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seal team six fact


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Sounds like fun to me. I use to bum weapons from Team 3. They offered up all I could ever want or use for our training purposes. Didn't even ask me to clean them when we brought them back. My buddy was a platoon leader. It was good have friends. :)

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Watching a documentary - they said that seal team six shoots more ammunition in a year than the entire marine corps ammunition allowance. :rock:

185k Marines. At minimum we all qualify on the rifle range once a year. 3 days of known distance firing 60 shots a day, then two days of Table two firing 100 shots a day. So bare min. is 380 rounds per year per Marine. This does not include crew served weapons training, supplemental training by the infantry which includes a lot of live fire, and live fire training on vehicle mounted systems and airborne systems. So it we go off min. Rounds fired minus all that, you are at 70,300,000 rounds for 185k Marines. I'd say the actual number of allowance is 3 to 4 times that. If it's 4 times that's 281 million rounds. So unless each member of Seal team six is running a million rounds each (guessing at 300 members, probably much smaller) they aren't even close. That would be 2600 rounds a day, 365 days a year. I think somebody is full of #### and needs a calculator lol.

Edit: Found the quote in the book Rouge warrior written by ST6 commander Richard Marcinko. He claims that his 90 man command used more ammo than the entire Marine Corps. That's 2100 rounds per man, per day at the very base training number of 70,300,000 for the USMC allowance. If it's my guess of 4 times that, 281 million rounds, it would be 8500 rounds a day, year round.

On that note, I have had to much borboun and will leave the Marine vs Seal pissing contest alone for the evening. Semper Fi, Good night and Happy New Year.

Sent from behind the anvil Edited by Spots
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Because it was disbanded in 1987?

If you want to get technical, yes, but that's how they're still referred to in popular culture, because Development Group doesn't sound as sexy. It's still the same thing.
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185k Marines. At minimum we all qualify on the rifle range once a year. 3 days of known distance firing 60 shots a day, then two days of Table two firing 100 shots a day. So bare min. is 380 rounds per year per Marine. This does not include crew served weapons training, supplemental training by the infantry which includes a lot of live fire, and live fire training on vehicle mounted systems and airborne systems. So it we go off min. Rounds fired minus all that, you are at 70,300,000 rounds for 185k Marines. I'd say the actual number of allowance is 3 to 4 times that. If it's 4 times that's 281 million rounds. So unless each member of Seal team six is running a million rounds each (guessing at 300 members, probably much smaller) they aren't even close. That would be 2600 rounds a day, 365 days a year. I think somebody is full of #### and needs a calculator lol.

Edit: Found the quote in the book Rouge warrior written by ST6 commander Richard Marcinko. He claims that his 90 man command used more ammo than the entire Marine Corps. That's 2100 rounds per man, per day at the very base training number of 70,300,000 for the USMC allowance. If it's my guess of 4 times that, 281 million rounds, it would be 8500 rounds a day, year round.

On that note, I have had to much borboun and will leave the Marine vs Seal pissing contest alone for the evening. Semper Fi, Good night and Happy New Year.

Sent from behind the anvil




you have to add in the support aspects of of the operators as well, and the vehicle mounted weapons used.  A single M134 can run through 6000 rpm, put one of those on each of the boats doing a hot extract, say 10 boats with 9 on them plus crew.  5 minutes of firing would consume 300,000 rounds by themselves.  That's a very, very conservative number for a single type of weapon for a short period on a single training event.  As far as how much they actually fire with personal weapons, that dude that said he shot bin laden said they do shoot thousands of rounds per day training.

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I have no doubt they each go through thousands of rounds per day when doing live-fire training, but do they do that every day of the year? Surely they spend some days not shooting stuff. Don't they have demolitions training, foreign-language classes, leadership training, mission planning skills training, foreign culture training, heavy equipment training (like how to rig up an electric genny and water pump to help a village in the back end of nowhere, or drive a bulldozer), plus general physical fitness stuff like running a marathon with a pregnant wildebeest on their backs while doing the NYT Saturday crossword puzzle?


The vehicle mounted stuff that Sam1 mentioned could account for the discrepancy in the math.

Edited by monkeylizard
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I'm 100% certain they are counting in support as well.  Seals have virtually unlimited resources... Hell even the spec ops in the army had what we seen as unlimited resources.  When we were at Ft Stewart, we had to teach them how to operate a tank and we had never seen so much ammo come in for them to use.  As a company of 14 tanks, for one firing table each tank would see about 15 main gun rounds, maybe 4000 7.62 and 200 .50cal  When those guys came in they had a row of trucks sitting on the range carrying main gun rounds (each truck normally carried about 500 hundred rounds) and probably the equivalent of a semi-truck full of small arms ammo.


They shot more that day in our tanks than I shot in an entire 6 years active duty, including a combat deployment.

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They just changed the name to DevGru

It was disbanded completely then a new group was formed I thought. They started using the name because it was cool and had some history. Those original guys did some serious crap with a whole lot less.
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It was disbanded completely then a new group was formed I thought. They started using the name because it was cool and had some history. Those original guys did some serious crap with a whole lot less.

I think they just change names/designations from time to time, but probably stay within the same scope of capabilities and mission's. And while I'm sure each individual member of ST6 shoots way more than a normal Marine, we also use 134 mini guns, 240's, M249's, M60's and MA Deuces. The numbers just don't line up. And I'm not saying Seals are known to exaggerate and brag, but they tell some amazing fishing stories lol

Sent from behind the anvil
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If I’ve told you once, I've told you a million times; don’t exaggerate.


 I googled it up to see where the quote came from, it was from Richard Marcinko the first seal team 6 commander.  I'd have to say it seems to be a legit claim.

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I bet most of us shoot more than Marines. On a one to one basis. How come know one talks about Delta Force or the Green Berets anymore? They aren't as cool and new?


Greenies are a few steps below a seal.  You never hear about delta for anything, the only incident I can remember they were ever in the public eye was during Somali.  They're about like the Sayeret Matkal and stay in the shadows

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Greenies are a few steps below a seal. You never hear about delta for anything, the only incident I can remember they were ever in the public eye was during Somali. They're about like the Sayeret Matkal and stay in the shadows

I don't think I'd count a Green beret below a Seal. Just different missions, it still takes an incredible person to do either one. Of course MARSOC is the best on the planet, so everyone else is just competing for second place anyways.[emoji13]

Sent from behind the anvil
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