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Man Tries to Lie About Being a Vet


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I am not sure what he tells them, but I do know that one of them tried to talk to me about it. :) She was rather confused on mastication. LOL I am a volunteer parent at his school, with two cousins that teach there. Lets just say that I was immediately contacted about it, without any effort on their part to bring in the front office on the issue. :)

I think that it's rather alarming that a TEACHER wouldn't check out a dictionary before saying jack!

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May not be flash, my tablet is an android and doesn't support all flash.  And it only happens on some vids and not others. 


Yea, I got there just after the 3rd ID got there.  The Rangers have to go through Airborne School and Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP) before they actually go through Ranger School for the tab.  Failing one or the other can get you washed out, along with other disciplinary reasons.  Of course Airborne School is also something that some units can send you to even though the unit itself is not Airborne, its mainly an additional skill type school not a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).  As Riggers, we must be Airborne qualified before we go to our Advanced Individual Training (AIT) and we must stay on status or lose our MOS.  When stationed at Ft Bragg I was detailed out to Corp EDRE, which had us at Ft Stewart to activate the bases 18 hour deployment sequence at least once a year, sometimes twice.  That was where I first experienced a close encounter with the local alligators and swine.


I know all about the gators, seems like every swampy pond or lake was full of them. Never saw any of them over 4 or 5 feet though. Only saw a couple of pigs driving a jeep at night post guard duty.

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I believe it counts at Stolen Valor.


One I bet he was there stopping hoping to get discounts because of the uniform.

Most shop keepers would not know what to look for.


Second, had the person behind the camera been wrong, I suspect he would have produced Military ID and or called a police officer about the man harassing him. 



A few weeks ago, in a store in Gatlingburg a girl gave a guy in front of me a military discount and she thought I might have been.


She ask me if I had a military ID, I just kinda lower my head a little and said I never severed.  She said by the way I held myself she thought I must have been former military.  I paid full price as I expected.

Edited by vontar
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I believe it counts at Stolen Valor.


One I bet he was there stopping hoping to get discounts because of the uniform.

Most shop keepers would not know what to look for.


Second, had the person behind the camera been wrong, I suspect he would have produced Military ID and or called a police officer about the man harassing him. 



A few weeks ago, in a store in Gatlingburg a girl gave a guy in front of me a military discount and she thought I might have been.


She ask me if I had a military ID, I just kinda lower my head a little and said I never severed.  She said by the way I held myself she thought I must have been former military.  I paid full price as I expected.


Yep, he could have pulled out his wallet and showed the guy his photo military ID. Easy enough and you never go anywhere without it weather in uniform or civies.

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I believe it counts at Stolen Valor.
One I bet he was there stopping hoping to get discounts because of the uniform.
Most shop keepers would not know what to look for.
Second, had the person behind the camera been wrong, I suspect he would have produced Military ID and or called a police officer about the man harassing him. 
A few weeks ago, in a store in Gatlingburg a girl gave a guy in front of me a military discount and she thought I might have been.
She ask me if I had a military ID, I just kinda lower my head a little and said I never severed.  She said by the way I held myself she thought I must have been former military.  I paid full price as I expected.

I hope you didn't lower it because you didn't serve; no need to. The military is not for everyone, and we need to have the homefront supported as well.

At Rural King I was getting some fencing supplies and after I paid she said, next time you should ask for the military discount. I asked if she could just adjust it and she said no, ok I left. Couple days later I went for something else and was given the discount, a day after I went again and the cashier tells me they don't let new cashiers give a discount; Crazy place. A few places only give it to active duty, not retirees, it don't bother me either way. It usually doesn't amount to much, at least not enough to make a big deal about it, or lie to get it.
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I think that it's rather alarming that a TEACHER wouldn't check out a dictionary before saying jack!

I guess I left some of the event out. I mentioned I am a volunteer parent and our work room is right down the hall. By the time the teacher got to me she was all smiles to relate the tale. With IPhone in had and I assumed it was to look up that word. For the record it was 1st grade with a very nice, very young and very new teacher. She didn't expect that from her students. When she brought it up to me she was all smiles and laughs at that point. LOL


Back on track, an active or retired service member is required to have the Geneva Conventions ID card on them at all times, uniformed or not. Ones that separate after their first or second term serving less than eight years are issued an inactive card.

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 A few places only give it to active duty, not retirees, it don't bother me either way. It usually doesn't amount to much, at least not enough to make a big deal about it, or lie to get it.

That's my take, I don't usually ask for nor do I expect it. However it is a nice thing businesses do for service members. I don't even get mad when it active only, as they are the ones that actually need to cost savings. Again they should produce the ID though. 

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Yep, he could have pulled out his wallet and showed the guy his photo military ID. Easy enough and you never go anywhere without it weather in uniform or civies.


isn't it required?  been a long time since I was in, but I thought it was an actual requirement.

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isn't it required?  been a long time since I was in, but I thought it was an actual requirement.


Yes, as long as someone is active duty i'm 99% sure it's required to have it on you, at least that's what I remember. Also I remember when going on leave we had to write a phone number on a clipboard at the desk in the barraks where you can be reached if you had to be called back. The 24th at the time was part of the rapid deployment force.

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Yes, as long as someone is active duty i'm 99% sure it's required to have it on you, at least that's what I remember. Also I remember when going on leave we had to write a phone number on a clipboard at the desk in the barraks where you can be reached if you had to be called back. The 24th at the time was part of the rapid deployment force.


Yeah that RDF stuff sucked, they seemed to want to kill us at Ft. Stewart by basically leaving 3/69ar on the list 24/7.  Hell, in 1998 after getting back from Desert Fox/Thunder we thought we were all good - had the battalion level formation the Wednesday before everyone's leave started for Christmas, released us at 4:30pm and then called us all back to formation at 6pm saying everyone's leave had been revoked because we were probably going back to the desert in a few days.

I re-enlisted just to get out of that place, it was just too much to deal with.

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Yeah that RDF stuff sucked, they seemed to want to kill us at Ft. Stewart by basically leaving 3/69ar on the list 24/7.  Hell, in 1998 after getting back from Desert Fox/Thunder we thought we were all good - had the battalion level formation the Wednesday before everyone's leave started for Christmas, released us at 4:30pm and then called us all back to formation at 6pm saying everyone's leave had been revoked because we were probably going back to the desert in a few days.

I re-enlisted just to get out of that place, it was just too much to deal with.


We had our drills back in the early 80s but there wasn't much danger of being deployed overseas at the time. We did wonder if we would ever be deployed to Iran but a funny thing happed, the Iranians released the embassy hostages the very day Ronald Reagan was inagerated. Wonder why? There was some Central America stuff going on then but nothing that the U.S. would get "directly" involved in. I remember cheering on Iraq and Saddam back then to kick Irans ars in their war, funny how things can change. We did however deploy to Eglin Air Force base in Florida for 35 days, loaded all the APC's, M-60 Patton tanks on some huge cargo ship in the Savannah River and took busses to Eglin to unload. I only got to bathe 3 times in 35 days, I learned that you will reach a certain point of stink and you can't stink any worse after that. I called it "terminal stink". We loaded all the vehicals back on flatbed train cars for the return trip back to Stewart and we got to fly back on a 707, Arrow Air, the charter service the Army used then. It was a couple of years after that I believe when the 101st lost alot of soldiers when an Arrow Air flight crashed in Newfoundland.

Edited by K191145
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I believe it counts at Stolen Valor.


One I bet he was there stopping hoping to get discounts because of the uniform.

Most shop keepers would not know what to look for.


Second, had the person behind the camera been wrong, I suspect he would have produced Military ID and or called a police officer about the man harassing him. 



A few weeks ago, in a store in Gatlingburg a girl gave a guy in front of me a military discount and she thought I might have been.


She ask me if I had a military ID, I just kinda lower my head a little and said I never severed.  She said by the way I held myself she thought I must have been former military.  I paid full price as I expected.


I keep my head buzzed and love to talk firearms so I've been asked NUMEROUS times if I served.


I didn't, so I just say "no". It's a simple choice, why lie? What's lying going to get you? Maybe these people just feel worthless because they didn't. Admittedly there's an empty spot in me that wishes I had... but I didn't. That's that.


I've never wanted to claim something that I didn't earn.


I earned a wife, 2 wonderful children, a college degree and an awesome career. I'd rather brag about those things.



***edit*** Vontar, just following your lead, thus the quote. Didn't want you to think any of my comment was directed at you :)

Edited by NoBanStan
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Well I did serve, not during combat, but I served. That said, I do not ask for special consideration, I don't take advantage of "veteran specials" to me that's for our combat vets which I'm proud of each and every one of you that did serve during combat.
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Well I did serve, not during combat, but I served. That said, I do not ask for special consideration, I don't take advantage of "veteran specials" to me that's for our combat vets which I'm proud of each and every one of you that did serve during combat.



If you don't take advantage of the freebies, how did I snap this pic of you dressed up for dinner at Applebees a few weeks ago???





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Our kids (7yrs old) are having a birthday "sleepover weekend" this weekend.  As I stood across the room and watched them talk and work on legos, I had to hold back tears watching our awesome little buddy who's father gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  I don't know the details, but I will always have a soft spot for him.  He is such a good, caring, bright kid.  


I have never served; I have never come close to serving.  I have very little to say to/for/about folks who would lie about serving.  ugh.

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I have never served. Come from a long line of family members that have, and I'm proud to be a part of a military family! I was born with TGA which is transposition of the great arteries. So, uncle Sam wouldn't take me. However, I represent my father and the rest of my family by always thanking them and all others who have served or currently serve. I regret not being able to serve my country. Dad sat me down when I was younger and told me not to worry, that some people aren't able to serve. He also said I've taught you how to shoot, if the day ever comes, you may be standing shoulder to shoulder with others defending the country we love. Which, I hope never comes.
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I have never served either but I also come from a family of military servicemen/women. I have been asked on several occasions if I was in the military, most times to give me a discount. I always decline as I have never served. I have also had servicemen ask what unit I was in and once he asked what my MOS was. At the time I had no clue what an MOS was and I was dumbfounded, once he explained it, I told him I'd never served. Guess I just have that look. Point is, there is no reason to take something you didnt earn. Those discounts are to honor our servicemen that protect our way of life by risking their own.
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