs are designed around small men to keep the silhouette low.

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Keep in mind that any newer imports will have the breech trashed on the guns.  Breech blocks will be destroyed, barrels will have a large hole drilled across the bore, and a steel rod welded across the chamber to make sure that you can't even pretend to chamber a cartridge.


Ain't freedom wonderful? :squint:


If you are taller than 5'8", you can forget about driving a Soviet tank.  Even the latest Russian tank designs are designed around small men to keep the silhouette low.

I guess being 5'7" payed off. And plus, fixing all those minor inconveniences will be that much sweeter.


This should be the next TGO group buy. We all get one, and drive it to dave's house. And once in a while, we go and have fun. After we get a few more, we can have a mock battle. All we need is to get the cannons to fire a bucket of paint. It will be messy fun!

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